include ("${RunCMake_SOURCE_DIR}/check_errors.cmake") unset (errors) set (path "/a/b") cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_NAME path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_NAME: ${path} has root name") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_DIRECTORY: ${path} does not have root directory") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_PATH: ${path} does not have root path") endif() set (path "a/b") cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_PATH path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_PATH: ${path} has root path") endif() set (path "/a/b") cmake_path(HAS_FILENAME path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "FILENAME: ${path} does not have filename") endif() set (path "a.b") cmake_path(HAS_FILENAME path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "FILENAME: ${path} does not have filename") endif() set (path "/a/b/") cmake_path(HAS_FILENAME path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "FILENAME: ${path} has filename") endif() set (path "/") cmake_path(HAS_FILENAME path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "FILENAME: ${path} has filename") endif() set (path "/a/b") cmake_path(HAS_STEM path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "STEM: ${path} does not have stem") endif() set (path "a.b") cmake_path(HAS_STEM path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "STEM: ${path} does not have stem") endif() set (path ".a") cmake_path(HAS_STEM path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "STEM: ${path} does not have stem") endif() set (path "/a/") cmake_path(HAS_STEM path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "STEM: ${path} has stem") endif() set (path "/") cmake_path(HAS_STEM path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "STEM: ${path} has stem") endif() set (path "/a/b.c") cmake_path(HAS_EXTENSION path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "EXTENSION: ${path} does not have extension") endif() set (path "b.c") cmake_path(HAS_EXTENSION path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "EXTENSION: ${path} does not have extension") endif() set (path "/.a") cmake_path(HAS_EXTENSION path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "EXTENSION: ${path} has extension") endif() set (path "/a/") cmake_path(HAS_EXTENSION path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "EXTENSION: ${path} has extension") endif() set (path "/") cmake_path(HAS_EXTENSION path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "EXTENSION: ${path} has extension") endif() set (path "/a/b") cmake_path(HAS_RELATIVE_PART path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "RELATIVE_PART: ${path} does not have relative part") endif() set (path "/") cmake_path(HAS_RELATIVE_PART path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "RELATIVE_PART: ${path} has relative part") endif() set (path "/a/b") cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "PARENT_PATH: ${path} does not have parent path") endif() set (path "/") cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "PARENT_PATH: ${path} does not have parent path") endif() set (path "a") cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "PARENT_PATH: ${path} has parent path") endif() if (WIN32) set (path "c:/a/b") cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_NAME path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_NAME: ${path} does not have root name") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_DIRECTORY: ${path} does not have root directory") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_PATH: ${path} does not have root path") endif() set (path "c:a/b") cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_NAME path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_NAME: ${path} does not have root name") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_DIRECTORY: ${path} has root directory") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_PATH: ${path} does not have root path") endif() set (path "//host/b") cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_NAME path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_NAME: ${path} does not have root name") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_DIRECTORY: ${path} does not have root directory") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_PATH: ${path} does not have root path") endif() set (path "//host") cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_NAME path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_NAME: ${path} does not have root name") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY path output) if (output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_DIRECTORY: ${path} has root directory") endif() cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "ROOT_PATH: ${path} does not have root path") endif() set (path "c:/a/b") cmake_path(HAS_RELATIVE_PART path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "RELATIVE_PART: ${path} does not have relative part") endif() set (path "c:a/b") cmake_path(HAS_RELATIVE_PART path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "RELATIVE_PART: ${path} does not have relative part") endif() set (path "//host/b") cmake_path(HAS_RELATIVE_PART path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "RELATIVE_PART: ${path} does not have relative part") endif() set (path "c:/a/b") cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "PARENT_PATH: ${path} does not have parent path") endif() set (path "c:/") cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "PARENT_PATH: ${path} does not have parent path") endif() set (path "c:") cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "PARENT_PATH: ${path} does not have parent path") endif() set (path "//host/") cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "PARENT_PATH: ${path} does not have parent path") endif() set (path "//host") cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH path output) if (NOT output) list (APPEND errors "PARENT_PATH: ${path} does not have parent path") endif() endif() check_errors (HAS ${errors})