2016-03-13 13:35:51 +01:00
if ( NOT CPackComponentsDEB_SOURCE_DIR )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "CPackComponentsDEB_SOURCE_DIR not set" )
endif ( )
include ( ${ CPackComponentsDEB_SOURCE_DIR } /RunCPackVerifyResult.cmake )
# expected results
2020-02-01 23:06:01 +01:00
set ( expected_file_mask "${CPackComponentsDEB_BINARY_DIR}/mylib-*_1.0.3_*.deb" )
2016-03-13 13:35:51 +01:00
set ( expected_count 3 )
set ( config_verbose -V )
set ( actual_output )
run_cpack ( actual_output
C P a c k _ o u t p u t
C P a c k _ e r r o r
E X P E C T E D _ F I L E _ M A S K " $ { e x p e c t e d _ f i l e _ m a s k } "
C O N F I G _ A R G S $ { c o n f i g _ a r g s }
C O N F I G _ V E R B O S E $ { c o n f i g _ v e r b o s e } )
if ( NOT actual_output )
message ( STATUS "expected_count='${expected_count}'" )
message ( STATUS "expected_file_mask='${expected_file_mask}'" )
message ( STATUS "actual_output_files='${actual_output}'" )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "error: expected_files do not exist: CPackComponentsDEB test fails. (CPack_output=${CPack_output}, CPack_error=${CPack_error}" )
endif ( )
list ( LENGTH actual_output actual_count )
if ( NOT actual_count EQUAL expected_count )
message ( STATUS "actual_count='${actual_count}'" )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "error: expected_count=${expected_count} does not match actual_count=${actual_count}: CPackComponents test fails. (CPack_output=${CPack_output}, CPack_error=${CPack_error})" )
endif ( )
# dpkg-deb checks for the summary of the packages
find_program ( DPKGDEB_EXECUTABLE dpkg-deb )
foreach ( _f IN LISTS actual_output )
# extracts the metadata from the package
run_dpkgdeb ( dpkg_output
F I L E N A M E " $ { _ f } "
dpkgdeb_return_specific_metaentry ( dpkg_package_name
D P K G D E B _ O U T P U T " $ { d p k g _ o u t p u t } "
M E T A E N T R Y " P a c k a g e : " )
dpkgdeb_return_specific_metaentry ( dpkg_package_source
D P K G D E B _ O U T P U T " $ { d p k g _ o u t p u t } "
M E T A E N T R Y " S o u r c e : " )
message ( STATUS "package='${_f}', source='${dpkg_package_source}'" )
2020-02-01 23:06:01 +01:00
if ( NOT dpkg_package_name STREQUAL "mylib-applications" )
if ( NOT dpkg_package_source STREQUAL "test-source" )
message ( SEND_ERROR "dpkg-deb: ${_f}: Incorrect source for package '${dpkg_package_name}': '${dpkg_package_source}' instead of 'test-source'\n" )
2016-03-13 13:35:51 +01:00
endif ( )
else ( )
2020-02-01 23:06:01 +01:00
if ( NOT dpkg_package_source STREQUAL "test-other-source" )
message ( SEND_ERROR "dpkg-deb: ${_f}: Incorrect source for package '${dpkg_package_name}': '${dpkg_package_source}' instead of 'test-other-source'\n" )
2016-03-13 13:35:51 +01:00
endif ( )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
else ( )
message ( "dpkg-deb executable not found - skipping dpkg-deb test" )
endif ( )