function (output_results msg) message("results from: ${msg}") message("CMAKE_MATCH_0: -->${CMAKE_MATCH_0}<--") message("CMAKE_MATCH_1: -->${CMAKE_MATCH_1}<--") message("CMAKE_MATCH_2: -->${CMAKE_MATCH_2}<--") message("CMAKE_MATCH_COUNT: -->${CMAKE_MATCH_COUNT}<--") endfunction () function (check_for_success msg) if (CMAKE_MATCH_1 STREQUAL "0" AND CMAKE_MATCH_2 STREQUAL "1") message("Matched string properly") else () message("Failed to match properly") endif () output_results("${msg}") endfunction () function (check_for_failure msg) if (CMAKE_MATCH_1 STREQUAL "" AND CMAKE_MATCH_2 STREQUAL "") message("Matched nothing properly") else () message("Found a match where there should be none") endif () output_results("${msg}") endfunction () macro (do_regex_success msg) string(REGEX MATCH "(0)(1)" output "01") check_for_success("${msg}") endmacro () macro (do_regex_failure msg) string(REGEX MATCH "(0)(1)" output "12") check_for_failure("${msg}") endmacro () do_regex_success("setting up initial state") list(INSERT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 0 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") find_package(dummy) # Ensure cmMakefile::PushScope/PopScope work. check_for_failure("checking after find_package") do_regex_failure("clearing out results with a failing match") do_regex_success("making a successful match before add_subdirectory") add_subdirectory(subdir) check_for_success("ensuring the subdirectory did not interfere with the parent") # Ensure that the subdir didn't mess with this scope.