
  Program:   CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
  Module:    $RCSfile: cmCacheManager.h,v $
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date: 2008-03-07 16:43:47 $
  Version:   $Revision: 1.49 $

  Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium.  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef cmCacheManager_h
#define cmCacheManager_h

#include "cmStandardIncludes.h"
class cmMakefile;
class cmMarkAsAdvancedCommand;

/** \class cmCacheManager
 * \brief Control class for cmake's cache
 * Load and Save CMake cache files.
class cmCacheManager
  class CacheIterator;
  friend class cmCacheManager::CacheIterator;
                       UNINITIALIZED };

  struct CacheEntry
    std::string Value;
    CacheEntryType Type;
    std::map<cmStdString,cmStdString> Properties;
    bool Initialized;
    CacheEntry() : Value(""), Type(UNINITIALIZED), Initialized(false)

  class CacheIterator
    void Begin();
    bool Find(const char*);
    bool IsAtEnd() const;
    void Next();
    const char *GetName() const {
      return this->Position->first.c_str(); } 
    const char* GetProperty(const char*) const ;
    bool GetPropertyAsBool(const char*) const ;
    bool PropertyExists(const char*) const;
    void SetProperty(const char* property, const char* value);
    void SetProperty(const char* property, bool value);
    const char* GetValue() const { return this->GetEntry().Value.c_str(); }
    bool GetValueAsBool() const;
    void SetValue(const char*);
    CacheEntryType GetType() const { return this->GetEntry().Type; }
    void SetType(CacheEntryType ty) { this->GetEntry().Type = ty; }
    bool Initialized() { return this->GetEntry().Initialized; }
    cmCacheManager &Container;
    std::map<cmStdString, CacheEntry>::iterator Position;
    CacheIterator(cmCacheManager &cm) : Container(cm) {
    CacheIterator(cmCacheManager &cm, const char* key) : Container(cm) 
      if ( key )
    CacheEntry const& GetEntry() const { return this->Position->second; }
    CacheEntry& GetEntry() { return this->Position->second; }
  ///! return an iterator to iterate through the cache map
  cmCacheManager::CacheIterator NewIterator() 
      return CacheIterator(*this);
   * Types for the cache entries.  These are useful as
   * hints for a cache editor program.  Path should bring
   * up a file chooser, BOOL a check box, and STRING a 
   * text entry box, FILEPATH is a full path to a file which
   * can be different than just a path input
  static CacheEntryType StringToType(const char*);
  static const char* TypeToString(CacheEntryType);
  ///! Load a cache for given makefile.  Loads from ouput home.
  bool LoadCache(cmMakefile*); 
  ///! Load a cache for given makefile.  Loads from path/CMakeCache.txt.
  bool LoadCache(const char* path);
  bool LoadCache(const char* path, bool internal);
  bool LoadCache(const char* path, bool internal, 
                 std::set<cmStdString>& excludes,
                 std::set<cmStdString>& includes);

  ///! Save cache for given makefile.  Saves to ouput home CMakeCache.txt.
  bool SaveCache(cmMakefile*) ;
  ///! Save cache for given makefile.  Saves to ouput path/CMakeCache.txt
  bool SaveCache(const char* path) ;

  ///! Delete the cache given
  bool DeleteCache(const char* path);

  ///! Print the cache to a stream
  void PrintCache(std::ostream&) const;
  ///! Get the iterator for an entry with a given key.
  cmCacheManager::CacheIterator GetCacheIterator(const char *key=0);
  ///! Remove an entry from the cache
  void RemoveCacheEntry(const char* key);
  ///! Get the number of entries in the cache
  int GetSize() {
    return static_cast<int>(this->Cache.size()); }
  ///! Break up a line like VAR:type="value" into var, type and value
  static bool ParseEntry(const char* entry, 
                         std::string& var,
                         std::string& value,
                         CacheEntryType& type);

  static bool ParseEntry(const char* entry, 
                         std::string& var,
                         std::string& value);

  ///! Get a value from the cache given a key
  const char* GetCacheValue(const char* key) const;

  /** Get the version of CMake that wrote the cache.  */
  unsigned int GetCacheMajorVersion() { return this->CacheMajorVersion; }
  unsigned int GetCacheMinorVersion() { return this->CacheMinorVersion; }
  bool NeedCacheCompatibility(int major, int minor);

  ///! Add an entry into the cache
  void AddCacheEntry(const char* key, const char* value, 
                     const char* helpString, CacheEntryType type);

  ///! Add a BOOL entry into the cache
  void AddCacheEntry(const char* key, bool, const char* helpString);

  ///! Get a cache entry object for a key
  CacheEntry *GetCacheEntry(const char *key);
  ///! Clean out the CMakeFiles directory if no CMakeCache.txt
  void CleanCMakeFiles(const char* path);

  // Cache version info
  unsigned int CacheMajorVersion;
  unsigned int CacheMinorVersion;
  typedef  std::map<cmStdString, CacheEntry> CacheEntryMap;
  static void OutputHelpString(std::ofstream& fout, 
                               const std::string& helpString);
  CacheEntryMap Cache;
  // Only cmake and cmMakefile should be able to add cache values
  // the commands should never use the cmCacheManager directly
  friend class cmMakefile; // allow access to add cache values
  friend class cmake; // allow access to add cache values
  friend class cmakewizard; // allow access to add cache values
  friend class cmMarkAsAdvancedCommand; // allow access to add cache values
