# - Use Module for Java # This file provides functions for Java. It is assumed that FindJava.cmake # has already been loaded. See FindJava.cmake for information on how to # load Java into your CMake project. # # add_jar(TARGET_NAME SRC1 SRC2 .. SRCN RCS1 RCS2 .. RCSN) # # This command creates a <TARGET_NAME>.jar. It compiles the given source # files (SRC) and adds the given resource files (RCS) to the jar file. # If only resource files are given then just a jar file is created. # # Additional instructions: # To add compile flags to the target you can set these flags with # the following variable: # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_COMPILE_FLAGS -nowarn) # # To add a path or a jar file to the class path you can do this # with the CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH variable. # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/share/java/shibboleet.jar) # # To use a different output name for the target you can set it with: # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME shibboleet.jar) # add_jar(foobar foobar.java) # # To use a different output directory than CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR # you can set it with: # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin) # # To define an entry point in your jar you can set it with: # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_JAR_ENTRY_POINT com/examples/MyProject/Main) # # To add a VERSION to the target output name you can set it using # CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION. This will create a jar file with the name # shibboleet-1.0.0.jar and will create a symlink shibboleet.jar # pointing to the jar with the version information. # # set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION 1.2.0) # add_jar(shibboleet shibbotleet.java) # # If the target is a JNI library, utilize the following commands to # create a JNI symbolic link: # # set(CMAKE_JNI_TARGET TRUE) # set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION 1.2.0) # add_jar(shibboleet shibbotleet.java) # install_jar(shibboleet ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/shibboleet) # install_jni_symlink(shibboleet ${JAVA_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}) # # If a single target needs to produce more than one jar from its # java source code, to prevent the accumulation of duplicate class # files in subsequent jars, set/reset CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX prior # to calling the add_jar() function: # # set(CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX com/redhat/foo) # add_jar(foo foo.java) # # set(CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX com/redhat/bar) # add_jar(bar bar.java) # # Target Properties: # The add_jar() functions sets some target properties. You can get these # properties with the # get_property(TARGET <target_name> PROPERTY <propery_name>) # command. # # INSTALL_FILES The files which should be installed. This is used by # install_jar(). # JNI_SYMLINK The JNI symlink which should be installed. # This is used by install_jni_symlink(). # JAR_FILE The location of the jar file so that you can include # it. # CLASS_DIR The directory where the class files can be found. For # example to use them with javah. # # find_jar(<VAR> # name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...] # [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]] # [VERSIONS version1 [version2]] # [DOC "cache documentation string"] # ) # # This command is used to find a full path to the named jar. A cache # entry named by <VAR> is created to stor the result of this command. If # the full path to a jar is found the result is stored in the variable # and the search will not repeated unless the variable is cleared. If # nothing is found, the result will be <VAR>-NOTFOUND, and the search # will be attempted again next time find_jar is invoked with the same # variable. # The name of the full path to a file that is searched for is specified # by the names listed after NAMES argument. Additional search locations # can be specified after the PATHS argument. If you require special a # version of a jar file you can specify it with the VERSIONS argument. # The argument after DOC will be used for the documentation string in # the cache. # # install_jar(TARGET_NAME DESTINATION) # # This command installs the TARGET_NAME files to the given DESTINATION. # It should be called in the same scope as add_jar() or it will fail. # # install_jni_symlink(TARGET_NAME DESTINATION) # # This command installs the TARGET_NAME JNI symlinks to the given # DESTINATION. It should be called in the same scope as add_jar() # or it will fail. # # create_javadoc(<VAR> # PACKAGES pkg1 [pkg2 ...] # [SOURCEPATH <sourcepath>] # [CLASSPATH <classpath>] # [INSTALLPATH <install path>] # [DOCTITLE "the documentation title"] # [WINDOWTITLE "the title of the document"] # [AUTHOR TRUE|FALSE] # [USE TRUE|FALSE] # [VERSION TRUE|FALSE] # ) # # Create java documentation based on files or packages. For more # details please read the javadoc manpage. # # There are two main signatures for create_javadoc. The first # signature works with package names on a path with source files: # # Example: # create_javadoc(my_example_doc # PACKAGES com.exmaple.foo com.example.bar # SOURCEPATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" # CLASSPATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH} # WINDOWTITLE "My example" # DOCTITLE "<h1>My example</h1>" # AUTHOR TRUE # USE TRUE # VERSION TRUE # ) # # The second signature for create_javadoc works on a given list of # files. # # create_javadoc(<VAR> # FILES file1 [file2 ...] # [CLASSPATH <classpath>] # [INSTALLPATH <install path>] # [DOCTITLE "the documentation