You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

32 lines
1003 B

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "OutputFile.h"
int main(int, char*[])
int res = 0;
res += CheckMethod(rmvar, "CMake");
res += CheckMethod(rmallvar, "CMake;cmake;CMake");
res += CheckMethod(rrepvar, "People should use CMake and CMake");
res += CheckMethod(repvar, "People should use CMake");
res += CheckMethod(substringres, "Everybody should use CMake");
res += CheckMethod(nceqvar, "0");
res += CheckMethod(lengthres, "26");
res += CheckMethod(ceqvar, "1");
res += CheckMethod(cneqvar, "1");
res += CheckMethod(ncneqvar, "0");
res += CheckMethod(nclvar, "0");
res += CheckMethod(clvar, "1");
res += CheckMethod(cgvar, "1");
res += CheckMethod(ncgvar, "0");
res += CheckMethod(savar, "Cmake");
res += CheckMethod(tuvar, "CMAKE");
res += CheckMethod(tlvar, "cmake");
res += CheckMethod(relpath, "../../X11R6/bin/xnest");
res += CheckMethod(configvar,
"@$@$junk =~ s/#$xyz#/$foo_bar{$wibble}->{$xyz}/;@@");
return res;