ASM<DIALECT> ------------ .. include:: ENV_VAR.txt Preferred executable for compiling a specific dialect of assembly language files. ``ASM<DIALECT>`` can be one of: * ``ASM`` * ``ASM_NASM`` (Netwide Assembler) * ``ASM_MASM`` (Microsoft Assembler) * ``ASM_MARMASM`` (Microsoft ARM Assembler) * ``ASM-ATT`` (Assembler AT&T) Will only be used by CMake on the first configuration to determine ``ASM<DIALECT>`` compiler, after which the value for ``ASM<DIALECT>`` is stored in the cache as :variable:`CMAKE_ASM<DIALECT>_COMPILER <CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER>`. For subsequent configuration runs, the environment variable will be ignored in favor of :variable:`CMAKE_ASM<DIALECT>_COMPILER <CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER>`. .. note:: Options that are required to make the compiler work correctly can be included; they can not be changed. .. code-block:: console $ export ASM="custom-compiler --arg1 --arg2"