@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Exclude MacOS Finder files.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
install(FILES cmake-help.vim cmake-indent.vim cmake-syntax.vim DESTINATION ${CMAKE_DATA_DIR}/editors/vim)
install(DIRECTORY vim/indent vim/syntax DESTINATION ${CMAKE_DATA_DIR}/editors/vim)
install(FILES cmake-mode.el DESTINATION ${CMAKE_DATA_DIR}/editors/emacs)
install(FILES cmake.m4 DESTINATION share/aclocal)
add_subdirectory (bash-completion)
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
nmap ,hc :call OpenCmakeHelp()<CR>
function! OpenCmakeHelp()
let s = getline( '.' )
let i = col( '.' ) - 1
while i > 0 && strpart( s, i, 1 ) =~ '[A-Za-z0-9_]'
let i = i - 1
while i < col('$') && strpart( s, i, 1 ) !~ '[A-Za-z0-9_]'
let i = i + 1
let start = match( s, '[A-Za-z0-9_]\+', i )
let end = matchend( s, '[A-Za-z0-9_]\+', i )
let ident = strpart( s, start, end - start )
execute "vertical new"
execute "%!cmake --help-command ".ident
set nomodified
set readonly
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.cmake,CMakeLists.txt,* nmap <F1> :call OpenCmakeHelp()<CR>
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
" =============================================================================
" Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
" Module: $RCSfile$
" Language: VIM
" Date: $Date$
" Version: $Revision$
" =============================================================================
" Vim syntax file
" Language: CMake
" Author: Andy Cedilnik <>
" Maintainer: Karthik Krishnan <>
" Last Change: $Date$
" Version: $Revision$
" Licence: The CMake license applies to this file. See
" This implies that distribution with Vim is allowed
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case ignore
syn match cmakeEscaped /\(\\\\\|\\"\|\\n\|\\t\)/ contained
syn region cmakeComment start="#" end="$" contains=cmakeTodo
syn region cmakeRegistry start=/\[/ end=/]/
\ contained oneline contains=CONTAINED,cmakeTodo,cmakeEscaped
syn region cmakeVariableValue start=/\${/ end=/}/
\ contained oneline contains=CONTAINED,cmakeTodo
syn region cmakeEnvironment start=/\$ENV{/ end=/}/
\ contained oneline contains=CONTAINED,cmakeTodo
syn region cmakeString start=/"/ end=/"/
\ contains=CONTAINED,cmakeTodo,cmakeOperators
syn region cmakeArguments start=/(/ end=/)/
\ contains=ALLBUT,cmakeArguments,cmakeTodo
syn keyword cmakeSystemVariables
syn keyword cmakeOperators
\ contained
\ nextgroup=cmakeArguments
" The keywords are generated as: cmake --help-command-list | tr "\n" " " | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"
syn keyword cmakeStatement
\ nextgroup=cmakeArguments
syn keyword cmakeTodo
\ contained
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cmake_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_cmake_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink cmakeStatement Statement
HiLink cmakeComment Comment
HiLink cmakeString String
HiLink cmakeVariableValue Type
HiLink cmakeRegistry Underlined
HiLink cmakeArguments Identifier
HiLink cmakeArgument Constant
HiLink cmakeEnvironment Special
HiLink cmakeOperators Operator
HiLink cmakeMacro PreProc
HiLink cmakeError Error
HiLink cmakeTodo TODO
HiLink cmakeEscaped Special
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "cmake"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my @variables;
my @commands;
my @properties;
my @modules;
my %keywords; # command => keyword-list
# unwanted upper-cases
my %unwanted = map { $_ => 1 } qw(VS CXX IDE NOTFOUND NO_ DFOO DBAR);
# cannot remove ALL - exists for add_custom_command
# control-statements
my %conditional = map { $_ => 1 } qw(if else elseif endif);
my %loop = map { $_ => 1 } qw(foreach while endforeach endwhile);
# decrecated
my %deprecated = map { $_ => 1 } qw(build_name exec_program export_library_dependencies install_files install_programs install_targets link_libraries make_directory output_required_files remove subdir_depends subdirs use_mangled_mesa utility_source variable_requires write_file);
# add some (popular) modules
push @modules, "ExternalProject";
# variables
open(CMAKE, "cmake --help-variable-list|") or die "could not run cmake";
while (<CMAKE>) {
push @variables, $_;
# transform all variables in a hash - to be able to use exists later on
my %variables = map { $_ => 1 } @variables;
# commands
open(CMAKE, "cmake --help-command-list|");
while (my $cmd = <CMAKE>) {
chomp $cmd;
push @commands, $cmd;
# now generate a keyword-list per command
foreach my $cmd (@commands) {
my @word = extract_upper("cmake --help-command $cmd|");
next if scalar @word == 0;
$keywords{$cmd} = [ sort keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } @word } } ];
# and now for modules
foreach my $mod (@modules) {
my @word = extract_upper("cmake --help-module $mod|");
next if scalar @word == 0;
$keywords{$mod} = [ sort keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } @word } } ];
# and now for generator-expressions
my @generator_expr = extract_upper("cmake --help-manual cmake-generator-expressions |");
# properties
open(CMAKE, "cmake --help-property-list|");
while (<CMAKE>) {
push @properties, $_;
# generate cmake.vim
open(IN, "<") or die "could not read";
open(OUT, ">syntax/cmake.vim") or die "could not write to syntax/cmake.vim";
my @keyword_hi;
if (m/\@([A-Z0-9_]+)\@/) { # match for @SOMETHING@
if ($1 eq "COMMAND_LIST") {
# do not include "special" commands in this list
my @tmp = grep { ! exists $conditional{$_} and
! exists $loop{$_} and
! exists $deprecated{$_} } @commands;
print OUT " " x 12 , "\\ ", join(" ", @tmp), "\n";
} elsif ($1 eq "VARIABLE_LIST") {
print OUT " " x 12 , "\\ ", join(" ", @variables), "\n";
} elsif ($1 eq "MODULES") {
print OUT " " x 12 , "\\ ", join("\n", @modules), "\n";
} elsif ($1 eq "GENERATOR_EXPRESSIONS") {
print OUT " " x 12 , "\\ ", join(" ", @generator_expr), "\n";
} elsif ($1 eq "CONDITIONALS") {
print OUT " " x 12 , "\\ ", join(" ", sort keys %conditional), "\n";
} elsif ($1 eq "LOOPS") {
print OUT " " x 12 , "\\ ", join(" ", sort keys %loop), "\n";
} elsif ($1 eq "DEPRECATED") {
print OUT " " x 12 , "\\ ", join(" ", sort keys %deprecated), "\n";
