list ---- List operations. Synopsis ^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: `Reading`_ list(`LENGTH`_ <list> <out-var>) list(`GET`_ <list> <element index> [<index> ...] <out-var>) list(`JOIN`_ <list> <glue> <out-var>) list(`SUBLIST`_ <list> <begin> <length> <out-var>) `Search`_ list(`FIND`_ <list> <value> <out-var>) `Modification`_ list(`APPEND`_ <list> [<element>...]) list(`FILTER`_ <list> {INCLUDE | EXCLUDE} REGEX <regex>) list(`INSERT`_ <list> <index> [<element>...]) list(`POP_BACK`_ <list> [<out-var>...]) list(`POP_FRONT`_ <list> [<out-var>...]) list(`PREPEND`_ <list> [<element>...]) list(`REMOVE_ITEM`_ <list> <value>...) list(`REMOVE_AT`_ <list> <index>...) list(`REMOVE_DUPLICATES`_ <list>) list(`TRANSFORM`_ <list> <ACTION> [...]) `Ordering`_ list(`REVERSE`_ <list>) list(`SORT`_ <list> [...]) Introduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The list subcommands ``APPEND``, ``INSERT``, ``FILTER``, ``PREPEND``, ``POP_BACK``, ``POP_FRONT``, ``REMOVE_AT``, ``REMOVE_ITEM``, ``REMOVE_DUPLICATES``, ``REVERSE`` and ``SORT`` may create new values for the list within the current CMake variable scope. Similar to the :command:`set` command, the LIST command creates new variable values in the current scope, even if the list itself is actually defined in a parent scope. To propagate the results of these operations upwards, use :command:`set` with ``PARENT_SCOPE``, :command:`set` with ``CACHE INTERNAL``, or some other means of value propagation. .. note:: A list in cmake is a ``;`` separated group of strings. To create a list the set command can be used. For example, ``set(var a b c d e)`` creates a list with ``a;b;c;d;e``, and ``set(var "a b c d e")`` creates a string or a list with one item in it. (Note macro arguments are not variables, and therefore cannot be used in LIST commands.) .. note:: When specifying index values, if ``<element index>`` is 0 or greater, it is indexed from the beginning of the list, with 0 representing the first list element. If ``<element index>`` is -1 or lesser, it is indexed from the end of the list, with -1 representing the last list element. Be careful when counting with negative indices: they do not start from 0. -0 is equivalent to 0, the first list element. Reading ^^^^^^^ .. _LENGTH: .. code-block:: cmake list(LENGTH <list> <output variable>) Returns the list's length. .. _GET: .. code-block:: cmake list(GET <list> <element index> [<element index> ...] <output variable>) Returns the list of elements specified by indices from the list. .. _JOIN: .. code-block:: cmake list(JOIN <list> <glue> <output variable>) .. versionadded:: 3.12 Returns a string joining all list's elements using the glue string. To join multiple strings, which are not part of a list, use ``JOIN`` operator from :command:`string` command. .. _SUBLIST: .. code-block:: cmake list(SUBLIST <list> <begin> <length> <output variable>) .. versionadded:: 3.12 Returns a sublist of the given list. If ``<length>`` is 0, an empty list will be returned. If ``<length>`` is -1 or the list is smaller than ``<begin>+<length>`` then the remaining elements of the list starting at ``<begin>`` will be returned. Search ^^^^^^ .. _FIND: .. code-block:: cmake list(FIND <list> <value> <output variable>) Returns the index of the element specified in the list or -1 if it wasn't found. Modification ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _APPEND: .. code-block:: cmake list(APPEND <list> [<element> ...]) Appends elements to the list. .. _FILTER: .. code-block:: cmake list(FILTER <list> <INCLUDE|EXCLUDE> REGEX <regular_expression>) .. versionadded:: 3.6 Includes or removes items from the list that match the mode's pattern. In ``REGEX`` mode, items will be matched against the given regular expression. For more information on regular expressions look under :ref:`string(REGEX) <Regex Specification>`. .. _INSERT: .. code-block:: cmake list(INSERT <list> <element_index> <element> [<element> ...]) Inserts elements to the list to the specified location. .. _POP_BACK: .. code-block:: cmake list(POP_BACK <list> [<out-var>...]) .. versionadded:: 3.15 If no variable name is given, removes exactly one element. Otherwise, with `N` variable names provided, assign the last `N` elements' values to the given variables and then remove the last `N` values from ``<list>``. .. _POP_FRONT: .. code-block:: cmake list(POP_FRONT <list> [<out-var>...]) .. versionadded:: 3.15 If no variable name is given, removes exactly one element. Otherwise, with `N` variable names provided, assign the first `N` elements' values to the given variables and then remove the first `N` values from ``<list>``. .. _PREPEND: .. code-block:: cmake list(PREPEND <list> [<element> ...]) .. versionadded:: 3.15 Insert elements to the 0th position in the list. .. _REMOVE_ITEM: .. code-block:: cmake list(REMOVE_ITEM <list> <value> [<value> ...]) Removes all instances of the given items from the list. .. _REMOVE_AT: .. code-block:: cmake list(REMOVE_AT <list> <index> [<index> ...]) Removes items at given indices from the list. .. _REMOVE_DUPLICATES: .. code-block:: cmake list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES <list>) Removes duplicated items in the list. The relative order of items is preserved, but if duplicates are encountered, only the first instance is preserved. .. _TRANSFORM: .