# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #.rst: # FindIce # ------- # # Find the ZeroC Internet Communication Engine (ICE) programs, # libraries and datafiles. # # This module supports multiple components. # Components can include any of: ``Freeze``, ``Glacier2``, ``Ice``, # ``IceBox``, ``IceDB``, ``IceDiscovery``, ``IceGrid``, # ``IceLocatorDiscovery``, ``IcePatch``, ``IceSSL``, ``IceStorm``, # ``IceUtil``, ``IceXML``, or ``Slice``. # # Ice 3.7 and later also include C++11-specific components: # ``Glacier2++11``, ``Ice++11``, ``IceBox++11``, ``IceDiscovery++11`` # ``IceGrid``, ``IceLocatorDiscovery++11``, ``IceSSL++11``, # ``IceStorm++11`` # # Note that the set of supported components is Ice version-specific. # # This module reports information about the Ice installation in # several variables. General variables:: # # Ice_VERSION - Ice release version # Ice_FOUND - true if the main programs and libraries were found # Ice_LIBRARIES - component libraries to be linked # Ice_INCLUDE_DIRS - the directories containing the Ice headers # Ice_SLICE_DIRS - the directories containing the Ice slice interface # definitions # # Imported targets:: # # Ice::<C> # # Where ``<C>`` is the name of an Ice component, for example # ``Ice::Glacier2`` or ``Ice++11``. # # Ice slice programs are reported in:: # # Ice_SLICE2CPP_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2cpp executable # Ice_SLICE2CS_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2cs executable # Ice_SLICE2FREEZEJ_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2freezej executable # Ice_SLICE2FREEZE_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2freeze executable # Ice_SLICE2HTML_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2html executable # Ice_SLICE2JAVA_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2java executable # Ice_SLICE2JS_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2js executable # Ice_SLICE2OBJC_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2objc executable # Ice_SLICE2PHP_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2php executable # Ice_SLICE2PY_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2py executable # Ice_SLICE2RB_EXECUTABLE - path to slice2rb executable # # Ice programs are reported in:: # # Ice_GLACIER2ROUTER_EXECUTABLE - path to glacier2router executable # Ice_ICEBOX_EXECUTABLE - path to icebox executable # Ice_ICEBOXXX11_EXECUTABLE - path to icebox++11 executable # Ice_ICEBOXADMIN_EXECUTABLE - path to iceboxadmin executable # Ice_ICEBOXD_EXECUTABLE - path to iceboxd executable # Ice_ICEBOXNET_EXECUTABLE - path to iceboxnet executable # Ice_ICEBRIDGE_EXECUTABLE - path to icebridge executable # Ice_ICEGRIDADMIN_EXECUTABLE - path to icegridadmin executable # Ice_ICEGRIDDB_EXECUTABLE - path to icegriddb executable # Ice_ICEGRIDNODE_EXECUTABLE - path to icegridnode executable # Ice_ICEGRIDNODED_EXECUTABLE - path to icegridnoded executable # Ice_ICEGRIDREGISTRY_EXECUTABLE - path to icegridregistry executable # Ice_ICEGRIDREGISTRYD_EXECUTABLE - path to icegridregistryd executable # Ice_ICEPATCH2CALC_EXECUTABLE - path to icepatch2calc executable # Ice_ICEPATCH2CLIENT_EXECUTABLE - path to icepatch2client executable # Ice_ICEPATCH2SERVER_EXECUTABLE - path to icepatch2server executable # Ice_ICESERVICEINSTALL_EXECUTABLE - path to iceserviceinstall executable # Ice_ICESTORMADMIN_EXECUTABLE - path to icestormadmin executable # Ice_ICESTORMDB_EXECUTABLE - path to icestormdb executable # Ice_ICESTORMMIGRATE_EXECUTABLE - path to icestormmigrate executable # # Ice db programs (Windows only; standard system versions on all other # platforms) are reported in:: # # Ice_DB_ARCHIVE_EXECUTABLE - path to db_archive executable # Ice_DB_CHECKPOINT_EXECUTABLE - path to db_checkpoint executable # Ice_DB_DEADLOCK_EXECUTABLE - path to db_deadlock executable # Ice_DB_DUMP_EXECUTABLE - path to db_dump executable # Ice_DB_HOTBACKUP_EXECUTABLE - path to db_hotbackup executable # Ice_DB_LOAD_EXECUTABLE - path to db_load executable # Ice_DB_LOG_VERIFY_EXECUTABLE - path to db_log_verify executable # Ice_DB_PRINTLOG_EXECUTABLE - path to db_printlog executable # Ice_DB_RECOVER_EXECUTABLE - path to db_recover executable # Ice_DB_STAT_EXECUTABLE - path to db_stat executable # Ice_DB_TUNER_EXECUTABLE - path to db_tuner executable # Ice_DB_UPGRADE_EXECUTABLE - path to db_upgrade executable # Ice_DB_VERIFY_EXECUTABLE - path to db_verify executable # Ice_DUMPDB_EXECUTABLE - path to dumpdb executable # Ice_TRANSFORMDB_EXECUTABLE - path to transformdb executable # # Ice component libraries are reported in:: # # Ice_<C>_FOUND - ON if component was found # Ice_<C>_LIBRARIES - libraries for component # # Note that ``<C>`` is the uppercased name of the component. # # This module reads hints about search results from:: # # Ice_HOME - the root of the Ice installation # # The environment variable ``ICE_HOME`` may also be used; the # Ice_HOME variable takes precedence. # # .. note:: # On Windows, Ice 3.7.0 and later provide libraries via the NuGet # package manager. Appropriate NuGet packages will be searched for # using ``CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH``, or alternatively ``Ice_HOME`` may be # set to the location of a specific NuGet package to restrict the # search. # # The following cache variables may also be set:: # # Ice_<P>_EXECUTABLE - the path to executable <P> # Ice_INCLUDE_DIR - the directory containing the Ice headers # Ice_SLICE_DIR - the directory containing the Ice slice interface # definitions # Ice_<C>_LIBRARY - the library for component <C> # # .. note:: # # In most cases none of the above variables will require setting, # unless multiple Ice versions are available and a specific version # is required. On Windows, the most recent version of Ice will be # found through the registry. On Unix, the programs, headers and # libraries will usually be in standard locations, but Ice_SLICE_DIRS # might not be automatically detected (commonly known locations are # searched). All the other variables are defaulted using Ice_HOME, # if set. It's possible to set Ice_HOME and selectively specify # alternative locations for the other components; this might be # required for e.g. newer versions of Visual Studio if the # heuristics are not sufficient to identify the correct programs and # libraries for the specific Visual Studio version. # # Other variables one may set to control this module are:: # # Ice_DEBUG - Set to ON to enable debug output from FindIce. # Written by Roger Leigh <rleigh@codelibre.net> set(_Ice_db_programs db_archive db_checkpoint db_deadlock db_dump db_hotbackup db_load db_log_verify db_printlog db_recover db_stat db_tuner db_upgrade db_verify dumpdb transformdb) set(_Ice_programs glacier2router icebox icebox++11 iceboxadmin iceboxd iceboxnet icebridge icegridadmin icegriddb icegridnode icegridnoded icegridregistry icegridregistryd icepatch2calc icepatch2client icepatch2server iceserviceinstall icestormadmin icestormdb icestormmigrate) set(_Ice_slice_programs slice2cpp slice2cs slice2freezej slice2freeze slice2html slice2java slice2js slice2objc slice2php slice2py slice2rb) # The Ice checks are contained in a function due to the large number # of temporary variables needed. function(_Ice_FIND) # Released versions of Ice, including generic short forms set(ice_versions 3 3.7 3.7.0 3.6 3.6.3 3.6.2 3.6.1 3.6.0 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.0 3.4 3.4.2 3.4.1 3.4.0 