cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(RerunRccDepends) include("../AutogenTest.cmake") # Tests rcc rebuilding when a resource file changes # Dummy executable to generate a clean target add_executable(dummy dummy.cpp) # When a .qrc or a file listed in a .qrc file changes, # the target must be rebuilt set(timeformat "%Y%j%H%M%S") set(rccDepSD "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/RccDepends") set(rccDepBD "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/RccDepends") # Initial build configure_file(${rccDepSD}/ ${rccDepBD}/resPlain.qrc COPYONLY) configure_file(${rccDepSD}/ ${rccDepBD}/ COPYONLY) try_compile(RCC_DEPENDS "${rccDepBD}" "${rccDepSD}" RccDepends CMAKE_FLAGS "-DQT_TEST_VERSION=${QT_TEST_VERSION}" "-DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ) if (NOT RCC_DEPENDS) message(SEND_ERROR "Initial build of rccDepends failed. Output: ${output}") endif() # Get name of the output binaries file(STRINGS "${rccDepBD}/targetPlain.txt" targetListPlain ENCODING UTF-8) file(STRINGS "${rccDepBD}/targetGen.txt" targetListGen ENCODING UTF-8) list(GET targetListPlain 0 rccDepBinPlain) list(GET targetListGen 0 rccDepBinGen) message("Target that uses a plain .qrc file is:\n ${rccDepBinPlain}") message("Target that uses a GENERATED .qrc file is:\n ${rccDepBinGen}") message("Changing a resource files listed in the .qrc file") # - Acquire binary timestamps before the build file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinPlain}" rdPlainBefore "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinGen}" rdGenBefore "${timeformat}") # - Ensure that the timestamp will change # - Change a resource files listed in the .qrc file # - Rebuild execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) file(TOUCH "${rccDepBD}/resPlain/input.txt" "${rccDepBD}/resGen/input.txt") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${rccDepBD}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Second build of rccDepends failed.") endif() # - Acquire binary timestamps after the build file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinPlain}" rdPlainAfter "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinGen}" rdGenAfter "${timeformat}") # - Test if timestamps changed if (NOT rdPlainAfter GREATER rdPlainBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "Plain .qrc binary ${rccDepBinPlain}) should have changed!") endif() if (NOT rdGenAfter GREATER rdGenBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "GENERATED .qrc binary ${rccDepBinGen} should have changed!") endif() message("Changing the .qrc file") # - Acquire binary timestamps before the build file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinPlain}" rdPlainBefore "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinGen}" rdGenBefore "${timeformat}") # - Ensure that the timestamp will change # - Change the .qrc file # - Rebuild execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) configure_file(${rccDepSD}/ ${rccDepBD}/resPlain.qrc COPYONLY) configure_file(${rccDepSD}/ ${rccDepBD}/ COPYONLY) execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${rccDepBD}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Third build of rccDepends failed.") endif() # - Acquire binary timestamps after the build file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinPlain}" rdPlainAfter "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinGen}" rdGenAfter "${timeformat}") # - Test if timestamps changed if (NOT rdPlainAfter GREATER rdPlainBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "Plain .qrc binary ${rccDepBinPlain}) should have changed!") endif() if (NOT rdGenAfter GREATER rdGenBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "GENERATED .qrc binary ${rccDepBinGen} should have changed!") endif() message("Changing a newly added resource files listed in the .qrc file") # - Acquire binary timestamps before the build file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinPlain}" rdPlainBefore "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinGen}" rdGenBefore "${timeformat}") # - Ensure that the timestamp will change # - Change a newly added resource files listed in the .qrc file # - Rebuild execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) file(TOUCH "${rccDepBD}/resPlain/inputAdded.txt" "${rccDepBD}/resGen/inputAdded.txt") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${rccDepBD}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Fourth build of rccDepends failed.") endif() # - Acquire binary timestamps after the build file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinPlain}" rdPlainAfter "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinGen}" rdGenAfter "${timeformat}") # - Test if timestamps changed if (NOT rdPlainAfter GREATER rdPlainBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "Plain .qrc binary ${rccDepBinPlain}) should have changed!") endif() if (NOT rdGenAfter GREATER rdGenBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "GENERATED .qrc binary ${rccDepBinGen} should have changed!") endif() message("Changing nothing in the .qrc file") # - Acquire binary timestamps before the build file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinPlain}" rdPlainBefore "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinGen}" rdGenBefore "${timeformat}") # - Ensure that the timestamp will change # - Change nothing # - Rebuild execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep 1) execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build . WORKING_DIRECTORY "${rccDepBD}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if (result) message(SEND_ERROR "Fifth build of rccDepends failed.") endif() # - Acquire binary timestamps after the build file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinPlain}" rdPlainAfter "${timeformat}") file(TIMESTAMP "${rccDepBinGen}" rdGenAfter "${timeformat}") # - Test if timestamps changed if (rdPlainAfter GREATER rdPlainBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "Plain .qrc binary ${rccDepBinPlain}) should NOT have changed!") endif() if (rdGenAfter GREATER rdGenBefore) message(SEND_ERROR "GENERATED .qrc binary ${rccDepBinGen} should NOT have changed!") endif()