CMP0177 ------- .. versionadded:: 3.31 :command:`install` ``DESTINATION`` paths are normalized. The :command:`install` command has a number of different forms, and most of them take a ``DESTINATION`` keyword, some in more than one place. CMake 3.30 and earlier used the value given after the ``DESTINATION`` keyword as provided with no transformations. The :command:`install(EXPORT)` form assumes the path contains no ``..`` or ``.`` path components when computing a path relative to the ``DESTINATION``, and if the project provided a path that violated that assumption, the computed path would be incorrect. CMake 3.31 normalizes all ``DESTINATION`` values given in any form of the :command:`install` command, except for the ``INCLUDES DESTINATION`` of the :command:`install(TARGETS)` form. The normalization performed is the same as for the :command:`cmake_path` command (see :ref:`Normalization`). The ``OLD`` behavior of this policy performs no translation on the ``DESTINATION`` values of any :command:`install` command. They are used exactly as provided. If a destination path contains ``..`` or ``.`` path components, :command:`install(EXPORT)` will use the same wrong paths as CMake 3.30 and earlier. The ``NEW`` behavior will normalize all ``DESTINATION`` values except for ``INCLUDES DESTINATION``. If a destination path contains a generator expression, it will be wrapped in a ``$<PATH:CMAKE_PATH,NORMALIZE,...>`` generator expression. This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.31. It may be set by :command:`cmake_policy` or :command:`cmake_minimum_required`. If it is not set, CMake will warn if it detects a path that would be different if normalized, and uses ``OLD`` behavior. If a destination path contains a generator expression, no such warning will be issued regardless of the value. .. include:: DEPRECATED.txt