/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmCursesMainForm.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <utility> #include <cm/memory> #include "cmCursesCacheEntryComposite.h" #include "cmCursesDummyWidget.h" #include "cmCursesForm.h" #include "cmCursesLabelWidget.h" #include "cmCursesLongMessageForm.h" #include "cmCursesStandardIncludes.h" #include "cmCursesStringWidget.h" #include "cmCursesWidget.h" #include "cmState.h" #include "cmStateTypes.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmValue.h" #include "cmVersion.h" #include "cmake.h" inline int ctrl(int z) { return (z & 037); } cmCursesMainForm::cmCursesMainForm(std::vector<std::string> args, int initWidth) : Args(std::move(args)) , InitialWidth(initWidth) { this->HelpMessage.emplace_back( "Welcome to ccmake, curses based user interface for CMake."); this->HelpMessage.emplace_back(); this->HelpMessage.emplace_back(s_ConstHelpMessage); this->CMakeInstance = cm::make_unique<cmake>(cmake::RoleProject, cmState::Project); this->CMakeInstance->SetCMakeEditCommand( cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCursesCommand()); // create the arguments for the cmake object std::string whereCMake = cmStrCat(cmSystemTools::GetProgramPath(this->Args[0]), "/cmake"); this->Args[0] = whereCMake; this->CMakeInstance->SetArgs(this->Args); } cmCursesMainForm::~cmCursesMainForm() { if (this->Form) { unpost_form(this->Form); free_form(this->Form); this->Form = nullptr; } } // See if a cache entry is in the list of entries in the ui. bool cmCursesMainForm::LookForCacheEntry(const std::string& key) { return std::any_of(this->Entries.begin(), this->Entries.end(), [&key](cmCursesCacheEntryComposite const& entry) { return key == entry.Key; }); } // Create new cmCursesCacheEntryComposite entries from the cache void cmCursesMainForm::InitializeUI() { // Create a vector of cmCursesCacheEntryComposite's // which contain labels, entries and new entry markers std::vector<cmCursesCacheEntryComposite> newEntries; std::vector<std::string> cacheKeys = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryKeys(); newEntries.reserve(cacheKeys.size()); // Count non-internal and non-static entries int count = 0; for (std::string const& key : cacheKeys) { cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType t = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryType(key); if (t != cmStateEnums::INTERNAL && t != cmStateEnums::STATIC && t != cmStateEnums::UNINITIALIZED) { ++count; } } int entrywidth = this->InitialWidth - 35; // Add a label to display when cache is empty // dummy entry widget (does not respond to input) this->EmptyCacheEntry = cm::make_unique<cmCursesCacheEntryComposite>("EMPTY CACHE", 30, 30); this->EmptyCacheEntry->Entry = cm::make_unique<cmCursesDummyWidget>(1, 1, 1, 1); if (count > 0) { // Create the composites. // First add entries which are new for (std::string const& key : cacheKeys) { cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType t = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryType(key); if (t == cmStateEnums::INTERNAL || t == cmStateEnums::STATIC || t == cmStateEnums::UNINITIALIZED) { continue; } if (!this->LookForCacheEntry(key)) { newEntries.emplace_back(key, this->CMakeInstance->GetState(), true, 30, entrywidth); this->OkToGenerate = false; } } // then add entries which are old for (std::string const& key : cacheKeys) { cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType t = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryType(key); if (t == cmStateEnums::INTERNAL || t == cmStateEnums::STATIC || t == cmStateEnums::UNINITIALIZED) { continue; } if (this->LookForCacheEntry(key)) { newEntries.emplace_back(key, this->CMakeInstance->GetState(), false, 30, entrywidth); } } } // Replace old entries this->Entries = std::move(newEntries); // Compute fields from composites this->RePost(); } void cmCursesMainForm::RePost() { // Create the fields to be passed to the form. if (this->Form) { unpost_form(this->Form); free_form(this->Form); this->Form = nullptr; } this->Fields.clear(); if (this->AdvancedMode) { this->NumberOfVisibleEntries = this->Entries.size(); } else { // If normal mode, count only non-advanced entries this->NumberOfVisibleEntries = 0; for (cmCursesCacheEntryComposite& entry : this->Entries) { cmValue existingValue = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryValue(entry.GetValue()); bool advanced = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryPropertyAsBool( entry.GetValue(), "ADVANCED"); if (!existingValue || (!this->AdvancedMode && advanced)) { continue; } this->NumberOfVisibleEntries++; } } // there is always one even if it is the dummy one if (this->NumberOfVisibleEntries == 0) { this->NumberOfVisibleEntries = 1; } // Assign the fields: 3 for each entry: label, new entry marker // ('*' or ' ') and entry widget this->Fields.reserve(3 * this->NumberOfVisibleEntries + 1); // Assign fields for (cmCursesCacheEntryComposite& entry : this->Entries) { cmValue existingValue = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryValue(entry.GetValue()); bool advanced = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryPropertyAsBool( entry.GetValue(), "ADVANCED"); if (!existingValue || (!this->AdvancedMode && advanced)) { continue; } this->Fields.push_back(entry.Label->Field); this->Fields.push_back(entry.IsNewLabel->Field); this->Fields.push_back(entry.Entry->Field); } // if no cache entries there should still be one dummy field this->IsEmpty = this->Fields.empty(); if (this->IsEmpty) { this->Fields.push_back(this->EmptyCacheEntry->Label->Field); this->Fields.push_back(this->EmptyCacheEntry->IsNewLabel->Field); this->Fields.push_back(this->EmptyCacheEntry->Entry->Field); this->NumberOfVisibleEntries = 1; } // Has to be null terminated. this->Fields.push_back(nullptr); } void cmCursesMainForm::Render(int left, int top, int width, int height) { if (this->Form) { FIELD* currentField = current_field(this->Form); cmCursesWidget* cw = reinterpret_cast<cmCursesWidget*>(field_userptr(currentField)); // If in edit mode, get out of it if (cw->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STRING || cw->GetType() == cmStateEnums::PATH || cw->GetType() == cmStateEnums::FILEPATH) { cmCursesStringWidget* sw = static_cast<cmCursesStringWidget*>(cw); sw->SetInEdit(false); } // Delete the previous form unpost_form(this->Form); free_form(this->Form); this->Form = nullptr; } // Wrong window size if (width < cmCursesMainForm::MIN_WIDTH || width < this->InitialWidth || height < cmCursesMainForm::MIN_HEIGHT) { return; } // Leave room for toolbar height -= 7; if (this->AdvancedMode) { this->NumberOfVisibleEntries = this->Entries.size(); } else { // If normal, display only non-advanced entries this->NumberOfVisibleEntries = 0; for (cmCursesCacheEntryComposite& entry : this->Entries) { cmValue existingValue = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryValue(entry.GetValue()); bool advanced = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryPropertyAsBool( entry.GetValue(), "ADVANCED"); if (!existingValue || (!this->AdvancedMode && advanced)) { continue; } this->NumberOfVisibleEntries++; } } // Re-adjust the fields according to their place this->NumberOfPages = 1; if (height > 0) { bool isNewPage; int i = 0; for (cmCursesCacheEntryComposite& entry : this->Entries) { cmValue existingValue = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryValue(entry.GetValue()); bool advanced = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryPropertyAsBool( entry.GetValue(), "ADVANCED"); if (!existingValue || (!this->AdvancedMode && advanced)) { continue; } int row = (i % height) + 1; int page = (i / height) + 1; isNewPage = (page > 1) && (row == 1); if (isNewPage) { this->NumberOfPages++; } entry.Label->Move(left, top + row - 1, isNewPage); entry.IsNewLabel->Move(left + 32, top + row - 1, false); entry.Entry->Move(left + 33, top + row - 1, false); entry.Entry->SetPage(this->NumberOfPages); i++; } } // Post the form this->Form = new_form(this->Fields.data()); post_form(this->Form); // Update toolbar this->UpdateStatusBar(); this->PrintKeys(); touchwin(stdscr); refresh(); } void