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511 lines
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511 lines
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/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
#pragma once
#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <cm/optional>
#include <cm/string_view>
#include <cm3p/json/value.h>
#include "cmJSONState.h"
#include "cmStringAlgorithms.h"
template <typename T>
using cmJSONHelper =
std::function<bool(T& out, const Json::Value* value, cmJSONState* state)>;
using ErrorGenerator = std::function<void(const Json::Value*, cmJSONState*)>;
namespace JsonErrors {
enum ObjectError
using ErrorGenerator = std::function<void(const Json::Value*, cmJSONState*)>;
using ObjectErrorGenerator =
std::function<ErrorGenerator(ObjectError, const Json::Value::Members&)>;
ErrorGenerator EXPECTED_TYPE(const std::string& type);
void INVALID_STRING(const Json::Value* value, cmJSONState* state);
void INVALID_BOOL(const Json::Value* value, cmJSONState* state);
void INVALID_INT(const Json::Value* value, cmJSONState* state);
void INVALID_UINT(const Json::Value* value, cmJSONState* state);
ObjectErrorGenerator INVALID_NAMED_OBJECT(
const std::function<std::string(const Json::Value*, cmJSONState*)>&
ErrorGenerator INVALID_OBJECT(ObjectError errorType,
const Json::Value::Members& extraFields);
ObjectError errorType, const Json::Value::Members& extraFields);
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
namespace details {
// A meta-function to check if a given callable type
// can be called with the only string ref arg.
template <typename F, typename Enable = void>
struct is_bool_filter
static constexpr bool value = false;
template <typename F>
struct is_bool_filter<F,
std::invoke_result_t<F, const std::string&>, bool>>>
static constexpr bool value = true;
struct cmJSONHelperBuilder
template <typename T>
class Object
Object(JsonErrors::ObjectErrorGenerator error = JsonErrors::INVALID_OBJECT,
bool allowExtra = true)
: Error(std::move(error))
, AllowExtra(allowExtra)
template <typename U, typename M, typename F>
Object& Bind(const cm::string_view& name, M U::*member, F func,
bool required = true)
return this->BindPrivate(
[func, member](T& out, const Json::Value* value, cmJSONState* state)
-> bool { return func(out.*member, value, state); },
template <typename M, typename F>
Object& Bind(const cm::string_view& name, std::nullptr_t, F func,
bool required = true)
return this->BindPrivate(
[func](T& /*out*/, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
M dummy;
return func(dummy, value, state);
template <typename F>
Object& Bind(const cm::string_view& name, F func, bool required = true)
return this->BindPrivate(name, MemberFunction(func), required);
bool operator()(T& out, const Json::Value* value, cmJSONState* state) const
Json::Value::Members extraFields;
if (!value && this->AnyRequired) {
Error(JsonErrors::ObjectError::RequiredMissing, extraFields)(value,
return false;
if (value && !value->isObject()) {
Error(JsonErrors::ObjectError::InvalidObject, extraFields)(value,
return false;
if (value) {
extraFields = value->getMemberNames();
if (state->allowComments) {
std::remove(extraFields.begin(), extraFields.end(), "$comment"),
bool success = true;
for (auto const& m : this->Members) {
std::string name(, m.Name.size());
state->push_stack(name, value);
if (value && value->isMember(name)) {
if (!m.Function(out, &(*value)[name], state)) {
success = false;
std::find(extraFields.begin(), extraFields.end(), name));
} else if (!m.Required) {
if (!m.Function(out, nullptr, state)) {
success = false;
} else {
Error(JsonErrors::ObjectError::MissingRequired, extraFields)(value,
success = false;
if (!this->AllowExtra && !extraFields.empty()) {
Error(JsonErrors::ObjectError::ExtraField, extraFields)(value, state);
success = false;
return success;
// Not a true cmJSONHelper, it just happens to match the signature
using MemberFunction = std::function<bool(T& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state)>;
struct Member
Member(cm::string_view name, MemberFunction func, bool required)
: Name{ name }
, Function{ std::move(func) }
, Required{ required }
cm::string_view Name;
MemberFunction Function;
bool Required;
std::vector<Member> Members;
bool AnyRequired = false;
JsonErrors::ObjectErrorGenerator Error;
bool AllowExtra;
Object& BindPrivate(const cm::string_view& name, MemberFunction&& func,
bool required)
this->Members.emplace_back(name, std::move(func), required);
this->AnyRequired = this->AnyRequired || required;
return *this;
static cmJSONHelper<std::string> String(
const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error = JsonErrors::INVALID_STRING,
const std::string& defval = "")
return [error, defval](std::string& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
if (!value) {
out = defval;
return true;
if (!value->isString()) {
error(value, state);
return false;
out = value->asString();
return true;
static cmJSONHelper<std::string> String(const std::string& defval)
return String(JsonErrors::INVALID_STRING, defval);
static cmJSONHelper<int> Int(
const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error = JsonErrors::INVALID_INT,
int defval = 0)
return [error, defval](int& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
if (!value) {
out = defval;
return true;
if (!value->isInt()) {
error(value, state);
return false;
out = value->asInt();
return true;
static cmJSONHelper<int> Int(int defval)
return Int(JsonErrors::INVALID_INT, defval);
static cmJSONHelper<unsigned int> UInt(
const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error = JsonErrors::INVALID_UINT,
unsigned int defval = 0)
return [error, defval](unsigned int& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
if (!value) {
out = defval;
return true;
