Author: Sune Vuorela Description: Find pangommconfig include directory in FindGTK2 There is a small bug in FindGTK2.cmake that makes the include dirs not set properly when using pangomm. Pangomm has, like many of the other libraries, now two include dirs, one for the arch specific 'config' header, and another dir for the arch independent headers. Forwarded: no Bug-Debian: Origin: vendor,;filename=cmake-find-gtk2-pangomm-config;att=1;bug=579718 Last-Update: 2010-04-30 --- a/Modules/FindGTK2.cmake +++ b/Modules/FindGTK2.cmake @@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ foreach(_GTK2_component ${GTK2_FIND_COMP _GTK2_FIND_LIBRARY (GTK2_CAIROMM_LIBRARY cairomm true true) _GTK2_FIND_INCLUDE_DIR(GTK2_PANGOMM_INCLUDE_DIR pangomm.h) + _GTK2_FIND_INCLUDE_DIR(GTK2_PANGOMMCONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR pangommconfig.h) _GTK2_FIND_LIBRARY (GTK2_PANGOMM_LIBRARY pangomm true true) _GTK2_FIND_INCLUDE_DIR(GTK2_SIGC++_INCLUDE_DIR sigc++/sigc++.h)