cmCursesMainForm::PrintKeys(int process /* = 0 */) { int x; int y; getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); if (x < cmCursesMainForm::MIN_WIDTH || x < this->InitialWidth || y < cmCursesMainForm::MIN_HEIGHT) { return; } // Give the current widget (if it exists), a chance to print keys cmCursesWidget* cw = nullptr; if (this->Form) { FIELD* currentField = current_field(this->Form); cw = reinterpret_cast<cmCursesWidget*>(field_userptr(currentField)); } char fmt_s[] = "%s"; if (!cw || !cw->PrintKeys()) { char firstLine[512] = ""; char secondLine[512] = ""; char thirdLine[512] = ""; if (process) { memset(firstLine, ' ', 68); memset(secondLine, ' ', 68); memset(thirdLine, ' ', 68); } else { if (this->OkToGenerate) { snprintf(firstLine, sizeof(firstLine), " [l] Show log output [c] Configure" " [g] Generate "); } else { snprintf(firstLine, sizeof(firstLine), " [l] Show log output [c] Configure" " "); } { const char* toggleKeyInstruction = " [t] Toggle advanced mode (currently %s)"; snprintf(thirdLine, sizeof(thirdLine), toggleKeyInstruction, this->AdvancedMode ? "on" : "off"); } snprintf(secondLine, sizeof(secondLine), " [h] Help [q] Quit without generating"); } curses_move(y - 4, 0); char fmt[512] = "Keys: [enter] Edit an entry [d] Delete an entry"; if (process) { memset(fmt, ' ', 57); } printw(fmt_s, fmt); curses_move(y - 3, 0); printw(fmt_s, firstLine); curses_move(y - 2, 0); printw(fmt_s, secondLine); curses_move(y - 1, 0); printw(fmt_s, thirdLine); } if (cw) { char pageLine[512] = ""; snprintf(pageLine, sizeof(pageLine), "Page %d of %d", cw->GetPage(), this->NumberOfPages); curses_move(0, 65 - static_cast<unsigned int>(strlen(pageLine)) - 1); printw(fmt_s, pageLine); } pos_form_cursor(this->Form); } // Print the key of the current entry and the CMake version // on the status bar. Designed for a width of 80 chars. void cmCursesMainForm::UpdateStatusBar(cm::optional<std::string> message) { int x; int y; getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); // If window size is too small, display error and return if (x < cmCursesMainForm::MIN_WIDTH || x < this->InitialWidth || y < cmCursesMainForm::MIN_HEIGHT) { curses_clear(); curses_move(0, 0); char fmt[] = "Window is too small. A size of at least %dx%d is required."; printw(fmt, (cmCursesMainForm::MIN_WIDTH < this->InitialWidth ? this->InitialWidth : cmCursesMainForm::MIN_WIDTH), cmCursesMainForm::MIN_HEIGHT); touchwin(stdscr); wrefresh(stdscr); return; } // Find the current label index // Field are grouped by 3, the label should be 2 less than the current index using size_type = decltype(this->Fields)::size_type; size_type currentLabelIndex = field_index(current_field(this->Form)) - 2; // Use the status message if any, otherwise join the key and help string std::string bar; if (message) { bar = *message; } else { // Get the key of the current entry cmCursesWidget* labelWidget = reinterpret_cast<cmCursesWidget*>( field_userptr(this->Fields[currentLabelIndex])); std::string labelValue = labelWidget->GetValue(); bar = labelValue + ": "; // Get the help string of the current entry // and add it to the help string auto* cmakeState = this->CMakeInstance->GetState(); cmValue existingValue = cmakeState->GetCacheEntryValue(labelValue); if (existingValue) { cmValue help = cmakeState->GetCacheEntryProperty(labelValue, "HELPSTRING"); if (help) { bar += *help; } } } // Pad with spaces to erase any previous text, // or truncate as necessary to fit the screen bar.resize(x, ' '); curses_move(y - 5, 0); attron(A_STANDOUT); char fmt_s[] = "%s"; printw(fmt_s, bar.c_str()); attroff(A_STANDOUT); // Highlight the current label, reset others // Fields are grouped by 3, the first one being the label // so start at 0 and move up by 3 avoiding the last null entry for (size_type index = 0; index < this->Fields.size() - 1; index += 3) { bool currentLabel = index == currentLabelIndex; set_field_fore(this->Fields[index], currentLabel ? A_STANDOUT : A_NORMAL); } // Display CMake version under the status bar // We want