2020-02-01 23:06:01 +01:00

456 lines
14 KiB

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "cm_uv.h"
#include "cmGetPipes.h"
#include "cmUVHandlePtr.h"
#include "cmUVStreambuf.h"
#define TEST_STR_LINE_1 "This string must be exactly 128 characters long so"
#define TEST_STR_LINE_2 "that we can test CMake's std::streambuf integration"
#define TEST_STR_LINE_3 "with libuv's uv_stream_t."
bool writeDataToStreamPipe(uv_loop_t& loop, cm::uv_pipe_ptr& inputPipe,
char* outputData, unsigned int outputDataLength,
const char* /* unused */)
int err;
// Create the pipe
int pipeHandles[2];
if (cmGetPipes(pipeHandles) < 0) {
std::cout << "Could not open pipe" << std::endl;
return false;
cm::uv_pipe_ptr outputPipe;
inputPipe.init(loop, 0);
outputPipe.init(loop, 0);
uv_pipe_open(inputPipe, pipeHandles[0]);
uv_pipe_open(outputPipe, pipeHandles[1]);
// Write data for reading
uv_write_t writeReq;
struct WriteCallbackData
bool Finished = false;
int Status;
} writeData; = &writeData;
uv_buf_t outputBuf;
outputBuf.base = outputData;
outputBuf.len = outputDataLength;
if ((err = uv_write(&writeReq, outputPipe, &outputBuf, 1,
[](uv_write_t* req, int status) {
auto data = static_cast<WriteCallbackData*>(req->data);
data->Finished = true;
data->Status = status;
})) < 0) {
std::cout << "Could not write to pipe: " << uv_strerror(err) << std::endl;
return false;
while (!writeData.Finished) {
uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_ONCE);
if (writeData.Status < 0) {
std::cout << "Status is " << uv_strerror(writeData.Status)
<< ", should be 0" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool writeDataToStreamProcess(uv_loop_t& loop, cm::uv_pipe_ptr& inputPipe,
char* outputData, unsigned int /* unused */,
const char* cmakeCommand)
int err;
inputPipe.init(loop, 0);
std::vector<std::string> arguments = { cmakeCommand, "-E", "echo_append",
outputData };
std::vector<const char*> processArgs;
for (auto const& arg : arguments) {
std::vector<uv_stdio_container_t> stdio(3);
stdio[0].flags = UV_IGNORE;
stdio[0] = nullptr;
stdio[1].flags =
static_cast<uv_stdio_flags>(UV_CREATE_PIPE | UV_WRITABLE_PIPE);
stdio[1] = inputPipe;
stdio[2].flags = UV_IGNORE;
stdio[2] = nullptr;
struct ProcessExitData
bool Finished = false;
int64_t ExitStatus;
int TermSignal;
} exitData;
cm::uv_process_ptr process;
auto options = uv_process_options_t();
options.file = cmakeCommand;
options.args = const_cast<char**>(;
options.flags = UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE;
options.stdio =;
options.stdio_count = static_cast<int>(stdio.size());
options.exit_cb = [](uv_process_t* handle, int64_t exitStatus,
int termSignal) {
auto data = static_cast<ProcessExitData*>(handle->data);
data->Finished = true;
data->ExitStatus = exitStatus;
data->TermSignal = termSignal;
if ((err = process.spawn(loop, options, &exitData)) < 0) {
std::cout << "Could not spawn process: " << uv_strerror(err) << std::endl;
return false;
while (!exitData.Finished) {
uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_ONCE);
if (exitData.ExitStatus != 0) {
std::cout << "Process exit status is " << exitData.ExitStatus
<< ", should be 0" << std::endl;
return false;
if (exitData.TermSignal != 0) {
std::cout << "Process term signal is " << exitData.TermSignal
<< ", should be 0" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool testUVStreambufRead(
bool (*cb)(uv_loop_t& loop, cm::uv_pipe_ptr& inputPipe, char* outputData,
unsigned int outputDataLength, const char* cmakeCommand),
const char* cmakeCommand)
char outputData[] = TEST_STR;
bool success = false;
cm::uv_loop_ptr loop;
cm::uv_pipe_ptr inputPipe;
std::vector<char> inputData(128);
std::streamsize readLen;
std::string line;
cm::uv_timer_ptr timer;
// Create the streambuf
cmUVStreambuf inputBuf(64);
std::istream inputStream(&inputBuf);
if (inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is true, should be false" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != -1) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be -1"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
// Perform first read test - read all the data
if (!cb(*loop, inputPipe, outputData, 128, cmakeCommand)) {
goto end;
if (!inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is false, should be true" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 0) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 128) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 128"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 0) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if (std::memcmp(, outputData, 128)) {
std::cout << "Read data does not match write data" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != -1) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be -1"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
inputData.assign(128, char{});
