# If we are using the Ninja generator, we can check and verify that the # USES_TERMINAL option actually works by examining the Ninja build file. # This is the only way, since CMake doesn't offer a way to examine the # options on a custom command after it has been added. Furthermore, # there isn't an easy way to test for this by actually running Ninja. # # Other generators don't currently support USES_TERMINAL at this time. # This file can be improved to support them if they do. Until then, we # simply assume success for new generator types. # # For Ninja, there is a complication. If the Ninja generator detects a # version of Ninja < 1.5, it won't actually emit the console pool command, # because those Ninja versions don't yet support the console pool. In # that case, we also have to assume success. # Check Ninja build output to verify whether or not a target step is in the # console pool. macro(CheckNinjaStep _target _step _require) if("${_build}" MATCHES " DESC = Performing ${_step} step for '${_target}' pool = console" ) if(NOT ${_require}) set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "${_target} ${_step} step is in console pool") return() endif() else() if(${_require}) set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "${_target} ${_step} step not in console pool") return() endif() endif() endmacro() # Check Ninja build output to verify whether each target step is in the # console pool. macro(CheckNinjaTarget _target _download _update _patch _configure _build _test _install ) CheckNinjaStep(${_target} download ${_download}) CheckNinjaStep(${_target} update ${_update}) CheckNinjaStep(${_target} patch ${_patch}) CheckNinjaStep(${_target} configure ${_configure}) CheckNinjaStep(${_target} build ${_build}) CheckNinjaStep(${_target} test ${_test}) CheckNinjaStep(${_target} install ${_install}) endmacro() # Load build/make file, depending on generator if(RunCMake_GENERATOR STREQUAL Ninja) # Check the Ninja version. If < 1.5, console pool isn't supported and # so the generator would not emit console pool usage. That would cause # this test to fail. execute_process(COMMAND ${RunCMake_MAKE_PROGRAM} --version RESULT_VARIABLE _version_result OUTPUT_VARIABLE _version ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(_version_result OR _version VERSION_EQUAL "0") set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Failed to get Ninja version") return() endif() if(_version VERSION_LESS "1.5") return() # console pool not supported on Ninja < 1.5 endif() # Read the Ninja build file set(_build_file "${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/build.ninja") if(NOT EXISTS "${_build_file}") set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Ninja build file not created") return() endif() file(READ "${_build_file}" _build) set(_target_check_macro CheckNinjaTarget) elseif((RunCMake_GENERATOR STREQUAL "") OR NOT DEFINED RunCMake_GENERATOR) # protection in case somebody renamed RunCMake_GENERATOR set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Unknown generator") return() else() # We don't yet know how to test USES_TERMINAL on this generator. return() endif() # Actual tests: CheckNinjaTarget(TerminalTest1 true true true true true true true ) CheckNinjaTarget(TerminalTest2 true false true false true false true) CheckNinjaTarget(TerminalTest3 false true false true false true false) CheckNinjaTarget(TerminalTest4 false false false false false false false)