title"] # [WINDOWTITLE "the title of the document"] # [AUTHOR TRUE|FALSE] # [USE TRUE|FALSE] # [VERSION TRUE|FALSE] # ) # # Example: # create_javadoc(my_example_doc # FILES ${example_SRCS} # CLASSPATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH} # WINDOWTITLE "My example" # DOCTITLE "<h1>My example</h1>" # AUTHOR TRUE # USE TRUE # VERSION TRUE # ) # # Both signatures share most of the options. These options are the # same as what you can find in the javadoc manpage. Please look at # the manpage for CLASSPATH, DOCTITLE, WINDOWTITLE, AUTHOR, USE and # VERSION. # # The documentation will be by default installed to # # ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/javadoc/<VAR> # # if you don't set the INSTALLPATH. # #============================================================================= # Copyright 2010-2011 Andreas schneider <asn@redhat.com> # Copyright 2010 Ben Boeckel <ben.boeckel@kitware.com> # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) function (__java_copy_file src dest comment) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${dest} COMMAND cmake -E copy_if_different ARGS ${src} ${dest} DEPENDS ${src} COMMENT ${comment}) endfunction (__java_copy_file src dest comment) # define helper scripts set(_JAVA_CLASS_FILELIST_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/UseJavaClassFilelist.cmake) set(_JAVA_SYMLINK_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/UseJavaSymlinks.cmake) function(add_jar _TARGET_NAME) set(_JAVA_SOURCE_FILES ${ARGN}) if (NOT DEFINED CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR) set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) endif(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR) if (CMAKE_JAVA_JAR_ENTRY_POINT) set(_ENTRY_POINT_OPTION e) set(_ENTRY_POINT_VALUE ${CMAKE_JAVA_JAR_ENTRY_POINT}) endif (CMAKE_JAVA_JAR_ENTRY_POINT) if (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) set(CMAKE_JAVA_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) else (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) set(CMAKE_JAVA_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}) endif (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_JAVA_OBJECT_OUTPUT_PATH} ${CMAKE_JAVA_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH} ) if (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_FLAG_SEP ";") else (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_FLAG_SEP ":") endif(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) foreach (JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH}) set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH_FINAL "${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH_FINAL}${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_FLAG_SEP}${JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR}") endforeach(JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR) set(CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/${_TARGET_NAME}.dir") set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME "${_TARGET_NAME}.jar") if (CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME AND CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION) set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME "${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}-${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION}.jar") set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK "${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}.jar") elseif (CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION) set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME "${_TARGET_NAME}-${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION}.jar") set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK "${_TARGET_NAME}.jar") elseif (CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME) set(_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME "${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}.jar") endif (CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME AND CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION) # reset set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME) set(_JAVA_CLASS_FILES) set(_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES) set(_JAVA_DEPENDS) set(_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES) foreach(_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILES}) get_filename_component(_JAVA_EXT ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} EXT) get_filename_component(_JAVA_FILE ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_JAVA_PATH ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} PATH) get_filename_component(_JAVA_FULL ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} ABSOLUTE) file(RELATIVE_PATH _JAVA_REL_BINARY_PATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR} ${_JAVA_FULL}) file(RELATIVE_PATH _JAVA_REL_SOURCE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${_JAVA_FULL}) string(LENGTH ${_JAVA_REL_BINARY_PATH} _BIN_LEN) string(LENGTH ${_JAVA_REL_SOURCE_PATH} _SRC_LEN) if (${_BIN_LEN} LESS ${_SRC_LEN}) set(_JAVA_REL_PATH ${_JAVA_REL_BINARY_PATH}) else (${_BIN_LEN} LESS ${_SRC_LEN}) set(_JAVA_REL_PATH ${_JAVA_REL_SOURCE_PATH}) endif (${_BIN_LEN} LESS ${_SRC_LEN}) get_filename_component(_JAVA_REL_PATH ${_JAVA_REL_PATH} PATH) if (_JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".java") list(APPEND _JAVA_COMPILE_FILES ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}) set(_JAVA_CLASS_FILE "${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/${_JAVA_REL_PATH}/${_JAVA_FILE}.class") set(_JAVA_CLASS_FILES ${_JAVA_CLASS_FILES} ${_JAVA_CLASS_FILE}) elseif (_JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".jar" OR _JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".war" OR _JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".ear" OR _JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".sar") list(APPEND CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}) elseif (_JAVA_EXT STREQUAL "") list(APPEND CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH ${JAVA_JAR_TARGET_${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}} ${JAVA_JAR_TARGET_${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}_CLASSPATH}) list(APPEND _JAVA_DEPENDS ${JAVA_JAR_TARGET_${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}}) else (_JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".java") __java_copy_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} "Copying ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE} to the build directory") list(APPEND _JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES ${_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE}) endif (_JAVA_EXT MATCHES ".java") endforeach(_JAVA_SOURCE_FILE) # create an empty java_class_filelist if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist) file(WRITE ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist "") endif() if (_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES) # Compile the java files and create a list of class files add_custom_command( # NOTE: this command generates an artificial dependency file OUTPUT ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_compiled_${_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_JAVA_COMPILE_FLAGS} -classpath "${CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH_FINAL}" -d ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} ${_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_compiled_${_TARGET_NAME} DEPENDS ${_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Building Java objects for ${_TARGET_NAME}.jar" ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH=${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} -DCMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX="${CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX}" -P ${_JAVA_CLASS_FILELIST_SCRIPT} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_compiled_${_TARGET_NAME} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) endif (_JAVA_COMPILE_FILES) # create the jar file set(_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}) if (CMAKE_JNI_TARGET) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH} COMMAND ${Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE} -cf${_ENTRY_POINT_OPTION} ${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH} ${_ENTRY_POINT_VALUE} ${_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES} @java_class_filelist COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D_JAVA_TARGET_DIR=${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} -P ${_JAVA_SYMLINK_SCRIPT} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D_JAVA_TARGET_DIR=${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME=${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} -P ${_JAVA_SYMLINK_SCRIPT} DEPENDS ${_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES} ${_JAVA_DEPENDS} ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} COMMENT "Creating Java archive ${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}" ) else () add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH} COMMAND ${Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE} -cf${_ENTRY_POINT_OPTION} ${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH} ${_ENTRY_POINT_VALUE} ${_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES} @java_class_filelist COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D_JAVA_TARGET_DIR=${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME} -D_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK=${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} -P ${_JAVA_SYMLINK_SCRIPT} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} DEPENDS ${_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES} ${_JAVA_DEPENDS} ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH}/java_class_filelist COMMENT "Creating Java archive ${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME}" ) endif (CMAKE_JNI_TARGET) # Add the target and make sure we have the latest resource files. add_custom_target(${_TARGET_NAME} ALL DEPENDS ${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH}) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY INSTALL_FILES ${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH} ) if (_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY INSTALL_FILES ${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH} ${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} ) if (CMAKE_JNI_TARGET) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY JNI_SYMLINK ${CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_DIR}/${_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK} ) endif (CMAKE_JNI_TARGET) endif (_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_LINK) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY JAR_FILE ${_JAVA_JAR_OUTPUT_PATH} ) set_property( TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY CLASSDIR ${CMAKE_JAVA_CLASS_OUTPUT_PATH} ) endfunction(add_jar) function(INSTALL_JAR _TARGET_NAME _DESTINATION) get_property(__FILES TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY INSTALL_FILES ) if (__FILES) install( FILES ${__FILES} DESTINATION ${_DESTINATION} ) else (__FILES) message(SEND_ERROR "The target ${_TARGET_NAME} is not known in this scope.") endif (__FILES) endfunction(INSTALL_JAR _TARGET_NAME _DESTINATION) function(INSTALL_JNI_SYMLINK _TARGET_NAME _DESTINATION) get_property(__SYMLINK TARGET ${_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY JNI_SYMLINK ) if (__SYMLINK) install( FILES ${__SYMLINK} DESTINATION ${_DESTINATION} ) else (__SYMLINK) message(SEND_ERROR "The target ${_TARGET_NAME} is not known in this scope.") endif (__SYMLINK) endfunction(INSTALL_JNI_SYMLINK _TARGET_NAME _DESTINATION) function (find_jar VARIABLE) set(_jar_names) set(_jar_files) set(_jar_versions) set(_jar_paths /usr/share/java/ /usr/local/share/java/ ${Java_JAR_PATHS}) set(_jar_doc "NOTSET") set(_state "name") foreach (arg ${ARGN}) if (${_state} STREQUAL "name") if (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_state "versions") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_state "names") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "PATHS") set(_state "paths") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOC") set(_state "doc") else (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_jar_names ${arg}) if (_jar_doc STREQUAL "NOTSET") set(_jar_doc "Finding ${arg} jar") endif (_jar_doc STREQUAL "NOTSET") endif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "versions") if (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_state "names") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "PATHS") set(_state "paths") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOC") set(_state "doc") else (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_jar_versions ${_jar_versions} ${arg}) endif (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "names") if (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_state "versions") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "PATHS") set(_state "paths") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOC") set(_state "doc") else (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_jar_names ${_jar_names} ${arg}) if (_jar_doc STREQUAL "NOTSET") set(_jar_doc "Finding ${arg} jar") endif (_jar_doc STREQUAL "NOTSET") endif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "paths") if (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_state "versions") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_state "names") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOC") set(_state "doc") else (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_jar_paths ${_jar_paths} ${arg}) endif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "doc") if (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_state "versions") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "NAMES") set(_state "names") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "PATHS") set(_state "paths") else (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") set(_jar_doc ${arg}) endif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSIONS") endif (${_state} STREQUAL "name") endforeach (arg ${ARGN}) if (NOT _jar_names) message(FATAL_ERROR "find_jar: No name to search for given") endif (NOT _jar_names) foreach (jar_name ${_jar_names}) foreach (version ${_jar_versions}) set(_jar_files ${_jar_files} ${jar_name}-${version}.jar) endforeach (version ${_jar_versions}) set(_jar_files ${_jar_files} ${jar_name}.jar) endforeach (jar_name ${_jar_names}) find_file(${VARIABLE} NAMES ${_jar_files} PATHS ${_jar_paths} DOC ${_jar_doc} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endfunction (find_jar VARIABLE) function(create_javadoc _target) set(_javadoc_packages) set(_javadoc_files) set(_javadoc_sourcepath) set(_javadoc_classpath) set(_javadoc_installpath "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/javadoc") set(_javadoc_doctitle) set(_javadoc_windowtitle) set(_javadoc_author FALSE) set(_javadoc_version FALSE) set(_javadoc_use FALSE) set(_state "package") foreach (arg ${ARGN}) if (${_state} STREQUAL "package") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_packages ${arg}) set(_state "packages") endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "packages") if (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () list(APPEND _javadoc_packages ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "files") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () list(APPEND _javadoc_files ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "sourcepath") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () list(APPEND _javadoc_sourcepath ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "classpath") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () list(APPEND _javadoc_classpath ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "installpath") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_installpath ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "doctitle") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_doctitle ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "windowtitle") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_windowtitle ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} STREQUAL "author") if (${arg} STREQUAL "PACKAGES") set(_state "packages") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "FILES") set(_state "files") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "SOURCEPATH") set(_state "sourcepath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "CLASSPATH") set(_state "classpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "INSTALLPATH") set(_state "installpath") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "DOCTITLE") set(_state "doctitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "WINDOWTITLE") set(_state "windowtitle") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "AUTHOR") set(_state "author") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "USE") set(_state "use") elseif (${arg} STREQUAL "VERSION") set(_state "version") else () set(_javadoc_author ${arg}) endif () elseif (${_state} 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