} elsif ($1 eq "KEYWORDS") {
foreach my $k (sort keys %keywords) {
print OUT "syn keyword cmakeKW$k\n";
print OUT " " x 12, "\\ ", join(" ", @{$keywords{$k}}), "\n";
print OUT " " x 12, "\\ contained\n";
print OUT "\n";
push @keyword_hi, "hi def link cmakeKW$k ModeMsg";
} elsif ($1 eq "KEYWORDS_HIGHLIGHT") {
print OUT join("\n", @keyword_hi), "\n";
} else {
print "ERROR do not know how to replace $1\n";
} else {
print OUT $_;
sub extract_upper
my $input = shift;
my @word;
open(KW, $input);
while (<KW>) {
foreach my $w (m/\b([A-Z_]{2,})\b/g) {
if exists $variables{$w} or # skip if it is a variable
exists $unwanted{$w}; # skip if not wanted
push @word, $w;
return @word;
@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
" =============================================================================
" Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
" Module: $RCSfile$
" Language: VIM
" Date: $Date$
" Version: $Revision$
" =============================================================================
" Vim indent file
" Language: CMake (ft=cmake)
" Author: Andy Cedilnik <>
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
Get a property of the CMake instance.
Get a global property of the CMake instance.
get_cmake_property(VAR property)
Get a property from the CMake instance. The value of the property is
Get a global property from the CMake instance. The value of the property is
stored in the variable ``VAR``. If the property is not found, ``VAR``
will be set to "NOTFOUND". See the :manual:`cmake-properties(7)` manual
for available properties.
See also the more general :command:`get_property` command.
See also the :command:`get_property` command ``GLOBAL`` option.
In addition to global properties, this command (for historical reasons)
also supports the :prop_dir:`VARIABLES` and :prop_dir:`MACROS` directory
properties. It also supports a special ``COMPONENTS`` global property that
lists the components given to the :command:`install` command.
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Visual Studio 15
Generates Visual Studio 15 project files.
The :variable:`CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM` variable may be set
to specify a target platform name (architecture).
For compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.1, one may specify
a target platform name optionally at the end of this generator name:
``Visual Studio 15 Win64``
Specify target platform ``x64``.
``Visual Studio 15 ARM``
Specify target platform ``ARM``.
@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
.. cmake-manual-description: CMake Server
.. only:: html
.. contents::
:manual:`cmake(1)` is capable of providing semantic information about
CMake code it executes to generate a buildsystem. If executed with
the ``-E server`` command line options, it starts in a long running mode
and allows a client to request the available information via a JSON protocol.
The protocol is designed to be useful to IDEs, refactoring tools, and
other tools which have a need to understand the buildsystem in entirety.
A single :manual:`cmake-buildsystem(7)` may describe buildsystem contents
and build properties which differ based on
:manual:`generation-time context <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`
* The Platform (eg, Windows, APPLE, Linux).
* The build configuration (eg, Debug, Release, Coverage).
* The Compiler (eg, MSVC, GCC, Clang) and compiler version.
* The language of the source files compiled.
* Available compile features (eg CXX variadic templates).
* CMake policies.
The protocol aims to provide information to tooling to satisfy several
#. Provide a complete and easily parsed source of all information relevant
to the tooling as it relates to the source code. There should be no need
for tooling to parse generated buildsystems to access include directories
or compile definitions for example.
#. Semantic information about the CMake buildsystem itself.
#. Provide a stable interface for reading the information in the CMake cache.
#. Information for determining when cmake needs to be re-run as a result of
file changes.
Start :manual:`cmake(1)` in the server command mode, supplying the path to
the build directory to process::
cmake -E server (--debug|--pipe <NAMED_PIPE>)
The server will communicate using stdin/stdout (with the ``--debug`` parameter)
or using a named pipe (with the ``--pipe <NAMED_PIPE>`` parameter).
When connecting to the server (via named pipe or by starting it in ``--debug``
mode), the server will reply with a hello message::
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
Messages sent to and from the process are wrapped in magic strings::
[== CMake Server ==[
... some JSON message ...
]== CMake Server ==]
The server is now ready to accept further requests via the named pipe
or stdin.
CMake server mode can be asked to provide statistics on execution times, etc.
or to dump a copy of the response into a file. This is done passing a "debug"
JSON object as a child of the request.
The debug object supports the "showStats" key, which takes a boolean and makes
the server mode return a "zzzDebug" object with stats as part of its response.
"dumpToFile" takes a string value and will cause the cmake server to copy
the response into the given filename.
This is a response from the cmake server with "showStats" set to true::
[== CMake Server ==[
"errorMessage":"Waiting for type \"handshake\".",
"zzzDebug": {
]== CMake Server ==]
The server has made a copy of this response into the file /tmp/error.txt and
took 0.011 seconds to turn the JSON response into a string, and it took 0.025
seconds to process the request in total. The reply has a size of 111 bytes.
Protocol API
General Message Layout
All messages need to have a "type" value, which identifies the type of
message that is passed back or forth. E.g. the initial message sent by the
server is of type "hello". Messages without a type will generate an response
of type "error".
All requests sent to the server may contain a "cookie" value. This value
will he handed back unchanged in all responses triggered by the request.
