cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) project(TestRequiredArtifacts.Check LANGUAGES C) set (components) if (CHECK_INTERPRETER) set (required_interpreter "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}") list (APPEND components Interpreter) endif() if (CHECK_LIBRARY OR CHECK_INCLUDE) list (APPEND components Development) if (CHECK_LIBRARY) set (required_library "${Python3_LIBRARY}") endif() if (CHECK_INCLUDE) set (required_include "${Python3_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif() endif() find_package (Python3 COMPONENTS ${components}) if (PYTHON_IS_FOUND AND NOT Python3_FOUND) message (FATAL_ERROR "Python3 unexpectedly not found") endif() if (NOT PYTHON_IS_FOUND AND Python3_FOUND) message (FATAL_ERROR "Python3 unexpectedly found") endif() if (CHECK_INTERPRETER AND NOT Python3_EXECUTABLE STREQUAL required_interpreter) message (FATAL_ERROR "Fail to use input variable Python3_EXECUTABLE") endif() if (CHECK_LIBRARY AND NOT Python3_LIBRARY_RELEASE STREQUAL required_library) message (FATAL_ERROR "Fail to use input variable Python3_LIBRARY") endif() if (CHECK_INCLUDE AND NOT Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS STREQUAL required_include) message (FATAL_ERROR "Fail to use input variable Python3_INCLUDE_DIR") endif()