CMake 3.25 Release Notes

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Changes made since CMake 3.24 include the following.

New Features


* The :manual:`cmake-presets(7)` schema version has been bumped to ``6``.

* The :manual:`cmake-presets(7)` format now supports a
  ``packagePresets`` field to specify presets for :option:`cpack --preset`.

* The :manual:`cmake-presets(7)` format now supports a
  ``workflowPresets`` field to specify presets for :option:`cmake --workflow`.

* The :manual:`cmake-presets(7)` format now supports an
  ``outputJUnitFile`` field to specify JUnit output in test presets.


* The :manual:`Compile Features <cmake-compile-features(7)>` functionality
  is now aware of C++26, and defines a ``cxx_std_26`` meta-feature.
  C++26 compiler modes may also be specified via the :prop_tgt:`CXX_STANDARD`,
  :prop_tgt:`CUDA_STANDARD`, :prop_tgt:`HIP_STANDARD`,
  or :prop_tgt:`OBJCXX_STANDARD` target properties.

* ``CUDA`` language support now includes device link-time optimization when
  using ``nvcc``.  The :variable:`CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION` variable
  and the associated :prop_tgt:`INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION` target property
  will activate device LTO.


* A :option:`cmake --workflow --preset <cmake--workflow --preset>` mode was
  added to drive sequences of configure, build, test, and package operations
  through a single command.

* The :option:`cmake -E capabilities <cmake-E capabilities>` command
  gained a new ``tls`` field that tells whether or not TLS is enabled.

* The :option:`cmake -E env <cmake-E env>` command-line tool gained
  a ``--modify`` flag to support :prop_test:`ENVIRONMENT_MODIFICATION`

* The :option:`cmake --debug-trycompile` option now prints log messages
  reporting the directory in which each try-compile check is done.


* Support for the `Tasking compiler toolsets`_ (SmartCode, TriCore,
  Standalone: ARM, MCS, 8051) was added with compiler id ``Tasking``.
  See the :variable:`CMAKE_TASKING_TOOLSET` variable.

.. _Tasking compiler toolsets:


* The :command:`add_subdirectory` command gained a ``SYSTEM`` option
  to enable the :prop_dir:`SYSTEM` directory property in the subdirectory.

* The :command:`block` and :command:`endblock` commands were added to manage
  specific scopes (policy or variable) for a contained block of commands.

* The :command:`cmake_language` command gained a new
  ``GET_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL`` sub-command.  It can be used to
  query the current message logging level.

* The :command:`find_file`, :command:`find_path`, :command:`find_library`, and
  :command:`find_program` commands gained a ``VALIDATOR`` option to specify a
  function to be called for each candidate item to validate it.

* The :command:`find_package` command now considers paths of
  the form ``<prefix>/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/<name>*/`` when
  searching for package configuration files.

* The :command:`return` command gained a ``PROPAGATE`` option to propagate
  variables to the scope to which control returns.
  See policy :policy:`CMP0140`.

* The :command:`try_compile` and :command:`try_run` commands gained new
  signatures that more consistently use keyword dispatch and do not require a
  binary directory to be specified.  Additionally, these signatures use a
  unique directory for each invocation, which allows multiple outputs to be
  preserved when using :option:`cmake --debug-trycompile`.

* The :command:`try_compile` and :command:`try_run` commands gained the
  option ``NO_CACHE`` to store results in normal variables.

* The :command:`try_run` command gained ``RUN_OUTPUT_STDOUT_VARIABLE``
  and ``RUN_OUTPUT_STDERR_VARIABLE`` options to capture stdout and stderr
  separately from the output of the compiled program.


* The :variable:`BSD` and :variable:`CMAKE_HOST_BSD` variables are now set
  to a string value when the target or host system is BSD, respectively.

* The :variable:`LINUX` and :variable:`CMAKE_HOST_LINUX` variables are
  now set to true when the target or host system is Linux, respectively.

* The :variable:`CMAKE_MSVC_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT` variable and
  :prop_tgt:`MSVC_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT` target property were introduced
  to select the debug information format for compilers targeting the MSVC ABI.
  See policy :policy:`CMP0141`.

  corresponding :prop_tgt:`XCODE_SCHEME_ENABLE_GPU_API_VALIDATION` target
  property were added to tell the :generator:`Xcode` generator what to put
  in the scheme's ``Metal: API Validation`` setting.

  corresponding :prop_tgt:`XCODE_SCHEME_ENABLE_GPU_SHADER_VALIDATION` target
  property were added to tell the :generator:`Xcode` generator what to put
  in the scheme's ``Metal: Shader Validation`` setting.