All responses will contain a value "inReplyTo", which may be empty in
case of parse errors, but will contain the type of the request message
in all other cases.
Type "reply"
This type is used by the server to reply to requests.
The message may -- depending on the type of the original request --
contain values.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "error"
This type is used to return an error condition to the client. It will
contain an "errorMessage".
[== CMake Server ==[
{"cookie":"","errorMessage":"Protocol version not supported.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"}
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "progress"
When the server is busy for a long time, it is polite to send back replies of
type "progress" to the client. These will contain a "progressMessage" with a
string describing the action currently taking place as well as
"progressMinimum", "progressMaximum" and "progressCurrent" with integer values
describing the range of progess.
Messages of type "progress" will be followed by more "progress" messages or with
a message of type "reply" or "error" that complete the request.
"progress" messages may not be emitted after the "reply" or "error" message for
the request that triggered the responses was delivered.
Type "message"
A message is triggered when the server processes a request and produces some
form of output that should be displayed to the user. A Message has a "message"
with the actual text to display as well as a "title" with a suggested dialog
box title.
[== CMake Server ==[
{"cookie":"","message":"Something happened.","title":"Title Text","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"message"}
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "signal"
The server can send signals when it detects changes in the system state. Signals
are of type "signal", have an empty "cookie" and "inReplyTo" field and always
have a "name" set to show which signal was sent.
Specific Signals
The cmake server may sent signals with the following names:
"dirty" Signal
The "dirty" signal is sent whenever the server determines that the configuration
of the project is no longer up-to-date. This happens when any of the files that have
an influence on the build system is changed.
The "dirty" signal may look like this::
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
"fileChange" Signal
The "fileChange" signal is sent whenever a watched file is changed. It contains
the "path" that has changed and a list of "properties" with the kind of change
that was detected. Possible changes are "change" and "rename".
The "fileChange" signal looks like this::
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
Specific Message Types
Type "hello"
The initial message send by the cmake server on startup is of type "hello".
This is the only message ever sent by the server that is not of type "reply",
"progress" or "error".
It will contain "supportedProtocolVersions" with an array of server protocol
versions supported by the cmake server. These are JSON objects with "major" and
"minor" keys containing non-negative integer values.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "handshake"
The first request that the client may send to the server is of type "handshake".
This request needs to pass one of the "supportedProtocolVersions" of the "hello"
type response received earlier back to the server in the "protocolVersion" field.
Each protocol version may request additional attributes to be present.
Protocol version 1.0 requires the following attributes to be set:
* "sourceDirectory" with a path to the sources
* "buildDirectory" with a path to the build directory
* "generator" with the generator name
* "extraGenerator" (optional!) with the extra generator to be used.
[== CMake Server ==[
"sourceDirectory":"/home/code/cmake", "buildDirectory":"/tmp/testbuild",
]== CMake Server ==]
which will result in a response type "reply"::
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
indicating that the server is ready for action.
Type "globalSettings"
This request can be sent after the initial handshake. It will return a
JSON structure with information on cmake state.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
which will result in a response type "reply"::
[== CMake Server ==[
"buildDirectory": "/tmp/test-build",
"capabilities": {
"generators": [
"extraGenerators": [],
"name": "Watcom WMake",
"platformSupport": false,
"toolsetSupport": false
"serverMode": false,
"version": {
"isDirty": false,
"major": 3,
"minor": 6,
"patch": 20160830,
"string": "3.6.20160830-gd6abad",
"suffix": "gd6abad"
"checkSystemVars": false,
"cookie": "",
"extraGenerator": "",
"generator": "Ninja",
"debugOutput": false,
"inReplyTo": "globalSettings",
"sourceDirectory": "/home/code/cmake",
"trace": false,
"traceExpand": false,
"type": "reply",
"warnUninitialized": false,
"warnUnused": false,
"warnUnusedCli": true
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "setGlobalSettings"
This request can be sent to change the global settings attributes. Unknown
attributes are going to be ignored. Read-only attributes reported by
"globalSettings" are all capabilities, buildDirectory, generator,
extraGenerator and sourceDirectory. Any attempt to set these will be ignored,
All other settings will be changed.
The server will respond with an empty reply message or an error.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will reply to this with::
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "configure"
This request will configure a project for build.
To configure a build directory already containing cmake files, it is enough to
set "buildDirectory" via "setGlobalSettings". To create a fresh build directory
you also need to set "currentGenerator" and "sourceDirectory" via "setGlobalSettings"
in addition to "buildDirectory".
You may a list of strings to "configure" via the "cacheArguments" key. These
strings will be interpreted similar to command line arguments related to
cache handling that are passed to the cmake command line client.
[== CMake Server ==[
{"type":"configure", "cacheArguments":["-Dsomething=else"]}
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will reply like this (after reporting progress for some time)::
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "compute"
This requist will generate build system files in the build directory and
is only available after a project was successfully "configure"d.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will reply (after reporting progress information)::
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "codemodel"
The "codemodel" request can be used after a project was "compute"d successfully.
It will list the complete project structure as it is known to cmake.
The reply will contain a key "projects", which will contain a list of
project objects, one for each (sub-)project defined in the cmake build system.
Each project object can have the following keys:
contains the (sub-)projects name.
contains the current source directory
contains the current build directory.
contains a list of configuration objects.
Configuration objects are used to destinquish between different
configurations the build directory might have enabled. While most generators
only support one configuration, others support several.
Each configuration object can have the following keys:
contains the name of the configuration. The name may be empty.
contains a list of target objects, one for each build target.
Target objects define individual build targets for a certain configuration.