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> [<SELECTOR>] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <output variable>]) .. versionadded:: 3.12 Transforms the list by applying an action to all or, by specifying a ``<SELECTOR>``, to the selected elements of the list, storing the result in-place or in the specified output variable. .. note:: The ``TRANSFORM`` sub-command does not change the number of elements in the list. If a ``<SELECTOR>`` is specified, only some elements will be changed, the other ones will remain the same as before the transformation. ``<ACTION>`` specifies the action to apply to the elements of the list. The actions have exactly the same semantics as sub-commands of the :command:`string` command. ``<ACTION>`` must be one of the following: ``APPEND``, ``PREPEND``: Append, prepend specified value to each element of the list. .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> <APPEND|PREPEND> <value> ...) ``TOUPPER``, ``TOLOWER``: Convert each element of the list to upper, lower characters. .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> <TOLOWER|TOUPPER> ...) ``STRIP``: Remove leading and trailing spaces from each element of the list. .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> STRIP ...) ``GENEX_STRIP``: Strip any :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` from each element of the list. .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> GENEX_STRIP ...) ``REPLACE``: Match the regular expression as many times as possible and substitute the replacement expression for the match for each element of the list (Same semantic as ``REGEX REPLACE`` from :command:`string` command). .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> REPLACE <regular_expression> <replace_expression> ...) ``<SELECTOR>`` determines which elements of the list will be transformed. Only one type of selector can be specified at a time. When given, ``<SELECTOR>`` must be one of the following: ``AT``: Specify a list of indexes. .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> AT <index> [<index> ...] ...) ``FOR``: Specify a range with, optionally, an increment used to iterate over the range. .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> FOR <start> <stop> [<step>] ...) ``REGEX``: Specify a regular expression. Only elements matching the regular expression will be transformed. .. code-block:: cmake list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> REGEX <regular_expression> ...) Ordering ^^^^^^^^ .. _REVERSE: .. code-block:: cmake list(REVERSE <list>) Reverses the contents of the list in-place. .. _SORT: .. code-block:: cmake list(SORT <list> [COMPARE <compare>] [CASE <case>] [ORDER <order>]) Sorts the list in-place alphabetically. .. versionadded:: 3.13 Added the ``COMPARE``, ``CASE``, and ``ORDER`` options. .. versionadded:: 3.18 Added the ``COMPARE NATURAL`` option. Use the ``COMPARE`` keyword to select the comparison method for sorting. The ``<compare>`` option should be one of: * ``STRING``: Sorts a list of strings alphabetically. This is the default behavior if the ``COMPARE`` option is not given. * ``FILE_BASENAME``: Sorts a list of pathnames of files by their basenames. * ``NATURAL``: Sorts a list of strings using natural order (see ``strverscmp(3)`` manual), i.e. such that contiguous digits are compared as whole numbers. For example: the following list `10.0 1.1 2.1 8.0 2.0 3.1` will be sorted as `1.1 2.0 2.1 3.1 8.0 10.0` if the ``NATURAL`` comparison is selected where it will be sorted as `1.1 10.0 2.0 2.1 3.1 8.0` with the ``STRING`` comparison. Use the ``CASE`` keyword to select a case sensitive or case insensitive sort mode. The ``<case>`` option should be one of: * ``SENSITIVE``: List items are sorted in a case-sensitive manner. This is the default behavior if the ``CASE`` option is not given. * ``INSENSITIVE``: List items are sorted case insensitively. The order of items which differ only by upper/lowercase is not specified. To control the sort order, the ``ORDER`` keyword can be given. The ``<order>`` option should be one of: * ``ASCENDING``: Sorts the list in ascending order. This is the default behavior when the ``ORDER`` option is not given. * ``DESCENDING``: Sorts the list in descending order.