to display this on the right std::string version = "CMake Version "; version += cmVersion::GetCMakeVersion(); version.resize(std::min<std::string::size_type>(x, version.size())); curses_move(y - 4, x - static_cast<int>(version.size())); printw(fmt_s, version.c_str()); pos_form_cursor(this->Form); } void cmCursesMainForm::UpdateProgress(const std::string& msg, float prog) { if (prog >= 0) { constexpr int progressBarWidth = 40; int progressBarCompleted = static_cast<int>(progressBarWidth * prog); int percentCompleted = static_cast<int>(100 * prog); this->LastProgress = (percentCompleted < 100 ? " " : ""); this->LastProgress += (percentCompleted < 10 ? " " : ""); this->LastProgress += std::to_string(percentCompleted) + "% ["; this->LastProgress.append(progressBarCompleted, '#'); this->LastProgress.append(progressBarWidth - progressBarCompleted, ' '); this->LastProgress += "] " + msg + "..."; this->DisplayOutputs(std::string()); } else { this->Outputs.emplace_back(msg); this->DisplayOutputs(msg); } } void cmCursesMainForm::Write() { this->FillCacheManagerFromUI(); this->CMakeInstance->SaveCache( this->CMakeInstance->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); this->LoadCache(nullptr); } int cmCursesMainForm::Configure(int noconfigure) { this->ResetOutputs(); if (noconfigure == 0) { this->UpdateProgress("Configuring", 0); this->CMakeInstance->SetProgressCallback( [this](const std::string& msg, float prog) { this->UpdateProgress(msg, prog); }); } // always save the current gui values to disk this->Write(); // run the generate process this->OkToGenerate = true; int retVal; if (noconfigure) { retVal = this->CMakeInstance->DoPreConfigureChecks(); this->OkToGenerate = false; if (retVal > 0) { retVal = 0; } } else { retVal = this->CMakeInstance->Configure(); } this->CMakeInstance->SetProgressCallback(nullptr); keypad(stdscr, true); /* Use key symbols as KEY_DOWN */ if (retVal != 0 || this->HasNonStatusOutputs) { // see if there was an error if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccurredFlag()) { this->OkToGenerate = false; } int xx; int yy; getmaxyx(stdscr, yy, xx); const char* title = "Configure produced the following output"; if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccurredFlag()) { title = "Configure failed with the following output"; } cmCursesLongMessageForm* msgs = new cmCursesLongMessageForm( this->Outputs, title, cmCursesLongMessageForm::ScrollBehavior::ScrollDown); // reset error condition cmSystemTools::ResetErrorOccurredFlag(); CurrentForm = msgs; msgs->Render(1, 1, xx, yy); msgs->HandleInput(); // If they typed the wrong source directory, we report // an error and exit if (retVal == -2) { return retVal; } } this->InitializeUI(); CurrentForm = this; int xi; int yi; getmaxyx(stdscr, yi, xi); this->Render(1, 1, xi, yi); return 0; } int cmCursesMainForm::Generate() { this->ResetOutputs(); this->UpdateProgress("Generating", 0); this->CMakeInstance->SetProgressCallback( [this](const std::string& msg, float prog) { this->UpdateProgress(msg, prog); }); // run the generate process int retVal = this->CMakeInstance->Generate(); this->CMakeInstance->SetProgressCallback(nullptr); keypad(stdscr, true); /* Use key symbols as KEY_DOWN */ if (retVal != 0 || this->HasNonStatusOutputs) { // see if there was an error if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccurredFlag()) { this->OkToGenerate = false; } // reset error condition cmSystemTools::ResetErrorOccurredFlag(); int xx; int yy; getmaxyx(stdscr, yy, xx); const char* title = "Generate produced the following output"; if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccurredFlag()) { title = "Generate failed with the following output"; } cmCursesLongMessageForm* msgs = new cmCursesLongMessageForm( this->Outputs, title, cmCursesLongMessageForm::ScrollBehavior::ScrollDown); CurrentForm = msgs; msgs->Render(1, 1, xx, yy); msgs->HandleInput(); // If they typed the wrong source directory, we report // an error and exit if (retVal == -2) { return retVal; } } this->InitializeUI(); CurrentForm = this; int