Each target object can have the following keys:
contains the name of the target.
defines the type of build of the target. Possible values are
contains the full name of the build result (incl. extensions, etc.).
contains the current source directory.
contains the current build directory.
with a list of build artifacts. The list is sorted with the most
important artifacts first (e.g. a .DLL file is listed before a
.PDB file on windows).
contains the language of the linker used to produce the artifact.
with a list of libraries to link to. This value is encoded in the
system's native shell format.
with a list of flags to pass to the linker. This value is encoded in
the system's native shell format.
with the flags for a compiler using the linkerLanguage. This value is
encoded in the system's native shell format.
with the framework path (on Apple computers). This value is encoded
in the system's native shell format.
with the link path. This value is encoded in the system's native shell
with the sysroot path.
contains the source files making up the target.
FileGroups are used to group sources using similar settings together.
Each fileGroup object may contain the following keys:
contains the programming language used by all files in the group.
with a string containing all the flags passed to the compiler
when building any of the files in this group. This value is encoded in
the system's native shell format.
with a list of include paths. Each include path is an object
containing a "path" with the actual include path and "isSystem" with a bool
value informing whether this is a normal include or a system include. This
value is encoded in the system's native shell format.
with a list of defines in the form "SOMEVALUE" or "SOMEVALUE=42". This
value is encoded in the system's native shell format.
with a list of source files.
All file paths in the fileGroup are either absolute or relative to the
sourceDirectory of the target.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will reply::
[== CMake Server ==[
"compileFlags":" -std=gnu11",
{ "path":"/tmp/cmake-build-test/Utilities" },
{ "isSystem": true, "path":"/usr/include/something" },
]== CMake Server ==]
The output can be tailored to the specific needs via parameter passed when
requesting "project" information.
You can have a "depth" key, which accepts "project", "configuration" and
"target" as string values. These cause the output to be trimmed at the
appropriate depth of the output tree.
You can also set "configurations" to an array of strings with configuration
names to list. This will cause any configuration that is not listed to be
trimmed from the output.
Generated files can be included in the listing by setting "includeGeneratedFiles"
to "true". This setting defaults to "false", so generated files are not
listed by default.
Finally you can limit the target types that are going to be listed. This is
done by providing a list of target types as an array of strings to the
"targetTypes" key.
Type "cmakeInputs"
The "cmakeInputs" requests will report files used by CMake as part
of the build system itself.
This request is only available after a project was successfully
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will reply with the following information::
[== CMake Server ==[
{"isCMake":true,"isTemporary":false,"sources":["/usr/lib/cmake/...", ... ]},
{"isCMake":false,"isTemporary":false,"sources":["CMakeLists.txt", ...]},
{"isCMake":false,"isTemporary":true,"sources":["/tmp/build/CMakeFiles/...", ...]}
]== CMake Server ==]
All file names are either relative to the top level source directory or
The list of files which "isCMake" set to true are part of the cmake installation.
The list of files witch "isTemporary" set to true are part of the build directory
and will not survive the build directory getting cleaned out.
Type "cache"
The "cache" request can be used once a project is configured and will
list the cached configuration values.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will respond with the following output::
[== CMake Server ==[
"HELPSTRING":"This is not helpful"
]== CMake Server ==]
The output can be limited to a list of keys by passing an array of key names
to the "keys" optional field of the "cache" request.
Type "fileSystemWatchers"
The server can watch the filesystem for changes. The "fileSystemWatchers"
command will report on the files and directories watched.
[== CMake Server ==]
[== CMake Server ==]
CMake will respond with the following output::
[== CMake Server ==]
"watchedFiles": [ "/absolute/path" ],
"watchedDirectories": [ "/absolute" ]
[== CMake Server ==]
@ -0,0 +1 @@
.. cmake-module:: ../../Modules/AndroidTestUtilities.cmake
@ -0,0 +1 @@
.. cmake-module:: ../../Modules/CPackProductBuild.cmake
@ -0,0 +1 @@
.. cmake-module:: ../../Modules/FindICU.cmake
@ -0,0 +1 @@
.. cmake-module:: ../../Modules/FindVulkan.cmake
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Honor per-config flags in :command:`try_compile` source-file signature.
The source file signature of the :command:`try_compile` command uses the value
of the :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS` variable in the test project so that the
test compilation works as it would in the main project. However, CMake 3.6 and
below do not also honor config-specific compiler flags such as those in the
:variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_DEBUG` variable. CMake 3.7 and above prefer to
honor config-specific compiler flags too. This policy provides compatibility
for projects that do not expect config-specific compiler flags to be used.
The ``OLD`` behavior of this policy is to ignore config-specific flag
variables like :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_DEBUG` and only use CMake's
built-in defaults for the current compiler and platform.
The ``NEW`` behavior of this policy is to honor config-specific flag
variabldes like :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_DEBUG`.
This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.7. Unlike most policies,
CMake version |release| does *not* warn by default when this policy
is not set and simply uses OLD behavior. See documentation of the
variable to control the warning.
.. include:: DEPRECATED.txt
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This read-only directory property reports absolute path to the binary
directory corresponding to the source on which it is read.
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
This read-only directory property contains a
:ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of buildsystem targets added in the
directory by calls to the :command:`add_library`, :command:`add_executable`,
and :command:`add_custom_target` commands. The list does not include any
:ref:`Imported Targets` or :ref:`Alias Targets`, but does include
:ref:`Interface Libraries`. Each entry in the list is the logical name
of a target, suitable to pass to the :command:`get_property` command
``TARGET`` option.
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This read-only directory property reports absolute path to the source
directory on which it is read.
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
This read-only directory property contains a
:ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of subdirectories processed so far by
the :command:`add_subdirectory` or :command:`subdirs` commands. Each entry is
the absolute path to the source directory (containing the ``CMakeLists.txt``
file). This is suitable to pass to the :command:`get_property` command
``DIRECTORY`` option.
.. note::
The :command:`subdirs` command does not process its arguments until
after the calling directory is fully processed. Therefore looking
up this property in the current directory will not see them.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Whether the :command:`find_library` command should automatically search
``lib32`` directories.
``FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS`` is a boolean specifying whether the
:command:`find_library` command should automatically search the ``lib32``
variant of directories called ``lib`` in the search path when building 32-bit
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Override the default Visual Studio tool that will be applied to the source file
with a new tool not based on the extension of the file.
