// Copyright (C) 2024 Simon Quigley // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "common.h" #include "update-maintainer-lib.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; // Limit concurrency to 5, ensuring at most 5 directories in /tmp at a time static std::counting_semaphore<5> semaphore(5); // Mutex to protect access to the repo_mutexes map static std::mutex repo_map_mutex; // Map to hold mutexes for each repository path static std::unordered_map repo_mutexes; static std::mutex& get_repo_mutex(const fs::path& repo_path) { std::lock_guard lock(repo_map_mutex); return repo_mutexes[repo_path]; } // Mutex and vector to store dput futures static std::mutex dput_futures_mutex; static std::vector> dput_futures; static const std::string BASE_DIR = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos"; static const std::string DEBFULLNAME = "Lugito"; static const std::string DEBEMAIL = "info@lubuntu.me"; static const std::string OUTPUT_DIR = BASE_DIR + "/build_output"; static const std::vector SUPPRESSED_LINTIAN_TAGS = { "orig-tarball-missing-upstream-signature", "package-has-long-file-name", "adopted-extended-field" }; static const std::string BASE_OUTPUT_DIR = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/output"; static const std::string LOG_DIR = BASE_OUTPUT_DIR + "/logs/source_builds"; static std::string BASE_LINTIAN_DIR; static const std::string REAL_LINTIAN_DIR = BASE_OUTPUT_DIR + "/lintian"; static std::string urgency_level_override = "low"; static int worker_count = 5; static bool verbose = false; static std::ofstream log_file_stream; static std::string get_current_utc_time() { auto now = std::time(nullptr); std::tm tm_utc; gmtime_r(&now, &tm_utc); char buf[20]; std::strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &tm_utc); return std::string(buf); } static void log_all(const std::string &level, const std::string &msg, bool is_error=false) { std::string timestamp = get_current_utc_time(); std::string full_msg = "[" + timestamp + "] [" + level + "] " + msg + "\n"; if (is_error) { std::cerr << full_msg; } else if (level != "VERBOSE") { std::cout << full_msg; } if (log_file_stream.is_open()) { log_file_stream << full_msg; log_file_stream.flush(); } } static void log_info(const std::string &msg) { log_all("INFO", msg); } static void log_warning(const std::string &msg) { log_all("WARN", msg, false); } static void log_error(const std::string &msg) { log_all("ERROR", msg, true); } static void log_verbose(const std::string &msg) { if (verbose) { log_all("VERBOSE", msg); } } static void print_help(const std::string &prog_name) { std::cout << "Usage: " << prog_name << " [OPTIONS] \n" << "Options:\n" << " --skip-dput Skip uploading changes with dput.\n" << " --skip-cleanup Skip cleaning up the output directory after execution.\n" << " --urgency-level=LEVEL Set the urgency level (default: low).\n" << " --workers=N Set the number of worker threads (default: 5).\n" << " --verbose, -v Enable verbose logging.\n" << " --help, -h Display this help message.\n"; } static void run_command_silent_on_success(const std::vector &cmd, const std::optional &cwd = std::nullopt) { std::string command_str = std::accumulate(cmd.begin(), cmd.end(), std::string(), [](const std::string &a, const std::string &b) -> std::string { return a + (a.empty() ? "" : " ") + b; }); log_info("Running command: " + command_str); if(cwd) { log_info("Executing in directory: " + cwd->string()); } std::string exec_cmd = command_str; if(cwd) exec_cmd = "cd " + cwd->string() + " && " + exec_cmd; FILE* pipe = popen(exec_cmd.c_str(), "r"); if(!pipe) { log_error("Failed to run command: " + command_str); throw std::runtime_error("Command failed to start"); } std::stringstream ss; { char buffer[256]; while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pipe)) { ss << buffer; } } int ret = pclose(pipe); if (ret != 0) { log_error("Command failed with code " + std::to_string(ret) + ": " + command_str); log_error("Output:\n" + ss.str()); throw std::runtime_error("Command execution failed"); } else { log_verbose("Command executed successfully: " + command_str); } } static void git_init_once() { static std::once_flag flag; std::call_once(flag, [](){ log_info("Initializing libgit2"); git_libgit2_init(); log_verbose("libgit2 initialized"); }); } static void git_fetch_and_checkout(const fs::path &repo_path, const std::string &repo_url, const std::optional &branch) { log_info("Fetching and checking out repository: " + repo_url + " into " + repo_path.string()); git_init_once(); git_repository* repo = nullptr; bool need_clone = false; if(fs::exists(repo_path)) { log_verbose("Repository path exists. Attempting to open repository."); int err = git_repository_open(&repo, repo_path.string().c_str()); if(err < 0) { log_warning("Cannot open repo at " + repo_path.string() + ", recloning."); fs::remove_all(repo_path); need_clone = true; } else { log_verbose("Repository opened successfully."); } } else { log_verbose("Repository path does not exist. Cloning required."); need_clone = true; } if(!need_clone && repo != nullptr) { git_remote* remote = nullptr; int err = git_remote_lookup(&remote, repo, "origin"); if(err < 0) { log_warning("No origin remote found. Recloning."); git_repository_free(repo); fs::remove_all(repo_path); need_clone = true; } else { const char* url = git_remote_url(remote); if(!url || repo_url != url) { log_warning("Remote URL differs. Recloning."); git_remote_free(remote); git_repository_free(repo); fs::remove_all(repo_path); need_clone = true; } else { log_verbose("Remote URL matches. Fetching latest changes."); git_remote_free(remote); git_remote* origin = nullptr; git_remote_lookup(&origin, repo, "origin"); git_fetch_options fetch_opts = GIT_FETCH_OPTIONS_INIT; git_remote_fetch(origin, nullptr, &fetch_opts, nullptr); git_remote_free(origin); log_verbose("Fetch completed."); if(branch) { git_reference* ref = nullptr; std::string fullbranch = "refs/remotes/origin/" + *branch; if(git_reference_lookup(&ref, repo, fullbranch.c_str()) == 0) { git_object* target = nullptr; git_reference_peel(&target, ref, GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT); git_checkout_options co_opts = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; co_opts.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE; git_checkout_tree(repo, target, &co_opts); git_reference_free(ref); git_repository_set_head_detached(repo, git_object_id(target)); git_object_free(target); log_info("Checked out branch: " + *branch); } else { log_warning("Branch " + *branch + " not found, recloning."); git_repository_free(repo); fs::remove_all(repo_path); need_clone = true; } } git_repository_free(repo); } } } if(need_clone) { log_info("Cloning repository from " + repo_url + " to " + repo_path.string()); git_clone_options clone_opts = GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS_INIT; git_checkout_options co_opts = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; co_opts.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE; clone_opts.checkout_opts = co_opts; git_repository* newrepo = nullptr; int err = git_clone(&newrepo, repo_url.c_str(), repo_path.string().c_str(), &clone_opts); if(err < 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log_error(std::string("Git clone failed: ") + (e ? e->message : "unknown error")); throw std::runtime_error("Git clone failed"); } log_info("Repository cloned successfully."); if(branch) { git_reference* ref = nullptr; std::string fullbranch = "refs/remotes/origin/" + *branch; if(git_reference_lookup(&ref, newrepo, fullbranch.c_str()) == 0) { git_object* target = nullptr; git_reference_peel(&target, ref, GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT); git_checkout_options co_opts_clone = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; co_opts_clone.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE; git_checkout_tree(newrepo, target, &co_opts_clone); git_reference_free(ref); git_repository_set_head_detached(newrepo, git_object_id(target)); git_object_free(target); log_info("Checked out branch: " + *branch + " after clone."); } else { log_warning("Git checkout of branch " + *branch + " failed after clone."); git_repository_free(newrepo); throw std::runtime_error("Branch checkout failed"); } } git_repository_free(newrepo); } log_verbose("Finished fetching and checking out repository: " + repo_path.string()); } static YAML::Node load_config(const fs::path &config_path) { log_info("Loading configuration from " + config_path.string()); YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile(config_path.string()); if (!config["packages"] || !config["releases"]) { log_error("Config file missing 'packages' or 