{ "$comment": [ "example comment", "with an array of strings" ], "version": 10, "cmakeMinimumRequired": { "$comment": "We can add comments in version" }, "configurePresets": [ { "name": "CommentValidFull", "$comment": "example comment", "generator": "@RunCMake_GENERATOR@", "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build", "architecture": { "$comment": "We can add comments in architecture", "value": "v143", "strategy": "external" }, "toolset": { "$comment": "We can add comments in toolset", "value": "x64", "strategy": "external" }, "cacheVariables": { "SOME_VARIABLE": { "$comment": "We can add comments in every cacheVariable, that we created", "value": "SOME_VALUE" } }, "warnings": { "$comment": "We can add comments in warnings", "dev": false }, "errors": { "$comment": "We can add comments in errors", "dev": false }, "debug": { "$comment": "We can add comments in debug", "find": false }, "trace": { "$comment": "We can add comments in trace", "mode": "off" } } ], "buildPresets": [ { "$comment": "example comment", "name": "default", "condition": { "$comment": "We can add comments in condition", "type": "const", "value": false }, "configurePreset": "CommentValidFull" } ], "testPresets": [ { "name": "default", "configurePreset": "CommentValidFull", "filter": { "$comment": "We can add comments in filter", "include": { "$comment": ["example comment", "with an array of strings", "inside include"], "index": { "$comment": ["example comment", "with an array of strings"], "start": 0 } }, "exclude": { "$comment": ["example comment", "with an array of strings", "inside exclude"], "fixtures": { "$comment": ["example comment", "with an array of strings"], "any": ".*full.*" } } }, "execution": { "$comment": ["example comment", "with an array of strings"], "repeat": { "$comment": "Some comments here", "mode": "until-fail", "count": 1 } }, "condition": { "$comment": "We can add comments in equal & non-equal conditions", "type": "equals", "lhs": "test1", "rhs": "test2" }, "$comment": ["example comment", "with an array of strings"] } ], "packagePresets": [ { "name": "CommentValidFull", "$comment": ["example comment", "with an array of strings"], "configurePreset": "CommentValidFull", "condition": { "$comment": "We can add comments in list check conditions", "type": "notInList", "list": [ "test1", "test2" ], "string": "test1" }, "output": { "$comment": "Hello, World!", "debug": false } }, { "name": "CommentValidFull1", "configurePreset": "CommentValidFull", "condition": { "$comment": "We can add comments in aggregation conditions", "type": "allOf", "conditions": [ { "$comment": "We can add comments in regex match conditions", "type": "matches", "regex": ".*tests.*", "string": "test1" }, { "type": "matches", "regex": ".*tests.*", "string": "test2" }, { "type": "not", "$comment": "We can add comments in not conditions", "condition": { "type": "matches", "regex": ".*tests.*", "string": "test3" } } ] }, "output": { "$comment": "Hello, World 123!", "verbose": false } } ], "workflowPresets": [ { "name": "CommentValidFull", "$comment": ["example comment", "with an array of strings"], "steps": [ { "type": "configure", "name": "CommentValidFull" }, { "type": "build", "name": "default" }, { "$comment": "We must test it before we can package it", "type": "test", "name": "default" }, { "type": "package", "name": "CommentValidFull" } ] } ] }