xi; int yi; getmaxyx(stdscr, yi, xi); this->Render(1, 1, xi, yi); return 0; } void cmCursesMainForm::AddError(const std::string& message, const char* /*unused*/) { this->Outputs.emplace_back(message); this->HasNonStatusOutputs = true; this->DisplayOutputs(message); } void cmCursesMainForm::RemoveEntry(const char* value) { if (!value) { return; } auto removeIt = std::find_if(this->Entries.begin(), this->Entries.end(), [value](cmCursesCacheEntryComposite& entry) -> bool { const char* val = entry.GetValue(); return val && !strcmp(value, val); }); if (removeIt != this->Entries.end()) { this->CMakeInstance->UnwatchUnusedCli(value); this->Entries.erase(removeIt); } } // copy from the list box to the cache manager void cmCursesMainForm::FillCacheManagerFromUI() { for (cmCursesCacheEntryComposite& entry : this->Entries) { const std::string& cacheKey = entry.Key; cmValue existingValue = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryValue(cacheKey); if (existingValue) { std::string const& oldValue = *existingValue; std::string newValue = entry.Entry->GetValue(); std::string fixedOldValue; std::string fixedNewValue; cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType t = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryType(cacheKey); this->FixValue(t, oldValue, fixedOldValue); this->FixValue(t, newValue, fixedNewValue); if (!(fixedOldValue == fixedNewValue)) { // The user has changed the value. Mark it as modified. this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->SetCacheEntryBoolProperty( cacheKey, "MODIFIED", true); this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->SetCacheEntryValue(cacheKey, fixedNewValue); } } } } void cmCursesMainForm::FixValue(cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType type, const std::string& in, std::string& out) const { out = in.substr(0, in.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1); if (type == cmStateEnums::PATH || type == cmStateEnums::FILEPATH) { cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(out); } if (type == cmStateEnums::BOOL) { if (cmIsOff(out)) { out = "OFF"; } else { out = "ON"; } } } void cmCursesMainForm::HandleInput() { int x = 0; int y = 0; if (!this->Form) { return; } FIELD* currentField; cmCursesWidget* currentWidget; char debugMessage[128]; for (;;) { this->UpdateStatusBar(); this->PrintKeys(); if (this->SearchMode) { std::string searchstr = "Search: " + this->SearchString; this->UpdateStatusBar(searchstr); this->PrintKeys(1); curses_move(y - 5, static_cast<unsigned int>(searchstr.size())); // curses_move(1,1); touchwin(stdscr); refresh(); } int key = getch(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (key == KEY_RESIZE) { HandleResize(); } #endif // _WIN32 getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); // If window too small, handle 'q' only if (x < cmCursesMainForm::MIN_WIDTH || y < cmCursesMainForm::MIN_HEIGHT) { // quit if (key == 'q') { break; } continue; } currentField = current_field(this->Form); currentWidget = reinterpret_cast<cmCursesWidget*>(field_userptr(currentField)); bool widgetHandled = false; if (this->SearchMode) { if (key == 10 || key == KEY_ENTER) { this->SearchMode = false; if (!this->SearchString.empty()) { this->JumpToCacheEntry(this->SearchString.c_str()); this->OldSearchString = this->SearchString; } this->SearchString.clear(); } /* else if ( key == KEY_ESCAPE ) { this->SearchMode = false; } */ else if ((key >= 'a' && key <= 'z') || (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') || (key >= '0' && key <= '9') || (key == '_')) { if (this->SearchString.size() < static_cast<std::string::size_type>(x - 10)) { this->SearchString += static_cast<char>(key); } } else if (key == ctrl('h') || key == KEY_BACKSPACE || key == KEY_DC) { if (!this->SearchString.empty()) { this->SearchString.pop_back(); } } } else if (currentWidget && !this->SearchMode) { // Ask the current widget if it wants to handle input widgetHandled = currentWidget->HandleInput(key, this, stdscr); if (widgetHandled) { this->OkToGenerate = false; this->UpdateStatusBar(); this->PrintKeys(); } } if ((!currentWidget || !widgetHandled) && !this->SearchMode) { // If the current widget does not want to handle input, // we handle it. snprintf(debugMessage, sizeof(debugMessage), "Main form handling input, key: %d", key); cmCursesForm::LogMessage(debugMessage); // quit if (key == 'q') { break; } // if not end of page, next field otherwise next page // each entry consists of fields: label, isnew, value // therefore, the label field for the prev. entry is index-5 // and the label field for the next entry is index+1 // (index always corresponds to the value field) // scroll down with arrow down, ctrl+n (emacs binding), or j (vim // binding) if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == ctrl('n') || key == 'j') { FIELD* cur = current_field(this->Form); size_t findex = field_index(cur); if (findex == 3 * this->NumberOfVisibleEntries - 1) { continue; } if (new_page(this->Fields[findex + 1])) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_NEXT_PAGE); } else { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_NEXT_FIELD); } } // if not beginning of page, previous field, otherwise previous page // each entry consists of fields: label, isnew, value // therefore, the label field for the prev. entry is index-5 // and the label field for the next entry is index+1 // (index always corresponds to the value field) // scroll down with arrow up, ctrl+p (emacs binding), or k (vim binding) else if (key == KEY_UP || key == ctrl('p') || key == 'k') { FIELD* cur = current_field(this->Form); int findex = field_index(cur); if (findex == 2) { continue; } if (new_page(this->Fields[findex - 2])) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_PREV_PAGE); set_current_field(this->Form, this->Fields[findex - 3]); } else { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_PREV_FIELD); } } // pg down else if (key == KEY_NPAGE || key == ctrl('d')) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_NEXT_PAGE); } // pg up else if (key == KEY_PPAGE || key == ctrl('u')) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_PREV_PAGE); } // first entry else if (key == KEY_HOME) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_FIRST_PAGE); form_driver(this->Form, REQ_FIRST_FIELD); } // last entry else if (key == KEY_END) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_LAST_PAGE); form_driver(this->Form, REQ_LAST_FIELD); } // write and quit else if (key == 'w') { this->Write(); break; } // configure else if (key == 'c') { this->Configure(); } // display help else if (key == 'h') { getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); FIELD* cur = current_field(this->Form); int findex = field_index(cur); cmCursesWidget* lbl = reinterpret_cast<cmCursesWidget*>( field_userptr(this->Fields[findex - 2])); const char* curField = lbl->GetValue(); cmValue helpString = nullptr; cmValue existingValue = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryValue(curField); if (existingValue) { helpString = this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->GetCacheEntryProperty( curField, "HELPSTRING"); } if (helpString) { this->HelpMessage[1] = cmStrCat("Current option is: ", curField, '\n', "Help string for this option is: ", *helpString, '\n'); } else { this->HelpMessage[1] = ""; } cmCursesLongMessageForm* msgs = new cmCursesLongMessageForm( this->HelpMessage, "Help", cmCursesLongMessageForm::ScrollBehavior::NoScroll); CurrentForm = msgs; msgs->Render(1, 1, x, y); msgs->HandleInput(); CurrentForm = this; this->Render(1, 1, x, y); set_current_field(this->Form, cur); } // display last errors else if (key == 'l') { getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); cmCursesLongMessageForm* msgs = new cmCursesLongMessageForm( this->Outputs, "CMake produced the following output", cmCursesLongMessageForm::ScrollBehavior::NoScroll); CurrentForm = msgs; msgs->Render(1, 1, x, y); msgs->HandleInput(); CurrentForm = this; this->Render(1, 1, x, y); } else if (key == '/') { this->SearchMode = true; this->UpdateStatusBar("Search"); this->PrintKeys(1); touchwin(stdscr); refresh(); } else