# add the library that runs add_library(MathFunctions MathFunctions.cxx) # state that anybody linking to us needs to include the current source dir # to find MathFunctions.h, while we don't. target_include_directories(MathFunctions INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) # should we use our own math functions option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" ON) if(USE_MYMATH) target_compile_definitions(MathFunctions PRIVATE "USE_MYMATH") # first we add the executable that generates the table add_executable(MakeTable MakeTable.cxx) target_link_libraries(MakeTable tutorial_compiler_flags) # add the command to generate the source code add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Table.h COMMAND MakeTable ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Table.h DEPENDS MakeTable ) # library that just does sqrt add_library(SqrtLibrary STATIC mysqrt.cxx ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Table.h ) # state that we depend on our binary dir to find Table.h target_include_directories(SqrtLibrary PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) # state that SqrtLibrary need PIC when the default is shared libraries set_target_properties(SqrtLibrary PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS} ) target_link_libraries(SqrtLibrary PUBLIC tutorial_compiler_flags) target_link_libraries(MathFunctions PRIVATE SqrtLibrary) endif() target_link_libraries(MathFunctions PUBLIC tutorial_compiler_flags) # define the symbol stating we are using the declspec(dllexport) when #building on windows target_compile_definitions(MathFunctions PRIVATE "EXPORTING_MYMATH") # install rules install(TARGETS MathFunctions DESTINATION lib) install(FILES MathFunctions.h DESTINATION include)