cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project (ExternalOBJ) if(APPLE) # set _CMAKE_OSX_MACHINE to umame -m execute_process(COMMAND uname -m OUTPUT_VARIABLE _CMAKE_OSX_MACHINE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # check for Power PC and change to ppc if("${_CMAKE_OSX_MACHINE}" MATCHES "Power") set(_CMAKE_OSX_MACHINE ppc) endif() set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES ${_CMAKE_OSX_MACHINE}) endif() # Build the external object file. try_compile(EXTERNAL_OBJECT_BUILT ${ExternalOBJ_BINARY_DIR}/Object ${ExternalOBJ_SOURCE_DIR}/Object Object external OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT ) if(EXTERNAL_OBJECT_BUILT) message( "Building external_object.cxx succeeded with the following output:\n" "[${OUTPUT}]" ) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Building external_object.cxx failed with the following output:\n" "[${OUTPUT}]" ) endif() # Find the external object file. set(DIR ${ExternalOBJ_BINARY_DIR}/Object) file(GLOB_RECURSE EXTERNAL_OBJECT "${DIR}/external_object*${CMAKE_CXX_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}") if(EXTERNAL_OBJECT) list (GET EXTERNAL_OBJECT 0 EXTERNAL_OBJECT) message("Found \"${EXTERNAL_OBJECT}\".") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find external object.") endif() # Test creation of external objects by custom commands. set(CUSTOM_OBJECT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/custom_object${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CUSTOM_OBJECT} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${EXTERNAL_OBJECT} ${CUSTOM_OBJECT} DEPENDS ${EXTERNAL_OBJECT} ) message("${EXTERNAL_OBJECT}") # Build an executable using the external object file. add_executable(ExternalOBJ executable.cxx ${CUSTOM_OBJECT}) # A bug showed up in VS2010 where an object file that was # part of a custom command output worked, but ones that were # not didn't work. So, repeat the executable using the object # directly and not from the output of the copy. add_executable(ExternalOBJ2 executable.cxx ${EXTERNAL_OBJECT}) add_subdirectory(Sub)