enable_language(C) get_property(_isMultiConfig GLOBAL PROPERTY GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) if(NOT _isMultiConfig AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug") endif() add_library(StaticImported STATIC IMPORTED) # Test with no IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS, which works if the # imported target provides all exact-name configurations # built by this project. See issue #25515. set_target_properties(StaticImported PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "a" IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "b" IMPORTED_LOCATION_MINSIZEREL "c" IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELWITHDEBINFO "d" ) add_library(StaticLib STATIC empty.c) # The Xcode generator queries imported targets for system # include directories, but without any specific config. set_source_files_properties(empty.c PROPERTIES INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" ) target_link_libraries(StaticLib PRIVATE StaticImported)