if (!value->isUInt()) {
error(value, state);
return false;
out = value->asUInt();
return true;
static cmJSONHelper<unsigned int> UInt(unsigned int defval)
return UInt(JsonErrors::INVALID_UINT, defval);
static cmJSONHelper<bool> Bool(
const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error = JsonErrors::INVALID_BOOL,
bool defval = false)
return [error, defval](bool& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
if (!value) {
out = defval;
return true;
if (!value->isBool()) {
error(value, state);
return false;
out = value->asBool();
return true;
static cmJSONHelper<bool> Bool(bool defval)
return Bool(JsonErrors::INVALID_BOOL, defval);
template <typename T, typename F, typename Filter>
static cmJSONHelper<std::vector<T>> VectorFilter(
const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error, F func, Filter filter)
return [error, func, filter](std::vector<T>& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
bool success = true;
if (!value) {
return true;
if (!value->isArray()) {
error(value, state);
return false;
int index = 0;
for (auto const& item : *value) {
state->push_stack(cmStrCat("$vector_item_", index++), &item);
T t;
if (!func(t, &item, state)) {
success = false;
if (!filter(t)) {
return success;
template <typename T, typename F>
static cmJSONHelper<std::vector<T>> Vector(JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator error,
F func)
return VectorFilter<T, F>(std::move(error), func,
[](const T&) { return true; });
enum class FilterResult
Continue, ///< A filter has accepted a given key (and value)
Skip, ///< A filter has rejected a given key (or value)
Error ///< A filter has found and reported an error
/// Iterate over the object's members and call a filter callable to
/// decide what to do with the current key/value.
/// A filter returns one of the `FilterResult` values.
/// A container type is an associative or a sequence
/// container of pairs (key, value).
template <typename Container, typename F, typename Filter>
static cmJSONHelper<Container> FilteredObject(
const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error, F func, Filter filter)
return [error, func, filter](Container& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
// NOTE Some compile-time code path don't use `filter` at all.
// So, suppress "unused lambda capture" warning is needed.
if (!value) {
return true;
if (!value->isObject()) {
error(value, state);
return false;
auto outIt = std::inserter(out, out.end());
bool success = true;
for (auto const& key : value->getMemberNames()) {
state->push_stack(key, &(*value)[key]);
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Filter, std::true_type>) {
// Filtering functionality isn't needed at all...
} else if constexpr (details::is_bool_filter<Filter>::value) {
// A given `Filter` is `bool(const std::string&)` callable.
if (!filter(key)) {
} else {
// A full-featured `Filter` has been given
auto res = filter(key, &(*value)[key], state);
if (res == FilterResult::Skip) {
if (res == FilterResult::Error) {
success = false;
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
typename Container::value_type::second_type t;
// ATTENTION Call the function first (for it's side-effects),
// then accumulate the result!
success = func(t, &(*value)[key], state) && success;
outIt = typename Container::value_type{ key, std::move(t) };
return success;
template <typename T, typename F, typename Filter>
static cmJSONHelper<std::map<std::string, T>> MapFilter(
const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error, F func, Filter filter)
// clang-format off
return FilteredObject<std::map<std::string, T>>(
error, func,
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
// In C++ 17 a filter callable can be passed as is.
// Depending on its type `FilteredObject()` will call
// it with a key only (backward compatible behavior)
// or with 3 args supported by the full-featured
// filtering feature.
// For C++14 and below, to keep backward compatibility
// with CMake Presets code, `MapFilter()` can accept only
// `bool(const std::string&)` callables.
[filter](const std::string &key, const Json::Value * /*value*/,
cmJSONState * /*state*/) -> FilterResult {
// Simple adaptor to translate `bool` to `FilterResult`
return filter(key) ? FilterResult::Continue : FilterResult::Skip;
// clang-format on
template <typename T, typename F>
static cmJSONHelper<std::map<std::string, T>> Map(
const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error, F func)
// clang-format off
return FilteredObject<std::map<std::string, T>>(
error, func,
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
// With C++ 17 and above, pass a marker type, that no
// filtering is needed at all.
// In C++ 14 and below, pass an always-true dummy functor.
[](const std::string& /*key*/, const Json::Value* /*value*/,
cmJSONState* /*state*/) -> FilterResult {
return FilterResult::Continue;
// clang-format on
template <typename T, typename F>
static cmJSONHelper<cm::optional<T>> Optional(F func)
return [func](cm::optional<T>& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
if (!value) {
return true;
return func(*out, value, state);
template <typename T, typename F>
static cmJSONHelper<T> Required(const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error,
F func)
return [error, func](T& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
if (!value) {
error(value, state);
return false;
return func(out, value, state);
template <typename T, typename F, typename P>
static cmJSONHelper<T> Checked(const JsonErrors::ErrorGenerator& error,
F func, P predicate)
return [error, func, predicate](T& out, const Json::Value* value,
cmJSONState* state) -> bool {
bool result = func(out, value, state);
if (result && !predicate(out)) {
error(value, state);
result = false;
return result;