CMake Error at BadByproduct.cmake:2 \(add_custom_command\): BYPRODUCTS containing a "#" is not allowed. Call Stack \(most recent call first\): CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\) CMake Error at BadByproduct.cmake:3 \(add_custom_command\): BYPRODUCTS containing a "<" is not allowed. Call Stack \(most recent call first\): CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\) CMake Error at BadByproduct.cmake:4 \(add_custom_command\): BYPRODUCTS containing a ">" is not allowed. Call Stack \(most recent call first\): CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\) ( CMake Error at BadByproduct.cmake:5 \(add_custom_command\): BYPRODUCTS containing a "#" is not allowed. Call Stack \(most recent call first\): CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\) )+ CMake Error at BadByproduct.cmake:6 \(add_custom_command\): BYPRODUCTS path .*RunCMake/add_custom_command/f in a source directory as an output of custom command. Call Stack \(most recent call first\): CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\) ( CMake Error at BadByproduct.cmake:7 \(add_custom_command\): Error evaluating generator expression: \$<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop> \$<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop> may only be used with binary targets. It may not be used with add_custom_command or add_custom_target. Specify the target to read a property from using the \$<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop> signature instead. Call Stack \(most recent call first\): CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\) )+( CMake Error at BadByproduct.cmake:8 \(add_custom_command\): Error evaluating generator expression: \$<OUTPUT_CONFIG:h> Expression did not evaluate to a known generator expression Call Stack \(most recent call first\): CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\) )+( CMake Error at BadByproduct.cmake:9 \(add_custom_command\): Error evaluating generator expression: \$<COMMAND_CONFIG:i> Expression did not evaluate to a known generator expression Call Stack \(most recent call first\): CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\) )+