if (key == 'n') { if (!this->OldSearchString.empty()) { this->JumpToCacheEntry(this->OldSearchString.c_str()); } } else if (key == 'N') { if (!this->OldSearchString.empty()) { this->JumpToCacheEntry(this->OldSearchString.c_str(), true); } } // switch advanced on/off else if (key == 't') { this->AdvancedMode = !this->AdvancedMode; getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); this->RePost(); this->Render(1, 1, x, y); } // generate and exit else if (key == 'g') { if (this->OkToGenerate) { this->Generate(); break; } } // delete cache entry else if (key == 'd' && this->NumberOfVisibleEntries && !this->IsEmpty) { this->OkToGenerate = false; FIELD* cur = current_field(this->Form); size_t findex = field_index(cur); // make the next or prev. current field after deletion // each entry consists of fields: label, isnew, value // therefore, the label field for the prev. entry is findex-5 // and the label field for the next entry is findex+1 // (findex always corresponds to the value field) FIELD* nextCur; if (findex == 2) { nextCur = nullptr; } else if (findex == 3 * this->NumberOfVisibleEntries - 1) { nextCur = this->Fields[findex - 5]; } else { nextCur = this->Fields[findex + 1]; } // Get the label widget // each entry consists of fields: label, isnew, value // therefore, the label field for the is findex-2 // (findex always corresponds to the value field) cmCursesWidget* lbl = reinterpret_cast<cmCursesWidget*>( field_userptr(this->Fields[findex - 2])); if (lbl) { this->CMakeInstance->GetState()->RemoveCacheEntry(lbl->GetValue()); std::string nextVal; if (nextCur) { nextVal = (reinterpret_cast<cmCursesWidget*>(field_userptr(nextCur)) ->GetValue()); } getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); this->RemoveEntry(lbl->GetValue()); this->RePost(); this->Render(1, 1, x, y); if (nextCur) { // make the next or prev. current field after deletion auto nextEntryIt = std::find_if( this->Entries.begin(), this->Entries.end(), [&nextVal](cmCursesCacheEntryComposite const& entry) { return nextVal == entry.Key; }); if (nextEntryIt != this->Entries.end()) { set_current_field(this->Form, nextEntryIt->Entry->Field); } } } } } touchwin(stdscr); wrefresh(stdscr); } } int cmCursesMainForm::LoadCache(const char* /*unused*/) { int r = this->CMakeInstance->LoadCache(); if (r < 0) { return r; } // Process presets before loading the cache this->CMakeInstance->ProcessPresetVariables(); this->CMakeInstance->ProcessPresetEnvironment(); this->CMakeInstance->SetCacheArgs(this->Args); this->CMakeInstance->PreLoadCMakeFiles(); return r; } void cmCursesMainForm::JumpToCacheEntry(const char* astr) { this->JumpToCacheEntry(astr, false); } void cmCursesMainForm::JumpToCacheEntry(const char* astr, bool reverse) { std::string str; if (astr) { str = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(astr); } if (str.empty()) { return; } FIELD* cur = current_field(this->Form); int start_index = field_index(cur); int findex = start_index; for (;;) { if (!str.empty()) { cmCursesWidget* lbl = nullptr; if (findex >= 0) { lbl = reinterpret_cast<cmCursesWidget*>( field_userptr(this->Fields[findex - 2])); } if (lbl) { const char* curField = lbl->GetValue(); if (curField) { std::string cfld = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(curField); if (cfld.find(str) != std::string::npos && findex != start_index) { break; } } } } if (!reverse && static_cast<size_t>(findex) >= 3 * this->NumberOfVisibleEntries - 1) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_FIRST_PAGE); form_driver(this->Form, REQ_FIRST_FIELD); } else if (reverse && static_cast<size_t>(findex) < 3) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_LAST_PAGE); form_driver(this->Form, REQ_LAST_FIELD); } else if (this->Fields[findex + (reverse ? -3 : 1)]->page != this->Fields[findex]->page) { form_driver(this->Form, reverse ? REQ_PREV_PAGE : REQ_NEXT_PAGE); if (reverse) { form_driver(this->Form, REQ_LAST_FIELD); } } else { form_driver(this->Form, reverse ? REQ_PREV_FIELD : REQ_NEXT_FIELD); } cur = current_field(this->Form); findex = field_index(cur); if (findex == start_index) { break; } } } void cmCursesMainForm::ResetOutputs() { this->LogForm.reset(); this->Outputs.clear(); this->HasNonStatusOutputs = false; this->LastProgress.clear(); } void cmCursesMainForm::DisplayOutputs(std::string const& newOutput) { int xi; int yi; getmaxyx(stdscr, yi, xi); if (CurrentForm != this->LogForm.get()) { auto* newLogForm = new cmCursesLongMessageForm( this->Outputs, this->LastProgress.c_str(), cmCursesLongMessageForm::ScrollBehavior::ScrollDown); CurrentForm = newLogForm; this->LogForm.reset(newLogForm); this->LogForm->Render(1, 1, xi, yi); } else { this->LogForm->UpdateContent(newOutput, this->LastProgress); } } const char* cmCursesMainForm::s_ConstHelpMessage = "CMake is used to configure and generate build files for software projects. " "The basic steps for configuring a project with ccmake are as follows:\n\n" "1. Run ccmake in the directory where you want the object and executable " "files to be placed (build directory). If the source directory is not the " "same as this build directory, you have to specify it as an argument on the " "command line.\n\n" "2. When ccmake is run, it will read the configuration files and display " "the current build options. " "If you have run CMake before and have updated the configuration files " "since then, any new entries will be displayed on top and will be marked " "with a *. " "On the other hand, the first time you run ccmake, all build options will " "be new and will be marked as such. " "At this point, you can modify any options (see keys below) you want to " "change. " "When you are satisfied with your changes, press 'c' to have CMake process " "the configuration files. " "Please note that changing some options may cause new ones to appear. These " "will be shown on top and will be marked with *. " "Repeat this procedure until you are satisfied with all the options and " "there are no new entries. " "At this point, a new command will appear: G)enerate and Exit. You can now " "hit 'g' to have CMake generate all the build files (i.e. makefiles or " "project files) and exit. " "At any point during the process, you can exit ccmake with 'q'. However, " "this will not generate/change any build files. Additionally, you can exit " "ccmake with 'w' to write changes to the cache file without generating or " "changing the build files.\n\n" "ccmake KEYS:\n\n" "Navigation: " "You can use the arrow keys and page up, down to navigate the options. " "Additionally, you can use the following keys: \n" " C-n or j : next option\n" " C-p or k : previous options\n" " C-d : down one page\n" " C-u : up one page\n" " Home : jump to first option\n" " End : jump to last option\n" " n : next search result\n" " N : previous search result\n\n" "Editing options: " "To change an option press enter or return. If the current options is a " "boolean, this will toggle its value. " "Otherwise, ccmake will enter edit mode. Alternatively, you can toggle " "a bool variable by pressing space, and enter edit mode with i." "In this mode you can edit an option using arrow keys and backspace. " "Alternatively, you can use the following keys:\n" " C-b : back one character\n" " C-f : forward one character\n" " C-a : go to the beginning of the field\n" " C-e : go to the end of the field\n" " C-d : delete previous character\n" " C-k : kill the rest of the field\n" " Esc : Restore field (discard last changes)\n" " Enter : Leave edit mode\n" "Commands:\n" " q : quit ccmake without generating build files\n" " h : help, shows this screen\n" " c : process the configuration files with the current options\n" " g : generate build files and exit, only available when there are no " "new options and no errors have been detected during last configuration.\n" " l : shows cmake output\n" " d : delete an option\n" " t : toggles advanced mode. In normal mode, only the most important " "options are shown. In advanced mode, all options are shown. We recommend " "using normal mode unless you are an expert.\n" " / : search for a variable name.\n";