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Add values to the Xcode ``ATTRIBUTES`` setting on its reference to a
source file. Among other things, this can be used to set the role on
a mig file::
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Specifies a list of fixtures for which the test is to be treated as a cleanup
Fixture cleanup tests are ordinary tests with all of the usual test
functionality. Setting the ``FIXTURES_CLEANUP`` property for a test has two
primary effects:
- CTest will ensure the test executes after all other tests which list any of
the fixtures in its :prop_test:`FIXTURES_REQUIRED` property.
- If CTest is asked to run only a subset of tests (e.g. using regular
expressions or the ``--rerun-failed`` option) and the cleanup test is not in
the set of tests to run, it will automatically be added if any tests in the
set require any fixture listed in ``FIXTURES_CLEANUP``.
A cleanup test can have multiple fixtures listed in its ``FIXTURES_CLEANUP``
property. It will execute only once for the whole CTest run, not once for each
fixture. A fixture can also have more than one cleanup test defined. If there
are multiple cleanup tests for a fixture, projects can control their order with
the usual :prop_test:`DEPENDS` test property if necessary.
A cleanup test is allowed to require other fixtures, but not any fixture listed
in its ``FIXTURES_CLEANUP`` property. For example:
.. code-block:: cmake
# Ok: Dependent fixture is different to cleanup
set_tests_properties(cleanupFoo PROPERTIES
# Error: cannot require same fixture as cleanup
set_tests_properties(cleanupFoo PROPERTIES
Cleanup tests will execute even if setup or regular tests for that fixture fail
or are skipped.
See :prop_test:`FIXTURES_REQUIRED` for a more complete discussion of how to use
test fixtures.
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
Specifies a list of fixtures the test requires. Fixture names are case
Fixtures are a way to attach setup and cleanup tasks to a set of tests. If a
test requires a given fixture, then all tests marked as setup tasks for that
fixture will be executed first (once for the whole set of tests, not once per
test requiring the fixture). After all tests requiring a particular fixture
have completed, CTest will ensure all tests marked as cleanup tasks for that
fixture are then executed. Tests are marked as setup tasks with the
:prop_test:`FIXTURES_SETUP` property and as cleanup tasks with the
:prop_test:`FIXTURES_CLEANUP` property. If any of a fixture's setup tests fail,
all tests listing that fixture in their ``FIXTURES_REQUIRED`` property will not
be executed. The cleanup tests for the fixture will always be executed, even if
some setup tests fail.
When CTest is asked to execute only a subset of tests (e.g. by the use of
regular expressions or when run with the ``--rerun-failed`` command line
option), it will automatically add any setup or cleanup tests for fixtures
required by any of the tests that are in the execution set.
Since setup and cleanup tasks are also tests, they can have an ordering
specified by the :prop_test:`DEPENDS` test property just like any other tests.
This can be exploited to implement setup or cleanup using multiple tests for a
single fixture to modularise setup or cleanup logic.
The concept of a fixture is different to that of a resource specified by
:prop_test:`RESOURCE_LOCK`, but they may be used together. A fixture defines a
set of tests which share setup and cleanup requirements, whereas a resource
lock has the effect of ensuring a particular set of tests do not run in
parallel. Some situations may need both, such as setting up a database,
serialising test access to that database and deleting the database again at the
end. For such cases, tests would populate both ``FIXTURES_REQUIRED`` and
:prop_test:`RESOURCE_LOCK` to combine the two behaviours. Names used for
:prop_test:`RESOURCE_LOCK` have no relationship with names of fixtures, so note
that a resource lock does not imply a fixture and vice versa.
Consider the following example which represents a database test scenario
similar to that mentioned above:
.. code-block:: cmake
add_test(NAME testsDone COMMAND emailResults)
add_test(NAME fooOnly COMMAND testFoo)
add_test(NAME dbOnly COMMAND testDb)
add_test(NAME dbWithFoo COMMAND testDbWithFoo)
add_test(NAME createDB COMMAND initDB)
add_test(NAME setupUsers COMMAND userCreation)
add_test(NAME cleanupDB COMMAND deleteDB)
add_test(NAME cleanupFoo COMMAND removeFoos)
set_tests_properties(setupUsers PROPERTIES DEPENDS createDB)
set_tests_properties(createDB PROPERTIES FIXTURES_SETUP DB)
set_tests_properties(setupUsers PROPERTIES FIXTURES_SETUP DB)
set_tests_properties(cleanupDB PROPERTIES FIXTURES_CLEANUP DB)
set_tests_properties(cleanupFoo PROPERTIES FIXTURES_CLEANUP Foo)
set_tests_properties(testsDone PROPERTIES FIXTURES_CLEANUP "DB;Foo")
set_tests_properties(fooOnly PROPERTIES FIXTURES_REQUIRED Foo)
set_tests_properties(dbOnly PROPERTIES FIXTURES_REQUIRED DB)
set_tests_properties(dbWithFoo PROPERTIES FIXTURES_REQUIRED "DB;Foo")
set_tests_properties(dbOnly dbWithFoo createDB setupUsers cleanupDB
Key points from this example:
- Two fixtures are defined: ``DB`` and ``Foo``. Tests can require a single
fixture as ``fooOnly`` and ``dbOnly`` do, or they can depend on multiple
fixtures like ``dbWithFoo`` does.
- A ``DEPENDS`` relationship is set up to ensure ``setupUsers`` happens after
``createDB``, both of which are setup tests for the ``DB`` fixture and will
therefore be executed before the ``dbOnly`` and ``dbWithFoo`` tests
- No explicit ``DEPENDS`` relationships were needed to make the setup tests run
before or the cleanup tests run after the regular tests.
- The ``Foo`` fixture has no setup tests defined, only a single cleanup test.
- ``testsDone`` is a cleanup test for both the ``DB`` and ``Foo`` fixtures.