* The :variable:`CMAKE_XCODE_SCHEME_LAUNCH_MODE` variable and corresponding
  :prop_tgt:`XCODE_SCHEME_LAUNCH_MODE` target property were added to tell
  the :generator:`Xcode` generator what to put in the scheme's "Launch"
  mode setting.

  corresponding :prop_tgt:`XCODE_SCHEME_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION` target
  property were added to tell the :generator:`Xcode` generator what
  configuration to put in the scheme's Launch action.


* The :prop_tgt:`<LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER` target property now supports
  :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.

* The :prop_tgt:`EXPORT_NO_SYSTEM` target property was added to
  specify that :command:`install(EXPORT)` and :command:`export`
  commands will generate na imported target with
  :prop_tgt:`SYSTEM` property ``OFF``.

* The :prop_tgt:`SYSTEM` target property was added to specify
  whether a target should be treated as a system library (i.e.
  its include directories are automatically ``SYSTEM`` when
  compiling consumers).  If not set, the default is the previous
  behavior: on for imported targets and off for other targets.

* The :prop_dir:`SYSTEM` directory property was added to initialize the
  :prop_tgt:`SYSTEM` target property for targets created in that directory.


* The :module:`FetchContent` module's :command:`FetchContent_Declare`
  command gained a ``SYSTEM`` option which sets the :prop_dir:`SYSTEM`
  directory property on subdirectories created by

* The :module:`FindCUDAToolkit` module now provides a target for
  :ref:`nvtx3 <cuda_toolkit_nvtx3>` for CUDA 10.0+, which supersedes
  :ref:`nvToolsExt <cuda_toolkit_nvToolsExt>`. A deprecation warning
  is emitted when using ``nvToolsExt`` if the project requires CMake
  3.25 and CUDA 10.0+ is used.

* The :module:`FindDoxygen` module's version handling has been improved:

  * Multiple candidate installations will now be considered, if needed,
    to satisfy version constraints.  Previously, only the first one
    encountered would be considered.

  * Version ranges are supported.

  * Variations in the version format reported by Doxygen are now
    tolerated (e.g. a trailing git commit hash).

* The :module:`FindOpenAL` module now provides an imported target.

* The :module:`FindOpenSP` module was added to find the OpenSP library.

* The :module:`FindVulkan` module gained support for new components:

    DirectX Shader Compiler.

    Volk open-source vulkan meta-loader.


* The :cpack_gen:`CPack Archive Generator` gained a new
  :variable:`CPACK_ARCHIVE_FILE_EXTENSION` variable to control
  the package file name extension.

* The :cpack_gen:`CPack NSIS Generator` gained two new variables
  to provide arguments to the nsis executable invocation.

* The :module:`CPack` module gained the :variable:`CPACK_READELF_EXECUTABLE`,
  :variable:`CPACK_OBJDUMP_EXECUTABLE` variables to control the locations
  of binutils used by :manual:`cpack(1)`.

Deprecated and Removed Features

* The :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED_NO_SYSTEM` target property has been deprecated
  in favor of :prop_tgt:`SYSTEM` and :prop_tgt:`EXPORT_NO_SYSTEM`.

* The :generator:`Visual Studio 10 2010` generator has been removed.

* The :generator:`Visual Studio 11 2012` generator is now deprecated
  and will be removed in a future version of CMake.

Other Changes

* The :envvar:`SSL_CERT_FILE` and :envvar:`SSL_CERT_DIR` environment
  variables can now be used to override where to find certificate
  authorities for TLS/SSL operations.

* If :prop_tgt:`<LANG>_CLANG_TIDY` includes a ``-p`` argument, the
  full compiler command line is no longer appended after ``--``.

* The :generator:`Xcode` generator no longer adds the per-config suffix
  ``$(CONFIGURATION)$(EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME)`` to library search paths.
  See policy :policy:`CMP0142`.


Changes made since CMake 3.25.0 include the following.


* On Windows, when targeting the MSVC ABI, the :command:`find_library`
  command no longer accepts ``.a`` file names.  This behavior was added
  in CMake 3.25.0, but has been reverted due finding GNU-ABI libraries
  in cases we did not previously.


* CUDA language level 20 (corresponding to C++20) is now supported with
  NVCC 12.0 and above.

* On Windows, the ``icpx`` compiler now provided by Intel oneAPI 2023.0
  and above is no longer selected because its GNU-like command-line is
  not yet supported by CMake.


* This version made no changes to documented features or interfaces.
  Some implementation updates were made to support ecosystem changes
  and/or fix regressions.