'releases' sections."); throw std::runtime_error("Config file must contain 'packages' and 'releases' sections."); } log_verbose("Configuration loaded successfully."); return config; } static void publish_lintian() { log_info("Publishing Lintian results."); if(!BASE_LINTIAN_DIR.empty() && fs::exists(BASE_LINTIAN_DIR)) { for (auto &p : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(BASE_LINTIAN_DIR)) { if (fs::is_regular_file(p)) { fs::path rel = fs::relative(p.path(), BASE_LINTIAN_DIR); fs::path dest = fs::path(REAL_LINTIAN_DIR) / rel; fs::create_directories(dest.parent_path()); std::error_code ec; fs::copy_file(p.path(), dest, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec); if(ec) { log_error("Failed to copy Lintian file: " + p.path().string() + " to " + dest.string() + ". Error: " + ec.message()); } else { log_verbose("Copied Lintian file: " + p.path().string() + " to " + dest.string()); } } } fs::remove_all(BASE_LINTIAN_DIR); log_info("Removed temporary Lintian directory: " + BASE_LINTIAN_DIR); } else { log_verbose("No Lintian directory to publish."); } } static std::vector get_exclusions(const fs::path &packaging) { log_verbose("Retrieving exclusions from: " + packaging.string()); std::vector exclusions; fs::path cpr = packaging / "debian" / "copyright"; if(!fs::exists(cpr)) { log_verbose("No copyright file found."); return exclusions; } std::ifstream f(cpr); if(!f) { log_warning("Failed to open copyright file."); return exclusions; } std::string line; bool found = false; while(std::getline(f, line)) { if (line.find("Files-Excluded:") != std::string::npos) { log_verbose("Found 'Files-Excluded' in copyright."); size_t pos = line.find(':'); if(pos != std::string::npos) { std::string excl = line.substr(pos + 1); std::istringstream iss(excl); std::string token; while(iss >> token) { exclusions.push_back(token); log_verbose("Exclusion added: " + token); } } found = true; break; } } if(!found) { log_verbose("'Files-Excluded' not found in copyright."); } return exclusions; } static void run_source_lintian(const std::string &name, const fs::path &source_path) { log_info("Running Lintian for package: " + name); fs::path temp_file = fs::temp_directory_path() / ("lintian_suppress_" + name + ".txt"); { std::ofstream of(temp_file); for (auto &tag: SUPPRESSED_LINTIAN_TAGS) { of << tag << "\n"; } } log_verbose("Created Lintian suppression file: " + temp_file.string()); std::string cmd = "lintian -EvIL +pedantic --suppress-tags-from-file " + temp_file.string() + " " + source_path.string() + " 2>&1"; FILE* pipe = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"); std::stringstream ss; if(pipe) { char buffer[256]; while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pipe)) { ss << buffer; } int ret = pclose(pipe); fs::remove(temp_file); log_verbose("Lintian command exited with code: " + std::to_string(ret)); if(ret != 0) { log_error("Lintian reported issues for " + name + ":\n" + ss.str()); if(!ss.str().empty()) { fs::path pkgdir = fs::path(BASE_LINTIAN_DIR) / name; fs::create_directories(pkgdir); std::ofstream out(pkgdir / "source.txt", std::ios::app); out << ss.str() << "\n"; } } else { if(!ss.str().empty()) { fs::path pkgdir = fs::path(BASE_LINTIAN_DIR) / name; fs::create_directories(pkgdir); std::ofstream out(pkgdir / "source.txt", std::ios::app); out << ss.str() << "\n"; } } } else { fs::remove(temp_file); log_error("Failed to run Lintian for package: " + name); } log_verbose("Completed Lintian run for package: " + name); } static void dput_source(const std::string &name, const std::string &upload_target, const std::vector &changes_files, const std::vector &devel_changes_files) { log_info("Uploading changes for package: " + name + " to " + upload_target); if(!changes_files.empty()) { std::string hr_changes; for(auto &c: changes_files) hr_changes += c + " "; log_verbose("Changes files: " + hr_changes); std::vector cmd = {"dput", upload_target}; for(auto &c: changes_files) cmd.push_back(c); try { run_command_silent_on_success(cmd, OUTPUT_DIR); log_info("Successfully uploaded changes for package: " + name); for(auto &file: devel_changes_files) { if(!file.empty()) { run_source_lintian(name, file); } } } catch (...) { log_error("Failed to upload changes for package: " + name); } } else { log_warning("No changes files to upload for package: " + name); } } static void