Therefore, it will only execute once regular tests for both fixtures have
finished (i.e. after ``fooOnly``, ``dbOnly`` and ``dbWithFoo``). No
``DEPENDS`` relationship was specified for ``testsDone``, so it is free to
run before, after or concurrently with other cleanup tests for either
- The setup and cleanup tests never list the fixtures they are for in their own
``FIXTURES_REQUIRED`` property, as that would result in a dependency on
themselves and be considered an error.
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Specifies a list of fixtures for which the test is to be treated as a setup
Fixture setup tests are ordinary tests with all of the usual test
functionality. Setting the ``FIXTURES_SETUP`` property for a test has two
primary effects:
- CTest will ensure the test executes before any other test which lists the
fixture(s) in its :prop_test:`FIXTURES_REQUIRED` property.
- If CTest is asked to run only a subset of tests (e.g. using regular
expressions or the ``--rerun-failed`` option) and the setup test is not in
the set of tests to run, it will automatically be added if any tests in the
set require any fixture listed in ``FIXTURES_SETUP``.
A setup test can have multiple fixtures listed in its ``FIXTURES_SETUP``
property. It will execute only once for the whole CTest run, not once for each
fixture. A fixture can also have more than one setup test defined. If there are
multiple setup tests for a fixture, projects can control their order with the
usual :prop_test:`DEPENDS` test property if necessary.
A setup test is allowed to require other fixtures, but not any fixture listed
in its ``FIXTURES_SETUP`` property. For example:
.. code-block:: cmake
# Ok: dependent fixture is different to setup
set_tests_properties(setupFoo PROPERTIES
# Error: cannot require same fixture as setup
set_tests_properties(setupFoo PROPERTIES
If any of a fixture's setup tests fail, none of the tests listing that fixture
in its :prop_test:`FIXTURES_REQUIRED` property will be run. Cleanup tests will,
however, still be executed.
See :prop_test:`FIXTURES_REQUIRED` for a more complete discussion of how to use
test fixtures.
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
Set the Android Target API version (e.g. ``15``). The version number
must be a positive decimal integer. This property is initialized by
the value of the :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_API` variable if it is set
when a target is created.
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio
Edition`, this property sets the Android target API version (e.g. ``15``).
The version number must be a positive decimal integer. This property is
initialized by the value of the :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_API` variable if
it is set when a target is created.
@ -1,15 +1,27 @@
Set the Android property that defines the type of STL support for the project.
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio
Edition`, this property specifies the type of STL support for the project.
This is a string property that could set to the one of the following values:
``none`` e.g. "No C++ Support"
``system`` e.g. "Minimal C++ without STL"
``gabi++_static`` e.g. "GAbi++ Static"
``gabi++_shared`` e.g. "GAbi++ Shared"
``gnustl_static`` e.g. "GNU libstdc++ Static"
``gnustl_shared`` e.g. "GNU libstdc++ Shared"
``stlport_static`` e.g. "STLport Static"
``stlport_shared`` e.g. "STLport Shared"
No C++ Support
Minimal C++ without STL
GAbi++ Static
GAbi++ Shared
GNU libstdc++ Static
GNU libstdc++ Shared
STLport Static
STLport Shared
This property is initialized by the value of the
variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE` variable if it is set when a target is created.
:variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE` variable if it is set when a target is
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
The file extension used to name a :prop_tgt:`BUNDLE` target on the OS X and iOS.
The file extension used to name a :prop_tgt:`BUNDLE`, a :prop_tgt:`FRAMEWORK`,
or a :prop_tgt:`MACOSX_BUNDLE` target on the OS X and iOS.
The default value is ``bundle`` - you can also use ``plugin`` or whatever
file extension is required by the host app for your bundle.
The default value is ``bundle``, ``framework``, or ``app`` for the respective
target types.
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
This is a boolean option that when set to ``TRUE`` will automatically run
``ldd -r -u`` on the target after it is linked. In addition, the linker flag
``-Wl,--no-as-needed`` will be passed to the target with the link command so
that all libraries specified on the command line will be linked into the
target. This will result in the link producing a list of libraries that
provide no symbols used by this target but are being linked to it.
This is only applicable to executable and shared library targets and
will only work when ld and ldd accept the flags used.
This property is initialized by the value of
the :variable:`CMAKE_LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE` variable if it is set
when a target is created.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Visual Studio project SDK references.
Specify a :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of SDK references
to be added to a generated Visual Studio project, e.g.
``Microsoft.AdMediatorWindows81, Version=1.0``.
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
CMake 3.7 Release Notes
.. only:: html
.. contents::
Changes made since CMake 3.6 include the following.
New Features
* CMake now supports :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android` with simple
toolchain files.
* The Clang compiler is now supported on AIX.
* The :generator:`Ninja` generator learned to conditionally support
Fortran when using a ``ninja`` tool that has the necessary features.
See generator documentation for details.
* The :generator:`Ninja` generator learned to produce phony targets
of the form ``sub/dir/{test,install,package}`` to drive the build
of a subdirectory installation, test or packaging target.
This is equivalent to ``cd sub/dir; make {test,install,package}``
with :ref:`Makefile Generators`.
* The :generator:`Visual Studio 15` generator was added. This is
experimental and based on Preview 4 because this version of VS
has not been released.
* :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` for VS 2010 and above learned to
place ``.natvis`` source files into VS project files properly.
* The :generator:`Xcode` generator's rudimentary Swift language support
learned to honor a new :variable:`CMAKE_Swift_LANGUAGE_VERSION` variable
to tell Xcode what version of Swift is used by the source.
* The :generator:`CodeLite` generator gained a new
to change project creation from projects to targets.
* The :command:`add_custom_command` command gained a new ``DEPFILE``
option that works with the :generator:`Ninja` generator to provide
implicit dependency information to the build tool.
* The :command:`cmake_parse_arguments` command gained a new ``PARSE_ARGV``
mode to read arguments directly from ``ARGC`` and ``ARGV#``
variables inside a :command:`function` body.
