cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8) project (CudaOnlyExportPTX CUDA) #Goal for this example: # How to generate PTX files instead of OBJECT files # How to reference PTX files for custom commands # How to install PTX files add_library(CudaPTX OBJECT set_property(TARGET CudaPTX PROPERTY CUDA_PTX_COMPILATION ON) #Test ObjectFiles with file(GENERATE) file(GENERATE OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gen_$<LOWER_CASE:$<CONFIG>/>path_to_objs.h CONTENT [[ #include <vector> #include <string> #ifndef path_to_objs #define path_to_objs static std::string ptx_paths = "$<TARGET_OBJECTS:CudaPTX>"; #endif ]] ) #We are going to need a wrapper around bin2c for multiple reasons # 1. bin2c only converts a single file at a time # 2. bin2c has only standard out support, so we have to manually # redirect to a cmake buffer # 3. We want to pack everything into a single output file, so we # need to also pass the --name option set(output_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/embedded_objs.h) get_filename_component(cuda_compiler_bin "${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER}" DIRECTORY) find_program(bin_to_c NAMES bin2c PATHS ${cuda_compiler_bin} ) if(NOT bin_to_c) message(FATAL_ERROR "bin2c not found:\n" " CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER='${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER}'\n" " cuda_compiler_bin='${cuda_compiler_bin}'\n" ) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${output_file}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} "-DBIN_TO_C_COMMAND=${bin_to_c}" "-DOBJECTS=$<TARGET_OBJECTS:CudaPTX>" "-DOUTPUT=${output_file}" -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin2c_wrapper.cmake VERBATIM DEPENDS $<TARGET_OBJECTS:CudaPTX> COMMENT "Converting Object files to a C header" ) add_executable(CudaOnlyExportPTX ${output_file}) add_dependencies(CudaOnlyExportPTX CudaPTX) target_include_directories(CudaOnlyExportPTX PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) target_compile_definitions(CudaOnlyExportPTX PRIVATE "CONFIG_TYPE=gen_$<LOWER_CASE:$<CONFIG>>") if(APPLE) # Help the static cuda runtime find the driver (libcuda.dyllib) at runtime. set_property(TARGET CudaOnlyExportPTX PROPERTY BUILD_RPATH ${CMAKE_CUDA_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES}) endif() #Verify that we can install object targets properly install(TARGETS CudaPTX CudaOnlyExportPTX EXPORT cudaPTX RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib OBJECTS DESTINATION objs ) install(EXPORT cudaPTX DESTINATION lib/cudaPTX)