update_changelog(const fs::path &packaging_dir, const std::string &release, const std::string &version_with_epoch) { std::string name = packaging_dir.filename().string(); log_info("Updating changelog for " + name + " to version " + version_with_epoch + "-0ubuntu1~ppa1"); try { run_command_silent_on_success({"git", "checkout", "debian/changelog"}, packaging_dir); log_verbose("Checked out debian/changelog for " + name); } catch (const std::exception &e) { log_error("Failed to checkout debian/changelog for " + name + ": " + e.what()); throw; } std::vector cmd = { "dch", "--distribution", release, "--package", name, "--newversion", version_with_epoch + "-0ubuntu1~ppa1", "--urgency", urgency_level_override, "CI upload." }; run_command_silent_on_success(cmd, packaging_dir); log_info("Changelog updated for " + name); } static std::string build_package(const fs::path &packaging_dir, const std::map &env_vars, bool large) { // Acquire the semaphore here so that each build only happens if there's capacity. // This ensures we never have more than 5 /tmp dirs at once. semaphore.acquire(); std::string name = packaging_dir.filename().string(); log_info("Building source package for " + name); fs::path temp_dir; std::error_code ec; // If anything fails, we still want to release the semaphore and clean up. // We'll use a scope guard pattern here. auto cleanup = [&]() { if(!temp_dir.empty()) { fs::remove_all(temp_dir, ec); if(ec) { log_warning("Failed to remove temporary directory: " + temp_dir.string() + " Error: " + ec.message()); } else { log_verbose("Removed temporary build directory: " + temp_dir.string()); } } semaphore.release(); }; try { if(large) { temp_dir = fs::path(OUTPUT_DIR) / (".tmp_" + name + "_" + env_vars.at("VERSION")); fs::create_directories(temp_dir); } else { temp_dir = fs::temp_directory_path() / ("tmp_build_" + name + "_" + env_vars.at("VERSION")); fs::create_directories(temp_dir); } log_verbose("Temporary packaging directory created at: " + temp_dir.string()); fs::path temp_packaging_dir = temp_dir / name; fs::create_directories(temp_packaging_dir, ec); if(ec) { log_error("Failed to create temporary packaging directory: " + temp_packaging_dir.string() + " Error: " + ec.message()); throw std::runtime_error("Temporary packaging directory creation failed"); } fs::copy(packaging_dir / "debian", temp_packaging_dir / "debian", fs::copy_options::recursive, ec); if(ec) { log_error("Failed to copy debian directory: " + ec.message()); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to copy debian directory"); } std::string tarball_name = name + "_" + env_vars.at("VERSION") + ".orig.tar.gz"; fs::path tarball_source = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / (name + "_MAIN.orig.tar.gz"); fs::path tarball_dest = temp_dir / tarball_name; fs::copy_file(tarball_source, tarball_dest, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec); if(ec) { log_error("Failed to copy tarball: " + ec.message()); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to copy tarball"); } for (auto &e: env_vars) { setenv(e.first.c_str(), e.second.c_str(), 1); log_verbose("Set environment variable: " + e.first + " = " + e.second); } std::vector cmd_build = {"debuild", "--no-lintian", "-S", "-d", "-sa", "-nc"}; run_command_silent_on_success(cmd_build, temp_packaging_dir); run_command_silent_on_success({"git", "checkout", "debian/changelog"}, packaging_dir); log_info("Built package for " + name); std::string pattern = name + "_" + env_vars.at("VERSION"); std::string changes_file; for(auto &entry: fs::directory_iterator(temp_dir)) { std::string fname = entry.path().filename().string(); if(fname.rfind(pattern, 0) == 0) { fs::path dest = fs::path(OUTPUT_DIR) / fname; fs::copy_file(entry.path(), dest, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec); if(!ec) { log_verbose("Copied built package " + fname + " to " + OUTPUT_DIR); } } } for(auto &entry : fs::directory_iterator(OUTPUT_DIR)) { std::string fname = entry.path().filename().string(); if(fname.rfind(name + "_" + env_vars.at("VERSION"), 0) == 0 && fname.ends_with("_source.changes")) { changes_file = entry.path().string(); log_info("Found changes file: " + changes_file); } } if(changes_file.empty()) { log_error("No changes file found after build for package: " + name); throw std::runtime_error("Changes file not found"); } log_info("Built