* The :command:`export` command gained an ``ANDROID_MK`` option
to generate ```` files referencing CMake-built
libraries as prebuilts for the Android NDK build system.
* The :command:`file(DOWNLOAD)` and :command:`file(UPLOAD)` commands gained
``HTTPHEADER <HTTP-header>`` and ``USERPWD <username>:<password>`` options.
* The :command:`find_library` and :command:`find_package` commands learned
to search in ``lib32/`` directories when the build targets a 32-bit
architecture. See the :prop_gbl:`FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS` global
* The :command:`find_package` command gained the possibility of
sorting compatible libraries by ``NAME`` or by ``NATURAL`` sorting by
setting the two new variables :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_SORT_ORDER`
* The :command:`if` command gained new boolean comparison operations
* The :command:`install` command gained an ``EXPORT_ANDROID_MK``
subcommand to install ```` files referencing installed
libraries as prebuilts for the Android NDK build system.
* The :command:`string(TIMESTAMP)` and :command:`file(TIMESTAMP)`
commands gained support for the ``%a`` and ``%b`` placeholders.
These are the abbreviated weekday and month names.
* The :command:`try_compile` command source file signature now honors
configuration-specific flags (e.g. :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_DEBUG`)
in the generated test project. Previously only the default such flags
for the current toolchain were used. See policy :policy:`CMP0066`.
* Variable :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_SORT_ORDER` was added to control
the sorting mode of the :command:`find_package` command.
* Variable :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_SORT_DIRECTION` was added to control
the sorting direction the :command:`find_package` command.
* :variable:`Toolchain files <CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE>` may now set a
:variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_INIT` variable to initialize the
:variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS` cache entry the first time a language is
enabled in a build tree.
* :variable:`Toolchain files <CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE>` may now set
:variable:`CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT` variables to initialize the
:variable:`CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS` cache entries the first time
a language is enabled in a build tree.
* On Apple platforms the :prop_tgt:`BUNDLE_EXTENSION` target property
now also applies to Frameworks and App Bundles.
* A :prop_dir:`BINARY_DIR` directory property was added to get the
absolute path to the binary directory corresponding to the source
directory on which the property is read.
* A :prop_dir:`BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS` directory property was added to
get the list of logical buildsystem target names added by the
project in a directory.
* A :prop_tgt:`LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE` target property and supporting
:variable:`CMAKE_LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE` variable were introduced
to detect (on UNIX) shared libraries that are linked but not
needed by running ``ldd -r -u``.
* A :prop_dir:`SOURCE_DIR` directory property was added to get the
absolute path to the source directory associated with a directory.
* A :prop_dir:`SUBDIRECTORIES` directory property was added to
get the list of subdirectories added by a project in a directory.
* A :prop_tgt:`VS_SDK_REFERENCES` target property was added to tell
:ref:`Visual Studio Generators` to reference the named SDKs.
* A :prop_sf:`VS_TOOL_OVERRIDE` source file property was created to tell
:ref:`Visual Studio Generators` what tool to use for a source file.
* The :prop_tgt:`WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS` target property now applies
to executable targets with the :prop_tgt:`ENABLE_EXPORTS` property set.
* A :prop_sf:`XCODE_FILE_ATTRIBUTES` source file property was
added to tell the :generator:`Xcode` generator to generate
custom content in the Xcode project attributes for the file.
* An :module:`AndroidTestUtilities` module was added to manage transfer
of test data to an Android device.
* The :module:`CheckFortranSourceCompiles` module macro
``CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES`` gained a ``SRC_EXT`` option
to specify a custom test Fortran source file extension.
* The :module:`ExternalProject` module gained ``HTTP_USERNAME`` and
``HTTP_PASSWORD`` options to set http download credentials.
* The :module:`ExternalProject` module gained a ``HTTP_HEADER``
option to add http download headers.
* The :module:`FindBISON` module ``BISON_TARGET`` macro learned a new
``REPORT_FILE`` option to specify the bison ``--report-file=`` option.
* The :module:`FindBZip2` module now provides imported targets.
* A :module:`FindICU` module was introduced to find the International
Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries and programs.
* The :module:`FindMatlab` module learned to find the SIMULINK and MAT
* The :module:`FindMatlab` module :command:`matlab_add_mex` command learned
to add executables and modules.
* The :module:`FindMatlab` module :command:`matlab_add_unit_test` command
learned to support inline Matlab test code.
* The :module:`FindOpenCL` module now provides imported targets.
* The :module:`FindOpenMP` module learned to detect the OpenMP
version (specification date) from the compiler.
* A :module:`FindVulkan` module was added.
* The :module:`GenerateExportHeader` module learned a new
``CUSTOM_CONTENT_FROM_VARIABLE`` option to specify a variable
containing custom content for inclusion in the generated header.
* The :module:`GNUInstallDirs` module gained a new
:command:`GNUInstallDirs_get_absolute_install_dir` command.
* The :module:`UseJava` module gained APIs to "export" jar targets
for use by external CMake projects. See the ``install_jar_exports``
and ``export_jars`` functions.
* CTest now supports test fixtures through the new :prop_test:`FIXTURES_SETUP`,
:prop_test:`FIXTURES_CLEANUP` and :prop_test:`FIXTURES_REQUIRED` test
properties. When using regular expressions or ``--rerun-failed`` to limit
the tests to be run, a fixture's setup and cleanup tests will automatically
be added to the execution set if any test requires that fixture.
* The :command:`ctest_configure`, :command:`ctest_build`,
:command:`ctest_test`, :command:`ctest_coverage`, and :command:`ctest_upload`
commands gained a new ``CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR`` option to capture any errors
that occur as the commands run into a variable and avoid affecting the return
code of the :manual:`ctest(1)` process.
* CPack gained a ``productbuild`` generator on OS X, configured by
the :module:`CPackProductBuild` module.
* CPack gained a new :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_CHECKSUM` variable to
enable generation of a checksum file for each package file.