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.0) foreach(ver ${ice_versions}) string(REGEX MATCH "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\$" two_digit_version_match "${ver}") if(two_digit_version_match) string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\$" "\\1\\2" two_digit_version "${ver}") list(APPEND ice_suffix_versions "${two_digit_version}") endif() endforeach() # Set up search paths, taking compiler into account. Search Ice_HOME, # with ICE_HOME in the environment as a fallback if unset. if(Ice_HOME) list(APPEND ice_roots "${Ice_HOME}") else() if(NOT "$ENV{ICE_HOME}" STREQUAL "") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{ICE_HOME}" NATIVE_PATH) list(APPEND ice_roots "${NATIVE_PATH}") set(Ice_HOME "${NATIVE_PATH}" CACHE PATH "Location of the Ice installation" FORCE) endif() endif() set(_bin "bin/Win32") set(_lib "lib/Win32") if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set(_bin "bin/x64") set(_lib "lib/x64") # 64-bit path suffix set(_x64 "/x64") # 64-bit library directory set(_lib64 "lib64") endif() unset(vcvers) if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 19.10) set(vcvers "141;140") elseif (NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 19) set(vcvers "140") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 18) set(vcvers "120") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 17) set(vcvers "110") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 16) set(vcvers "100") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 15) set(vcvers "90") set(vcyear "2008") elseif(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 14) set(vcvers "80") set(vcyear "2005") else() # Unknown version set(vcvers Unknown) endif() endif() # For compatibility with ZeroC Windows builds. if(vcvers) list(APPEND ice_binary_suffixes "build/native/${_bin}/Release" "tools") list(APPEND ice_debug_library_suffixes "build/native/${_lib}/Debug") list(APPEND ice_release_library_suffixes "build/native/${_lib}/Release") foreach(vcver IN LISTS vcvers) # Earlier Ice (3.3) builds don't use vcnnn subdirectories, but are harmless to check. list(APPEND ice_binary_suffixes "bin/vc${vcver}${_x64}" "bin/vc${vcver}") list(APPEND ice_debug_library_suffixes "lib/vc${vcver}${_x64}" "lib/vc${vcver}") list(APPEND ice_release_library_suffixes "lib/vc${vcver}${_x64}" "lib/vc${vcver}") endforeach() endif() # Generic 64-bit and 32-bit directories list(APPEND ice_binary_suffixes "bin${_x64}" "bin") list(APPEND ice_debug_library_suffixes "libx32" "${_lib64}" "lib${_x64}" "lib") list(APPEND ice_release_library_suffixes "libx32" "${_lib64}" "lib${_x64}" "lib") if(vcvers) list(APPEND ice_include_suffixes "build/native/include") endif() list(APPEND ice_include_suffixes "include") list(APPEND ice_slice_suffixes "slice") # On Windows, look in the registry for install locations. Different # versions of Ice install support different compiler versions. if(vcvers) foreach(ice_version ${ice_versions}) foreach(vcver IN LISTS vcvers) list(APPEND ice_nuget_dirs "zeroc.ice.v${vcver}.${ice_version}") list(APPEND freeze_nuget_dirs "zeroc.freeze.v${vcver}.${ice_version}") endforeach() endforeach() find_path(Ice_NUGET_DIR NAMES "tools/slice2cpp.exe" PATH_SUFFIXES ${ice_nuget_dirs} DOC "Ice NuGet directory") if(Ice_NUGET_DIR) list(APPEND ice_roots "${Ice_NUGET_DIR}") endif() find_path(Freeze_NUGET_DIR NAMES "tools/slice2freeze.exe" PATH_SUFFIXES ${freeze_nuget_dirs} DOC "Freeze NuGet directory") if(Freeze_NUGET_DIR) list(APPEND ice_roots "${Freeze_NUGET_DIR}") endif() foreach(ice_version ${ice_versions}) # Ice 3.3 releases use a Visual Studio year suffix and value is # enclosed in double quotes, though only the leading quote is # returned by get_filename_component. unset(ice_location) if(vcyear) get_filename_component(ice_location "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\ZeroC\\Ice ${ice_version} for Visual Studio ${vcyear};InstallDir]" PATH) if(ice_location AND NOT ("${ice_location}" STREQUAL "/registry" OR "${ice_location}" STREQUAL "/")) string(REGEX REPLACE "^\"(.