package successfully, changes file: " + changes_file); cleanup(); return changes_file; } catch(...) { cleanup(); throw; } } static void process_package(const YAML::Node &pkg, const YAML::Node &releases) { std::string name = pkg["name"] ? pkg["name"].as() : ""; std::string upload_target = pkg["upload_target"] ? pkg["upload_target"].as() : "ppa:lubuntu-ci/unstable-ci-proposed"; if(name.empty()) { log_warning("Skipping package due to missing name."); return; } log_info("Processing package: " + name); fs::path packaging_destination = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / name; fs::path changelog_path = packaging_destination / "debian" / "changelog"; std::string version = ""; std::string upstream_url = pkg["upstream_url"] ? pkg["upstream_url"].as() : ("https://github.com/lxqt/" + name + ".git"); fs::path upstream_destination = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / ("upstream-" + name); std::optional packaging_branch = std::nullopt; if(pkg["packaging_branch"] && pkg["packaging_branch"].IsScalar()) { packaging_branch = pkg["packaging_branch"].as(); } else if (releases.size() > 0) { packaging_branch = "ubuntu/" + releases[0].as(); } std::string packaging_url = pkg["packaging_url"] ? pkg["packaging_url"].as() : ("https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/" + name + "-packaging.git"); fs::path packaging_repo = packaging_destination; std::mutex& upstream_mutex = get_repo_mutex(upstream_destination); std::mutex& packaging_mutex = get_repo_mutex(packaging_repo); std::scoped_lock lock(upstream_mutex, packaging_mutex); git_fetch_and_checkout(upstream_destination, upstream_url, std::nullopt); git_fetch_and_checkout(packaging_repo, packaging_url, packaging_branch); try { log_info("Updating maintainer for package: " + name); update_maintainer((packaging_destination / "debian").string(), false); log_info("Maintainer updated for package: " + name); } catch(std::exception &e) { log_warning("update_maintainer error for " + name + ": " + std::string(e.what())); } auto exclusions = get_exclusions(packaging_destination); log_info("Creating tarball for package: " + name); create_tarball(name, upstream_destination, exclusions); log_info("Tarball created for package: " + name); version = parse_version(changelog_path); bool large = pkg["large"] ? pkg["large"].as() : false; if(large) { log_info("Package " + name + " is marked as large."); } std::map env_map; env_map["DEBFULLNAME"] = DEBFULLNAME; env_map["DEBEMAIL"] = DEBEMAIL; std::string epoch; std::string version_no_epoch = version; if(auto pos = version.find(':'); pos != std::string::npos) { epoch = version.substr(0, pos); version_no_epoch = version.substr(pos + 1); log_verbose("Package " + name + " has epoch: " + epoch); } env_map["VERSION"] = version_no_epoch; std::vector changes_files; std::vector devel_changes_files; for(auto rel : releases) { std::string release = rel.as(); log_info("Building " + name + " for release: " + release); std::string release_version_no_epoch = version_no_epoch + "~" + release; std::string version_for_dch = epoch.empty() ? release_version_no_epoch : (epoch + ":" + release_version_no_epoch); env_map["UPLOAD_TARGET"] = upload_target; update_changelog(packaging_destination, release, version_for_dch); env_map["VERSION"] = release_version_no_epoch; try { std::string changes_file = build_package(packaging_destination, env_map, large); if(!changes_file.empty()) { changes_files.push_back(changes_file); if(rel == releases[0]) { devel_changes_files.push_back(changes_file); } else { devel_changes_files.push_back(""); } } } catch(std::exception &e) { log_error("Error building package '" + name + "' for release '" + release + "': " + std::string(e.what())); } } fs::path main_tarball = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / (name + "_MAIN.orig.tar.gz"); fs::remove(main_tarball); log_verbose("Removed main orig tarball for package: " + name); if(!changes_files.empty() && !upload_target.empty()) { std::vector dput_changes = changes_files; std::vector dput_devel_changes = devel_changes_files; auto fut = std::async(std::launch::async, [name, upload_target, dput_changes, dput_devel_changes]() { dput_source(name, upload_target, dput_changes, dput_devel_changes); }); { std::lock_guard lock(dput_futures_mutex); dput_futures.emplace_back(std::move(fut)); } } else { log_warning("No