/* PDCurses */

#include <curspriv.h>



### Synopsis

    int putwin(WINDOW *win, FILE *filep);
    WINDOW *getwin(FILE *filep);
    int scr_dump(const char *filename);
    int scr_init(const char *filename);
    int scr_restore(const char *filename);
    int scr_set(const char *filename);

### Description

   getwin() reads window-related data previously stored in a file by
   putwin(). It then creates and initialises a new window using that

   putwin() writes all data associated with a window into a file, using
   an unspecified format. This information can be retrieved later using

   scr_dump() writes the current contents of the virtual screen to the
   file named by filename in an unspecified format.

   scr_restore() function sets the virtual screen to the contents of the
   file named by filename, which must have been written using
   scr_dump(). The next refresh operation restores the screen to the way
   it looked in the dump file.

   In PDCurses, scr_init() does nothing, and scr_set() is a synonym for
   scr_restore(). Also, scr_dump() and scr_restore() save and load from
   curscr. This differs from some other implementations, where
   scr_init() works with curscr, and scr_restore() works with newscr;
   but the effect should be the same. (PDCurses has no newscr.)

### Return Value

   On successful completion, getwin() returns a pointer to the window it
   created. Otherwise, it returns a null pointer. Other functions return
   OK or ERR.

### Portability
                             X/Open  ncurses  NetBSD
    putwin                      Y       Y       Y
    getwin                      Y       Y       Y
    scr_dump                    Y       Y       -
    scr_init                    Y       Y       -
    scr_restore                 Y       Y       -
    scr_set                     Y       Y       -


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define DUMPVER 1   /* Should be updated whenever the WINDOW struct is
                       changed */

int putwin(WINDOW *win, FILE *filep)
    static const char *marker = "PDC";
    static const unsigned char version = DUMPVER;

    PDC_LOG(("putwin() - called\n"));

    /* write the marker and the WINDOW struct */

    if (filep && fwrite(marker, strlen(marker), 1, filep)
              && fwrite(&version, 1, 1, filep)
              && fwrite(win, sizeof(WINDOW), 1, filep))
        int i;

        /* write each line */

        for (i = 0; i < win->_maxy && win->_y[i]; i++)
            if (!fwrite(win->_y[i], win->_maxx * sizeof(chtype), 1, filep))
                return ERR;

        return OK;

    return ERR;

WINDOW *getwin(FILE *filep)
    WINDOW *win;
    char marker[4];
    int i, nlines, ncols;

    PDC_LOG(("getwin() - called\n"));

    win = malloc(sizeof(WINDOW));
    if (!win)
        return (WINDOW *)NULL;

    /* check for the marker, and load the WINDOW struct */

    if (!filep || !fread(marker, 4, 1, filep) || strncmp(marker, "PDC", 3)
        || marker[3] != DUMPVER || !fread(win, sizeof(WINDOW), 1, filep))
        return (WINDOW *)NULL;

    nlines = win->_maxy;
    ncols = win->_maxx;

    /* allocate the line pointer array */

    win->_y = malloc(nlines * sizeof(chtype *));
    if (!win->_y)
        return (WINDOW *)NULL;

    /* allocate the minchng and maxchng arrays */

    win->_firstch = malloc(nlines * sizeof(int));
    if (!win->_firstch)
        return (WINDOW *)NULL;

    win->_lastch = malloc(nlines * sizeof(int));
    if (!win->_lastch)
        return (WINDOW *)NULL;

    /* allocate the lines */

    win = PDC_makelines(win);
    if (!win)
        return (WINDOW *)NULL;

    /* read them */

    for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
        if (!fread(win->_y[i], ncols * sizeof(chtype), 1, filep))
            return (WINDOW *)NULL;


    return win;

int scr_dump(const char *filename)
    FILE *filep;

    PDC_LOG(("scr_dump() - called: filename %s\n", filename));

    if (filename && (filep = fopen(filename, "wb")) != NULL)
        int result = putwin(curscr, filep);
        return result;

    return ERR;

int scr_init(const char *filename)
    PDC_LOG(("scr_init() - called: filename %s\n", filename));

    return OK;

int scr_restore(const char *filename)
    FILE *filep;

    PDC_LOG(("scr_restore() - called: filename %s\n", filename));

    if (filename && (filep = fopen(filename, "rb")) != NULL)
        WINDOW *replacement = getwin(filep);

        if (replacement)
            int result = overwrite(replacement, curscr);
            return result;

    return ERR;

int scr_set(const char *filename)
    PDC_LOG(("scr_set() - called: filename %s\n", filename));

    return scr_restore(filename);