*)\"?$" "\\1" ice_location "${ice_location}") get_filename_component(ice_location "${ice_location}" ABSOLUTE) else() unset(ice_location) endif() endif() # Ice 3.4+ releases don't use a suffix if(NOT ice_location OR "${ice_location}" STREQUAL "/registry") get_filename_component(ice_location "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\ZeroC\\Ice ${ice_version};InstallDir]" ABSOLUTE) endif() if(ice_location AND NOT "${ice_location}" STREQUAL "/registry") list(APPEND ice_roots "${ice_location}") endif() endforeach() else() foreach(ice_version ${ice_versions}) # Prefer 64-bit variants if present (and using a 64-bit compiler) list(APPEND ice_roots "/opt/Ice-${ice_version}") endforeach() endif() # Find all Ice programs foreach(program ${_Ice_db_programs} ${_Ice_programs} ${_Ice_slice_programs}) string(TOUPPER "${program}" program_upcase) set(cache_var "Ice_${program_upcase}_EXECUTABLE") set(program_var "Ice_${program_upcase}_EXECUTABLE") find_program("${cache_var}" "${program}" HINTS ${ice_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${ice_binary_suffixes} DOC "Ice ${program} executable") mark_as_advanced(cache_var) set("${program_var}" "${${cache_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() # Get version. if(Ice_SLICE2CPP_EXECUTABLE) # Execute in C locale for safety set(_Ice_SAVED_LC_ALL "$ENV{LC_ALL}") set(ENV{LC_ALL} C) execute_process(COMMAND ${Ice_SLICE2CPP_EXECUTABLE} --version ERROR_VARIABLE Ice_VERSION_SLICE2CPP_FULL ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # restore the previous LC_ALL set(ENV{LC_ALL} ${_Ice_SAVED_LC_ALL}) # Make short version string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.*)\\.[^.]*$" "\\1" Ice_VERSION_SLICE2CPP_SHORT "${Ice_VERSION_SLICE2CPP_FULL}") set(Ice_VERSION "${Ice_VERSION_SLICE2CPP_FULL}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(NOT Ice_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Ice version: ${Ice_VERSION_SLICE2CPP_FULL}") endif() # Find include directory find_path(Ice_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES "Ice/Ice.h" HINTS ${ice_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${ice_include_suffixes} DOC "Ice include directory") set(Ice_INCLUDE_DIR "${Ice_INCLUDE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) find_path(Freeze_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES "Freeze/Freeze.h" HINTS ${ice_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${ice_include_suffixes} DOC "Freeze include directory") set(Freeze_INCLUDE_DIR "${Freeze_INCLUDE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) # In common use on Linux, MacOS X (homebrew) and FreeBSD; prefer # version-specific dir list(APPEND ice_slice_paths /usr/local/share /usr/share) list(APPEND ice_slice_suffixes "Ice-${Ice_VERSION_SLICE2CPP_FULL}/slice" "Ice-${Ice_VERSION_SLICE2CPP_SHORT}/slice" "ice/slice" Ice) # Find slice directory find_path(Ice_SLICE_DIR NAMES "Ice/Connection.ice" HINTS ${ice_roots} ${ice_slice_paths} PATH_SUFFIXES ${ice_slice_suffixes} NO_DEFAULT_PATH DOC "Ice slice directory") set(Ice_SLICE_DIR "${Ice_SLICE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) # Find all Ice libraries set(Ice_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND ON) foreach(component ${Ice_FIND_COMPONENTS}) string(TOUPPER "${component}" component_upcase) set(component_cache "Ice_${component_upcase}_LIBRARY") set(component_cache_release "${component_cache}_RELEASE") set(component_cache_debug "${component_cache}_DEBUG") set(component_found "${component_upcase}_FOUND") set(component_library "${component}") unset(component_library_release_names) unset(component_library_debug_names) if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") string(REGEX MATCH ".