cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(mfc1) macro(replace_flags var these those) if("${${var}}" MATCHES "${these}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${these}" "${those}" ${var} "${${var}}") #message(STATUS "info: ${var} changed to '${${var}}'") endif() message(STATUS "info: ${var}='${${var}}'") endmacro() macro(msvc_link_to_static_crt) if(MSVC) set(has_correct_flag 0) foreach(lang C CXX) foreach(suffix "" _DEBUG _MINSIZEREL _RELEASE _RELWITHDEBINFO) replace_flags("CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS${suffix}" "/MD" "/MT") if(CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS${suffix} MATCHES "/MT") set(has_correct_flag 1) endif() endforeach() endforeach() if(NOT has_correct_flag) message(FATAL_ERROR "no CMAKE_*_FLAGS var contains /MT") endif() endif() endmacro() set(files ChildFrm.cpp ChildFrm.h MainFrm.cpp MainFrm.h mfc1.cpp mfc1.h mfc1.rc mfc1Doc.cpp mfc1Doc.h mfc1View.cpp mfc1View.h Resource.h stdafx.cpp stdafx.h ) set(CMAKE_MFC_FLAG "@CMAKE_MFC_FLAG_VALUE@") FIND_PACKAGE(MFC) IF (NOT MFC_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "MFC Could not be found during the MFC test") ENDIF() if("${CMAKE_MFC_FLAG}" STREQUAL "1") msvc_link_to_static_crt() else() # VS generators add this automatically based on the CMAKE_MFC_FLAG value, # but generators matching "Make" require: add_definitions(-D_AFXDLL) endif() add_executable(mfc1 WIN32 ${files}) install(TARGETS mfc1 DESTINATION bin) if("${CMAKE_MFC_FLAG}" STREQUAL "2") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_MFC_LIBRARIES ON) include(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) endif() # Encode the value inside a generator expression to test evaluation. set(CMAKE_MFC_FLAG "$<1:${CMAKE_MFC_FLAG}>")