
List of options to pass to the compiler.

This property holds a :ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>`
of options specified so far for its target.  Use the
:command:`target_compile_options` command to append more options.
The options will be added after flags in the
:variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS` and :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>`
variables, but before those propagated from dependencies by the
:prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS` property.

This property is initialized by the :prop_dir:`COMPILE_OPTIONS` directory
property when a target is created, and is used by the generators to set
the options for the compiler.

Contents of ``COMPILE_OPTIONS`` may use "generator expressions" with the
syntax ``$<...>``.  See the :manual:`cmake-generator-expressions(7)` manual
for available expressions.  See the :manual:`cmake-buildsystem(7)` manual
for more on defining buildsystem properties.

.. include:: ../command/OPTIONS_SHELL.txt