+\\+\\+11$" component_library_cpp11 "${component_library}") if(component_library_cpp11) string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)(\\+\\+11)$" "\\1" component_library "${component_library}") endif() foreach(suffix_ver ${ice_suffix_versions}) set(_name "${component_library}${suffix_ver}") if(component_library_cpp11) string(APPEND _name "++11") endif() list(APPEND component_library_debug_names "${_name}d") list(APPEND component_library_release_names "${_name}") endforeach() set(_name "${component_library}") if(component_library_cpp11) string(APPEND _name "++11") endif() list(APPEND component_library_debug_names "${_name}d") list(APPEND component_library_release_names "${_name}") else() list(APPEND component_library_debug_names "${component_library}d") list(APPEND component_library_release_names "${component_library}") endif() find_library("${component_cache_release}" ${component_library_release_names} HINTS ${ice_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${ice_release_library_suffixes} DOC "Ice ${component} library (release)") find_library("${component_cache_debug}" ${component_library_debug_names} HINTS ${ice_roots} PATH_SUFFIXES ${ice_debug_library_suffixes} DOC "Ice ${component} library (debug)") include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/SelectLibraryConfigurations.cmake) select_library_configurations(Ice_${component_upcase}) mark_as_advanced("${component_cache_release}" "${component_cache_debug}") if(${component_cache}) set("${component_found}" ON) list(APPEND Ice_LIBRARY "${${component_cache}}") endif() mark_as_advanced("${component_found}") set("${component_cache}" "${${component_cache}}" PARENT_SCOPE) set("${component_found}" "${${component_found}}" PARENT_SCOPE) if(${component_found}) if (Ice_FIND_REQUIRED_${component}) list(APPEND Ice_LIBS_FOUND "${component} (required)") else() list(APPEND Ice_LIBS_FOUND "${component} (optional)") endif() else() if (Ice_FIND_REQUIRED_${component}) set(Ice_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND OFF) list(APPEND Ice_LIBS_NOTFOUND "${component} (required)") else() list(APPEND Ice_LIBS_NOTFOUND "${component} (optional)") endif() endif() endforeach() set(_Ice_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND "${Ice_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(Ice_LIBRARY "${Ice_LIBRARY}" PARENT_SCOPE) if(NOT Ice_FIND_QUIETLY) if(Ice_LIBS_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found the following Ice libraries:") foreach(found ${Ice_LIBS_FOUND}) message(STATUS " ${found}") endforeach() endif() if(Ice_LIBS_NOTFOUND) message(STATUS "The following Ice libraries were not found:") foreach(notfound ${Ice_LIBS_NOTFOUND}) message(STATUS " ${notfound}") endforeach() endif() endif() if(Ice_DEBUG) message(STATUS "--------FindIce.cmake search debug--------") message(STATUS "ICE binary path search order: ${ice_roots}") message(STATUS "ICE binary suffixes: ${ice_binary_suffixes}") message(STATUS "ICE include path search order: ${ice_roots}") message(STATUS "ICE include suffixes: ${ice_include_suffixes}") message(STATUS "ICE slice path search order: ${ice_roots} ${ice_slice_paths}") message(STATUS "ICE slice suffixes: ${ice_slice_suffixes}") message(STATUS "ICE library path search order: ${ice_roots}") message(STATUS "ICE debug library suffixes: ${ice_debug_library_suffixes}") message(STATUS "ICE release library suffixes: ${ice_release_library_suffixes}") message(STATUS "----------------") endif() endfunction() _Ice_FIND() include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(Ice FOUND_VAR Ice_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS Ice_SLICE2CPP_EXECUTABLE Ice_INCLUDE_DIR Ice_SLICE_DIR Ice_LIBRARY _Ice_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND VERSION_VAR Ice_VERSION FAIL_MESSAGE "Failed to find all Ice components") unset(_Ice_REQUIRED_LIBS_FOUND) if(Ice_FOUND) set(Ice_INCLUDE_DIRS "${Ice_INCLUDE_DIR}") if (Freeze_INCLUDE_DIR) list(APPEND Ice_INCLUDE_DIRS "${Freeze_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif() set(Ice_SLICE_DIRS "${Ice_SLICE_DIR}") set(Ice_LIBRARIES "${Ice_LIBRARY}") foreach(_Ice_component ${Ice_FIND_COMPONENTS}) string(TOUPPER "${_Ice_component}" _Ice_component_upcase) set(_Ice_component_cache "Ice_${_Ice_component_upcase}_LIBRARY") set(_Ice_component_cache_release "Ice_${_Ice_component_upcase}_LIBRARY_RELEASE") set(_Ice_component_cache_debug "Ice_${_Ice_component_upcase}_LIBRARY_DEBUG") set(_Ice_component_lib "Ice_${_Ice_component_upcase}_LIBRARIES") set(_Ice_component_found "${_Ice_component_upcase}_FOUND") set(_Ice_imported_target "Ice::${_Ice_component}") if(${_Ice_component_found}) set("${_Ice_component_lib}" "${${_Ice_component_cache}}") if(NOT TARGET ${_Ice_imported_target}) add_library(${_Ice_imported_target} UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(${_Ice_imported_target} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${Ice_INCLUDE_DIRS}") if(EXISTS "${${_Ice_component_cache}}") set_target_properties(${_Ice_imported_target} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES "CXX" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${${_Ice_component_cache}}") endif() if(EXISTS "${${_Ice_component_cache_release}}") set_property(TARGET ${_Ice_imported_target} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE) set_target_properties(${_Ice_imported_target} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES_RELEASE "CXX" IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${${_Ice_component_cache_release}}") endif() if(EXISTS "${${_Ice_component_cache_debug}}") set_property(TARGET ${_Ice_imported_target} APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS DEBUG) set_target_properties(${_Ice_imported_target} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES_DEBUG "CXX" IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${${_Ice_component_cache_debug}}") endif() endif() endif() unset(_Ice_component_upcase) unset(_Ice_component_cache) unset(_Ice_component_lib) unset(_Ice_component_found) unset(_Ice_imported_target) endforeach() endif() if(Ice_DEBUG) message(STATUS "--------FindIce.cmake results debug--------") message(STATUS "Ice_VERSION number: ${Ice_VERSION}") message(STATUS "Ice_HOME directory: ${Ice_HOME}") message(STATUS "Ice_INCLUDE_DIR directory: ${Ice_INCLUDE_DIR}") message(STATUS "Ice_SLICE_DIR directory: ${Ice_SLICE_DIR}") message(STATUS "Ice_LIBRARIES: ${Ice_LIBRARIES}") message(STATUS "Freeze_INCLUDE_DIR directory: ${Freeze_INCLUDE_DIR}") message(STATUS "Ice_INCLUDE_DIRS directory: ${Ice_INCLUDE_DIRS}") foreach(program ${_Ice_db_programs} ${_Ice_programs} ${_Ice_slice_programs}) string(TOUPPER "${program}" program_upcase) message(STATUS "${program} executable: ${Ice_${program_upcase}_EXECUTABLE}") endforeach() foreach(component ${Ice_FIND_COMPONENTS}) string(TOUPPER "${component}" component_upcase) set(component_lib "Ice_${component_upcase}_LIBRARIES") set(component_found "${component_upcase}_FOUND") message(STATUS "${component} library found: ${${component_found}}") message(STATUS "${component} library: ${${component_lib}}") endforeach() message(STATUS "----------------") endif() unset(_Ice_db_programs) unset(_Ice_programs) unset(_Ice_slice_programs)