/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. */ #include "cmExportPackageInfoGenerator.h" #include <memory> #include <set> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <cm/string_view> #include <cmext/algorithm> #include <cmext/string_view> #include <cm3p/json/value.h> #include <cm3p/json/writer.h> #include "cmExportSet.h" #include "cmFindPackageStack.h" #include "cmGeneratorExpression.h" #include "cmGeneratorTarget.h" #include "cmList.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmMessageType.h" #include "cmStringAlgorithms.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmTarget.h" #include "cmValue.h" static const std::string kCPS_VERSION_STR = "0.12.0"; cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::cmExportPackageInfoGenerator( std::string packageName, std::string version, std::string versionCompat, std::string versionSchema, std::vector<std::string> defaultTargets, std::vector<std::string> defaultConfigurations) : PackageName(std::move(packageName)) , PackageVersion(std::move(version)) , PackageVersionCompat(std::move(versionCompat)) , PackageVersionSchema(std::move(versionSchema)) , DefaultTargets(std::move(defaultTargets)) , DefaultConfigurations(std::move(defaultConfigurations)) { } cm::string_view cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GetImportPrefixWithSlash() const { return "@prefix@/"_s; } bool cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GenerateImportFile(std::ostream& os) { return this->GenerateMainFile(os); } void cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::WritePackageInfo( Json::Value const& packageInfo, std::ostream& os) const { Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder; builder["indentation"] = " "; builder["commentStyle"] = "None"; std::unique_ptr<Json::StreamWriter> const writer(builder.newStreamWriter()); writer->write(packageInfo, &os); } namespace { template <typename T> void buildArray(Json::Value& object, std::string const& property, T const& values) { if (!values.empty()) { Json::Value& array = object[property]; for (auto const& item : values) { array.append(item); } } } } bool cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::CheckDefaultTargets() const { bool result = true; std::set<std::string> exportedTargetNames; for (auto const* te : this->ExportedTargets) { exportedTargetNames.emplace(te->GetExportName()); } for (auto const& name : this->DefaultTargets) { if (!cm::contains(exportedTargetNames, name)) { this->ReportError( cmStrCat("Package \"", this->GetPackageName(), "\" specifies DEFAULT_TARGETS \"", name, "\", which is not a target in the export set \"", this->GetExportSet()->GetName(), "\".")); result = false; } } return result; } Json::Value cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GeneratePackageInfo() const { Json::Value package; package["name"] = this->GetPackageName(); package["cps_version"] = std::string(kCPS_VERSION_STR); if (!this->PackageVersion.empty()) { package["version"] = this->PackageVersion; if (!this->PackageVersionCompat.empty()) { package["compat_version"] = this->PackageVersionCompat; } if (!this->PackageVersionSchema.empty()) { package["version_schema"] = this->PackageVersionSchema; } } buildArray(package, "default_components", this->DefaultTargets); buildArray(package, "configurations", this->DefaultConfigurations); // TODO: description, website, license return package; } void cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GeneratePackageRequires( Json::Value& package) const { if (!this->Requirements.empty()) { Json::Value& requirements = package["requires"]; for (auto const& requirement : this->Requirements) { // TODO: version, hint requirements[requirement] = Json::Value{}; } } } Json::Value* cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GenerateImportTarget( Json::Value& components, cmGeneratorTarget const* target, cmStateEnums::TargetType targetType) const { auto const& name = target->GetExportName(); if (name.empty()) { return nullptr; } Json::Value& component = components[name]; Json::Value& type = component["type"]; switch (targetType) { case cmStateEnums::EXECUTABLE: type = "executable"; break; case cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY: type = "archive"; break; case cmStateEnums::SHARED_LIBRARY: type = "dylib"; break; case cmStateEnums::MODULE_LIBRARY: type = "module"; break; case cmStateEnums::INTERFACE_LIBRARY: type = "interface"; break; default: type = "unknown"; break; } return &component; } bool cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GenerateInterfaceProperties( Json::Value& component, cmGeneratorTarget const* target, ImportPropertyMap const& properties) const { bool result = true; this->GenerateInterfaceLinkProperties(result, component, target, properties); this->GenerateInterfaceCompileFeatures(result, component, target, properties); this->GenerateInterfaceCompileDefines(result, component, target, properties); this->GenerateInterfaceListProperty(result, component, target, "compile_flags", "COMPILE_OPTIONS"_s, properties); this->GenerateInterfaceListProperty(result, component, target, "link_flags", "LINK_OPTIONS"_s, properties); this->GenerateInterfaceListProperty(result, component, target, "link_directories", "LINK_DIRECTORIES"_s, properties); this->GenerateInterfaceListProperty(result, component, target, "includes", "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES"_s, properties); // TODO: description, license return result; } namespace { bool forbidGeneratorExpressions(std::string const& propertyName, std::string const& propertyValue, cmGeneratorTarget const* target) { std::string const& evaluatedValue = cmGeneratorExpression::Preprocess( propertyValue, cmGeneratorExpression::StripAllGeneratorExpressions); if (evaluatedValue != propertyValue) { target->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Property \"", propertyName, "\" of target \"", target->GetName(), "\" contains a generator expression. This is not allowed.")); return false; } return true; } } bool cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::NoteLinkedTarget( cmGeneratorTarget const* target, std::string const& linkedName, cmGeneratorTarget const* linkedTarget) { if (cm::contains(this->ExportedTargets, linkedTarget)) { // Target is internal to this package. this->LinkTargets.emplace(linkedName, cmStrCat(':', linkedTarget->GetExportName())); return true; } if (linkedTarget->IsImported()) { // Target is imported from a found package. auto pkgName = [linkedTarget]() -> std::string { auto const& pkgStack = linkedTarget->Target->GetFindPackageStack(); if (!pkgStack.Empty()) { return pkgStack.Top().Name; } return linkedTarget->Target->GetProperty("EXPORT_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME"); }(); if (pkgName.empty()) { target->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", target->GetName(), "\" references imported target \"", linkedName, "\" which does not come from any known package.")); return false; } auto const& prefix = cmStrCat(pkgName, "::"); if (!cmHasPrefix(linkedName, prefix)) { target->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", target->GetName(), "\" references target \"", linkedName, "\", which comes from the \"", pkgName, "\" package, but does not belong to the package's " "canonical namespace. This is not allowed.")); return false; } // TODO: Record package version, hint. this->Requirements.emplace(pkgName); this->LinkTargets.emplace( linkedName, cmStrCat(pkgName, ':', linkedName.substr(prefix.length()))); return true; } // Target belongs to another export from this build. auto const& exportInfo = this->FindExportInfo(linkedTarget); if (exportInfo.first.size() == 1) { auto const& linkNamespace = exportInfo.second; if (!cmHasSuffix(linkNamespace, "::")) { target->Makefile->IssueMessage( MessageType::FATAL_ERROR, cmStrCat("Target \"", target->GetName(), "\" references target \"", linkedName, "\", which does not use the standard namespace separator. " "This is not allowed.")); return false; } auto pkgName = cm::string_view{ linkNamespace.data(), linkNamespace.size() - 2 }; if (pkgName == this->GetPackageName()) { this->LinkTargets.emplace(linkedName, cmStrCat(':', linkedTarget->GetExportName())); } else { this->Requirements.emplace(pkgName); this->LinkTargets.emplace( linkedName, cmStrCat(pkgName, ':', linkedTarget->GetExportName())); } return true; } // cmExportFileGenerator::HandleMissingTarget should have complained about // this already. (In fact, we probably shouldn't ever get here.) return false; } void cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GenerateInterfaceLinkProperties( bool& result, Json::Value& component, cmGeneratorTarget const* target, ImportPropertyMap const& properties) const { auto const& iter = properties.find("INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES"); if (iter == properties.end()) { return; } // TODO: Support $<LINK_ONLY>. if (!forbidGeneratorExpressions(iter->first, iter->second, target)) { result = false; return; } std::vector<std::string> buildRequires; // std::vector<std::string> linkRequires; TODO std::vector<std::string> linkLibraries; for (auto const& name : cmList{ iter->second }) { auto const& ti = this->LinkTargets.find(name); if (ti != this->LinkTargets.end()) { if (ti->second.empty()) { result = false; } else { buildRequires.emplace_back(ti->second); } } else { linkLibraries.emplace_back(name); } } buildArray(component, "requires", buildRequires); // buildArray(component, "link_requires", linkRequires); TODO buildArray(component, "link_libraries", linkLibraries); } void cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GenerateInterfaceCompileFeatures( bool& result, Json::Value& component, cmGeneratorTarget const* target, ImportPropertyMap const& properties) const { auto const& iter = properties.find("INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES"); if (iter == properties.end()) { return; } if (!forbidGeneratorExpressions(iter->first, iter->second, target)) { result = false; return; } std::set<std::string> features; for (auto const& value : cmList{ iter->second }) { if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(value, "c_std_")) { auto suffix = cm::string_view{ value }.substr(6, 2); features.emplace(cmStrCat("cxx", suffix)); } else if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(value, "cxx_std_")) { auto suffix = cm::string_view{ value }.substr(8, 2); features.emplace(cmStrCat("c++", suffix)); } } buildArray(component, "compile_features", features); } void cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GenerateInterfaceCompileDefines( bool& result, Json::Value& component, cmGeneratorTarget const* target, ImportPropertyMap const& properties) const { auto const& iter = properties.find("INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"); if (iter == properties.end()) { return; } // TODO: Support language-specific defines. if (!forbidGeneratorExpressions(iter->first, iter->second, target)) { result = false; return; } Json::Value defines; for (auto const& def : cmList{ iter->second }) { auto const n = def.find('='); if (n == std::string::npos) { defines[def] = Json::Value{}; } else { defines[def.substr(0, n)] = def.substr(n + 1); } } if (!defines.empty()) { component["compile_definitions"]["*"] = std::move(defines); } } void cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GenerateInterfaceListProperty( bool& result, Json::Value& component, cmGeneratorTarget const* target, std::string const& outName, cm::string_view inName, ImportPropertyMap const& properties) const { auto const& prop = cmStrCat("INTERFACE_", inName); auto const& iter = properties.find(prop); if (iter == properties.end()) { return; } if (!forbidGeneratorExpressions(prop, iter->second, target)) { result = false; return; } Json::Value& array = component[outName]; for (auto const& value : cmList{ iter->second }) { array.append(value); } } void cmExportPackageInfoGenerator::GenerateInterfaceConfigProperties( Json::Value& components, cmGeneratorTarget const* target, std::string const& suffix, ImportPropertyMap const& properties) const { Json::Value component; auto const suffixLength = suffix.length(); for (auto const& p : properties) { if (!cmHasSuffix(p.first, suffix)) { continue; } auto const n = p.first.length() - suffixLength - 9; auto const prop = cm::string_view{ p.first }.substr(9, n); if (prop == "LOCATION") { component["location"] = p.second; } else if (prop == "IMPLIB") { component["link_location"] = p.second; } else if (prop == "LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES") { std::vector<std::string> languages; for (auto const& lang : cmList{ p.second }) { auto ll = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(lang); if (ll == "cxx") { languages.emplace_back("cpp"); } else { languages.emplace_back(std::move(ll)); } } buildArray(component, "link_languages", languages); } } if (!component.empty()) { components[target->GetExportName()] = component; } }