* The :module:`CPackDeb` module learned to support long file names
when archive format is set to GNU tar.
* The :module:`CPackIFW` module gained a new
:command:`cpack_ifw_add_package_resources` command to include additional
resources in the installer binary.
* The :module:`CPackIFW` module :command:`cpack_ifw_configure_component` and
:command:`cpack_ifw_configure_component_group` commands gained a new
``USER_INTERFACES`` option to add a list of additonal pages to the IFW
* The :module:`CPackRPM` module learned to generate debuginfo
packages on demand. See :variable:`CPACK_RPM_DEBUGINFO_PACKAGE`
and its per component version.
* The :module:`CPackRPM` module learned to generate source rpm
(SRPM) packages on demand. See :variable:`CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_SOURCES`,
* The CPack NSIS generator now supports
This can be used to set component specific installation directories.
* The CPack WIX generator now supports
:variable:`CPACK_WIX_SKIP_PROGRAM_FOLDER` to allow specification
of a custom absolute installation prefix outside
of the ProgramFiles folders.
* The CPack WIX generator now supports
This can be used to deselect a component from being installed by default.
* The CPack WIX generator now supports :variable:`CPACK_WIX_PATCH_FILE`
fragments for Feature elements.
* The CPack WIX generator now supports
:variable:`CPACK_WIX_ROOT_FEATURE_DESCRIPTION` to allow the specification
of a custom title and description for the root feature element.
* :manual:`cmake(1)` gained a ``-E capabilities`` option to provide a
machine-readable (JSON) description of the capabilities of the
cmake tool (available generators, etc.).
* A new :manual:`cmake-server(7)` mode was added to provide semantic
information about a CMake-generated buildsystem to clients through
a JSON protocol. Currently all protocols are experimental and subject
to change.
* The :manual:`cmake(1)` command learned a ``--trace-source=<file>`` option.
* :manual:`ccmake(1)` learned to support vim-like navigation bindings.
* :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` gained a button to open the generated project file
for :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` and the :generator:`Xcode` generator.
Deprecated and Removed Features
* We no longer provide Linux i386 binaries for download from ````
for new versions of CMake.
* Vim support files ``cmake-indent.vim``, ``cmake-syntax.vim``, and
``cmake-help.vim`` have been removed in favor of the files now provided
from the `vim-cmake-syntax`_ project.
* Support for building CMake itself with some compilers was dropped:
* Visual Studio 7.1 and 2005 -- superseded by VS 2008 and above
* mingw32 -- superseded by MSYS2 mingw32 and mingw64
CMake still supports generating build systems for other projects using
these compilers.
Other Changes
* The Fortran dependency scanner learned to support the syntax of
`Fortran Submodules`_.
* Vim support files ``indent/cmake.vim`` and ``syntax/cmake.vim``
from the `vim-cmake-syntax`_ project are now distributed with CMake.
.. _`Fortran Submodules`:
.. _`vim-cmake-syntax`:
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Set to ``1`` when the target system (:variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME`) is
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
Default value for the :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_API` target property.
See that target property for additional information.
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio
Edition`, this variable may be set to specify the default value for the
:prop_tgt:`ANDROID_API` target property. See that target property for
additional information.
Otherwise, when :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android`, this variable provides
the Android API version number targeted. This will be the same value as
the :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION` variable for ``Android`` platforms.
@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
Default value for the :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_ARCH` target property.
See that target property for additional information.
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio
Edition`, this variable may be set to specify the default value for the
:prop_tgt:`ANDROID_ARCH` target property. See that target property for
additional information.
Otherwise, when :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android`, this variable provides
the name of the Android architecture corresponding to the value of the
:variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI` variable. The architecture name
may be one of:
* ``arm``
* ``arm64``
* ``mips``
* ``mips64``
* ``x86``
* ``x86_64``
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android`, this variable specifies the
target architecture and ABI to be used. Valid values are:
* ``arm64-v8a``
* ``armeabi-v7a``
* ``armeabi-v6``
* ``armeabi``
* ``mips``
* ``mips64``
* ``x86``
* ``x86_64``
See also the :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_MODE` and
:variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_NEON` variables.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android` and :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI`
is set to one of the ``armeabi`` architectures, set ``CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_MODE``
to ``ON`` to target 32-bit ARM processors (``-marm``). Otherwise, the
default is to target the 16-bit Thumb processors (``-mthumb``).
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android` and :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI`
is set to ``armeabi-v7a`` set ``CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_NEON`` to ``ON`` to target
ARM NEON devices.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK`, this variable holds
the absolute path to the root directory of the NDK. The directory must
contain a ``platforms`` subdirectory holding the ``android-<api>``
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK`, this variable
may be set to specify the version of the toolchain to be used
as the compiler. The variable must be set to one of these forms:
* ``<major>.<minor>``: GCC of specified version
* ``clang<major>.<minor>``: Clang of specified version
* ``clang``: Clang of most recent available version
A toolchain of the requested version will be selected automatically to
match the ABI named in the :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI` variable.
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with a Standalone Toolchain`, this
variable holds the absolute path to the root directory of the toolchain.
The specified directory must contain a ``sysroot`` subdirectory.
@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
Default value for the :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_STL_TYPE` target property.
See that target property for additional information.
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio
Edition`, this variable may be set to specify the default value for the
:prop_tgt:`ANDROID_STL_TYPE` target property. See that target property
for additional information.
When :ref:`Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK`, this variable may be
set to specify the STL variant to be used. The value may be one of:
No C++ Support
Minimal C++ without STL
GAbi++ Static
GAbi++ Shared
GNU libstdc++ Static
GNU libstdc++ Shared
LLVM libc++ Static
LLVM libc++ Shared
STLport Static
STLport Shared
The default value is ``gnustl_static``. Note that this default differs from
the native NDK build system because CMake may be used to build projects for
Android that are not natively implemented for it and use the C++ standard
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in new issue