changes files to upload for package: " + name); } } static void prepare_package(const YAML::Node &pkg, const YAML::Node &releases) { try { process_package(pkg, releases); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log_error(std::string("Exception in processing package: ") + e.what()); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string prog_name = fs::path(argv[0]).filename().string(); for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { std::string arg = argv[i]; if(arg == "--help" || arg == "-h") { print_help(prog_name); return 0; } if(arg == "--verbose" || arg == "-v") { verbose = true; for(int j = i; j < argc - 1; j++) { argv[j] = argv[j+1]; } argc--; i--; continue; } } log_info("Script started."); fs::create_directories(LOG_DIR); log_info("Ensured log directory exists: " + LOG_DIR); fs::create_directories(OUTPUT_DIR); log_info("Ensured output directory exists: " + OUTPUT_DIR); auto now = std::time(nullptr); std::tm tm; gmtime_r(&now, &tm); char buf_time[20]; std::strftime(buf_time, sizeof(buf_time), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", &tm); std::string current_time = buf_time; std::string uuid_part = current_time.substr(0,10); BASE_LINTIAN_DIR = BASE_OUTPUT_DIR + "/.lintian.tmp." + uuid_part; fs::create_directories(BASE_LINTIAN_DIR); log_info("Created Lintian temporary directory: " + BASE_LINTIAN_DIR); fs::path log_file = fs::path(LOG_DIR) / (current_time + ".log"); log_info("Opening log file: " + log_file.string()); log_file_stream.open(log_file); if(!log_file_stream.is_open()) { std::cerr << "[ERROR] Unable to open log file.\n"; return 1; } log_info("Log file opened successfully."); bool skip_dput = false; bool skip_cleanup = false; std::string config_path; for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { std::string arg = argv[i]; log_info("Processing argument: " + arg); if(arg == "--skip-dput") { skip_dput = true; log_info("Flag set: --skip-dput"); } else if(arg == "--skip-cleanup") { skip_cleanup = true; log_info("Flag set: --skip-cleanup"); } else if(arg.rfind("--urgency-level=", 0) == 0) { urgency_level_override = arg.substr(std::string("--urgency-level=").size()); log_info("Urgency level overridden to: " + urgency_level_override); } else if(arg.rfind("--workers=", 0) == 0) { worker_count = std::stoi(arg.substr(std::string("--workers=").size())); if(worker_count < 1) worker_count = 1; log_info("Worker count set to: " + std::to_string(worker_count)); } else if(config_path.empty()) { config_path = arg; log_info("Config path set to: " + config_path); } } if(config_path.empty()) { log_error("No config file specified."); print_help(prog_name); return 1; } setenv("DEBFULLNAME", DEBFULLNAME.c_str(), 1); log_info("Set DEBFULLNAME to: " + DEBFULLNAME); setenv("DEBEMAIL", DEBEMAIL.c_str(), 1); log_info("Set DEBEMAIL to: " + DEBEMAIL); YAML::Node config; try { config = load_config(config_path); } catch (std::exception &e) { log_error(std::string("Error loading config file: ") + e.what()); return 1; } auto packages = config["packages"]; auto releases = config["releases"]; log_info("Loaded " + std::to_string(packages.size()) + " packages and " + std::to_string(releases.size()) + " releases from config."); fs::current_path(BASE_DIR); log_info("Set current working directory to BASE_DIR: " + BASE_DIR); std::vector> futures; log_info("Starting package preparation for " + std::to_string(packages.size()) + " packages."); for(auto pkg : packages) { futures.emplace_back(std::async(std::launch::async, prepare_package, pkg, releases)); } for(auto &fut : futures) { try { fut.get(); log_info("Package processed successfully."); } catch(std::exception &e) { log_error(std::string("Task generated an exception: ") + e.what()); } } { std::lock_guard lock(dput_futures_mutex); for(auto &fut : dput_futures) { try { fut.get(); log_info("Dput upload completed successfully."); } catch(std::exception &e) { log_error(std::string("Dput upload generated an exception: ") + e.what()); } } } if(!skip_cleanup) { log_info("Cleaning up output directory: " + OUTPUT_DIR); fs::remove_all(OUTPUT_DIR); log_info("Cleanup completed."); } else { log_info("Skipping cleanup as per flag."); } log_info("Publishing Lintian results."); publish_lintian(); log_info("Cleaning old logs."); clean_old_logs(fs::path(LOG_DIR)); log_info("Script completed successfully."); return 0; }