if (inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is true, should be false" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != -1) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be -1"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
// Perform second read test - read some data and then close
if (!cb(*loop, inputPipe, outputData, 128, cmakeCommand)) {
goto end;
if (!inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is false, should be true" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 0) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 64)) != 64) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 64"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if (std::memcmp(, outputData, 64)) {
std::cout << "Read data does not match write data" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 8) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 8"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
inputData.assign(128, char{});
if (inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is true, should be false" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != -1) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be -1"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
// Perform third read test - read line by line
if (!cb(*loop, inputPipe, outputData, 128, cmakeCommand)) {
goto end;
if (!inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is false, should be true" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 0) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if (!std::getline(inputStream, line)) {
std::cout << "getline returned false, should be true" << std::endl;
goto end;
if (line != TEST_STR_LINE_1) {
std::cout << "Line 1 is \"" << line
<< "\", should be \"" TEST_STR_LINE_1 "\"" << std::endl;
goto end;
if (!std::getline(inputStream, line)) {
std::cout << "getline returned false, should be true" << std::endl;
goto end;
if (line != TEST_STR_LINE_2) {
std::cout << "Line 2 is \"" << line
<< "\", should be \"" TEST_STR_LINE_2 "\"" << std::endl;
goto end;
if (!std::getline(inputStream, line)) {
std::cout << "getline returned false, should be true" << std::endl;
goto end;
if (line != TEST_STR_LINE_3) {
std::cout << "Line 3 is \"" << line
<< "\", should be \"" TEST_STR_LINE_3 "\"" << std::endl;
goto end;
if (std::getline(inputStream, line)) {
std::cout << "getline returned true, should be false" << std::endl;
goto end;
if (inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is true, should be false" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != -1) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be -1"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
// Perform fourth read test - run the event loop outside of underflow()
if (!cb(*loop, inputPipe, outputData, 128, cmakeCommand)) {
goto end;
if (!inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is false, should be true" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 0) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 72) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 72"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 128) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 128"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 0) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 128"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != -1) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be -1"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if (inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is true, should be false" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != -1) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be -1"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
// Perform fifth read test - close the streambuf in the middle of a read
timer.init(*loop, &inputBuf);
if (!cb(*loop, inputPipe, outputData, 128, cmakeCommand)) {
goto end;
if (!inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is false, should be true" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != 0) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
[](uv_timer_t* handle) {
auto buf = static_cast<cmUVStreambuf*>(handle->data);
0, 0);
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if (inputBuf.is_open()) {
std::cout << "is_open() is true, should be false" << std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.in_avail()) != -1) {
std::cout << "in_avail() returned " << readLen << ", should be -1"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
if ((readLen = inputBuf.sgetn(, 128)) != 0) {
std::cout << "sgetn() returned " << readLen << ", should be 0"
<< std::endl;
goto end;
success = true;
return success;
int testUVStreambuf(int argc, char** const argv)
if (argc < 2) {
std::cout << "Invalid arguments.\n";
return -1;
if (!testUVStreambufRead(writeDataToStreamPipe, argv[1])) {
std::cout << "While executing testUVStreambufRead() with pipe.\n";
return -1;
if (!testUVStreambufRead(writeDataToStreamProcess, argv[1])) {
std::cout << "While executing testUVStreambufRead() with process.\n";
return -1;
return 0;