# CPack uses `rpm --suggests` to check if rpmbuild supports the "Suggests:" tag. # This test intentionally uses a different method (build a test .spec) so any # problems will be caught early if functionality should change in the future. execute_process( COMMAND ${RPMBUILD_EXECUTABLE} --nobuild test_suggests.spec ERROR_QUIET RESULT_VARIABLE RPMBUILD_SUGGESTS_RESULT) if(RPMBUILD_SUGGESTS_RESULT EQUAL 0) set(should_contain_suggests_tag_ true) endif() # Only verify that suggests tag is present only if that tag is supported. # If it is not supported the rpm package was correctly generated by ignoring # that tag and that was already checked by expected files test. if(should_contain_suggests_tag_) execute_process(COMMAND ${RPM_EXECUTABLE} -q --suggests -p "${FOUND_FILE_1}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CPACK_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY}" RESULT_VARIABLE rpm_result_ OUTPUT_VARIABLE rpm_output_ ERROR_VARIABLE error_variable_ OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(rpm_result_ OR NOT rpm_output_ STREQUAL "libsuggested") message(FATAL_ERROR "RPM_SUGGESTED package error: no suggested packages" " (result: '${rpm_result_}'; output: '${rpm_output_}';" " error: '${error_variable_}')") endif() endif()