2023-07-02 19:51:09 +02:00

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CPack Inno Setup Generator
.. versionadded:: 3.27
Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs by Jordan Russell and
Martijn Laan (https://jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php).
This documentation explains Inno Setup generator specific options.
The generator provides a lot of options like components. Unfortunately, not
all features (e.g. component dependencies) are currently supported by
Inno Setup and they're ignored by the generator for now.
CPack requires Inno Setup 6 or greater and only works on Windows.
Variables specific to CPack Inno Setup generator
You can use the following variables to change the behavior of the CPack
``INNOSETUP`` generator:
None of the following variables is required to be set for the Inno Setup
generator to work. If a variable is marked as mandatory below but not set,
its default value is taken.
The variables can also contain Inno Setup constants like ``{app}``. Please
refer to the documentation of Inno Setup for more information.
If you're asked to provide the path to any file, you can always give an
absolute path or in most cases the relative path from the top-level directory
where all files being installed by an :command:`install` instruction reside.
CPack tries to escape quotes and other special characters for you. However,
using special characters could cause problems.
The following variable simplifies the usage of Inno Setup in CMake:
Inno Setup only uses ``yes`` or ``no`` as boolean formats meanwhile CMake
uses a lot of alternative formats like ``ON`` or ``OFF``. Having this option
turned on enables an automatic conversion.
Consider the following example:
.. code-block:: cmake
If this option is turned on, the following line will be created in the output
script: ``AllowNoIcons=no``.
Else, the following erroneous line will be created: ``AllowNoIcons=OFF``
The conversion is enabled in every Inno Setup specific variable.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``ON``
Setup Specific Variables
One of ``x86``, ``x64``, ``arm64`` or ``ia64``. This variable specifies the
target architecture of the installer. This also affects the Program Files
folder or registry keys being used.
CPack tries to determine the correct value with a try compile (see
:variable:`CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P`), but this option can be manually specified
too (especially when using ``ia64`` or cross-platform compilation).
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: Either ``x86`` or ``x64`` depending on the results of the try-compile
If you don't want the installer to create the installation directory under
Program Files, you've to specify the installation root here.
The full directory of the installation will be:
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``{autopf}``
If turned on, the installer allows the user to change the installation
directory providing an extra wizard page.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``ON``
The initial name of the start menu folder being created.
If this variable is set to ``.``, then no separate folder is created,
application shortcuts will appear in the top-level start menu folder.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: The value of :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME`
A :ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of languages you want
Inno Setup to include.
Currently available: ``armenian``, ``brazilianPortuguese``, ``bulgarian``,
``catalan``, ``corsican``, ``czech``, ``danish``, ``dutch``, ``english``,
``finnish``, ``french``, ``german``, ``hebrew``, ``icelandic``, ``italian``,
``japanese``, ``norwegian``, ``polish``, ``portuguese``, ``russian``,
``slovak``, ``slovenian``, ``spanish``, ``turkish`` and ``ukrainian``.
This list might differ depending on the version of Inno Setup.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``english``
If you don't specify a license file using
:variable:`CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE`, CPack uses a file for demonstration
purposes. If you want the installer to ignore license files at all, you can
enable this option.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``OFF``
If you don't specify a readme file using
:variable:`CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_README`, CPack uses a file for demonstration
purposes. If you want the installer to ignore readme files at all, you can
enable this option. Make sure the option is disabled when using
a custom readme file.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``ON``
Enables password protection and file encryption with the given password.
:Mandatory: No
Enables the modern look and feel provided by Inno Setup. If this option is
turned off, the classic style is used instead. Images and icon files are
also affected.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``OFF`` because of compatibility reasons
The path to a custom installer ``.ico`` file.
Use :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON` to customize the bitmap file being shown
in the wizard.
:Mandatory: No
.. variable:: CPACK_INNOSETUP_SETUP_<directive>
This group allows adapting any of the ``[Setup]`` section directives provided
by Inno Setup where ``directive`` is its name.
Here are some examples:
.. code-block:: cmake
set(CPACK_INNOSETUP_SETUP_WizardSmallImageFile "my_bitmap.bmp")
All of these variables have higher priority than the others.
Consider the following example:
.. code-block:: cmake
set(CPACK_INNOSETUP_SETUP_Password "admin")
The password will be ``admin`` at the end because ``CPACK_INNOSETUP_PASSWORD``
has less priority than ``CPACK_INNOSETUP_SETUP_Password``.
:Mandatory: No
File Specific Variables
Although all files being installed by an :command:`install` instruction are
automatically processed and added to the installer, there are some variables
to customize the installation process.
Before using executables (only ``.exe`` or ``.com``) in shortcuts
(e.g. :variable:`CPACK_CREATE_DESKTOP_LINKS`) or ``[Run]`` entries, you've to
add the raw file name (without path and extension) to
:variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES` and create a start menu shortcut
for them.
If you have two files with the same raw name (e.g. ``a/executable.exe`` and
``b/executable.com``), an entry in the section is created twice. This will
result in undefined behavior and is not recommended.
This variable should contain a
:ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of pairs ``path``,
``instruction`` and can be used to customize the install command being
automatically created for each file or directory.
CPack creates the following Inno Setup instruction for every file...
.. code-block::
Source: "absolute\path\to\my_file.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
...and the following line for every directory:
.. code-block::
Name: "{app}\my_folder"
You might want to change the destination directory or the flags of
``my_file.txt``. Since we can also provide a relative path, the line you'd
like to have, is the following:
.. code-block::
Source: "my_file.txt"; DestDir: "{userdocs}"; Flags: ignoreversion uninsneveruninstall
You would do this by using ``my_file.txt`` as ``path`` and
``Source: "my_file.txt"; DestDir: "{userdocs}"; Flags: ignoreversion uninsneveruninstall``
as ``instruction``.
You've to take care of the `escaping problem <https://cmake.org/cmake/help/book/mastering-cmake/chapter/Packaging%20With%20CPack.html#adding-custom-cpack-options>`_.
So the CMake command would be:
.. code-block:: cmake
set(CPACK_INNOSETUP_CUSTOM_INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS "my_file.txt;Source: \\\"my_file.txt\\\"\\; DestDir: \\\"{userdocs}\\\"\\; Flags: ignoreversion uninsneveruninstall")
To improve readability, you should go around the escaping problem by using
:variable:`CPACK_VERBATIM_VARIABLES` or by placing the instruction into a
separate CPack project config file.
If you customize the install instruction of a specific file, you lose the
connection to its component. To go around, manually add
``Components: <component>``. You also need to add its shortcuts and ``[Run]``
entries by yourself in a custom section, since the executable won't be found
anymore by :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES`.
Here's another example (Note: You've to go around the escaping problem for
the example to work):
.. code-block:: cmake
"component1/my_folder" "Name: \"{userdocs}\\my_folder\"\; Components: component1"
"component2/my_folder2/my_file.txt" "Source: \"component2\\my_folder2\\my_file.txt\"\; DestDir: \"{app}\\my_folder2\\my_file.txt\"\; Flags: ignoreversion uninsneveruninstall\; Components: component2")
:Mandatory: No
This variable should contain a
:ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of pairs ``link``,
``link name`` and can be used to add shortcuts into the start menu folder
beside those of the executables (see :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES`).
While ``link name`` is the label, ``link`` can be a URL or a path relative to
the installation directory.
Here's an example:
.. code-block:: cmake
"CMake Help" "https://cmake.org" "CMake Web Site")
:Mandatory: No
If this option is turned on, a shortcut to the application's uninstaller is
automatically added to the start menu folder.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``OFF``
A :ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of executables being
specified in :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES` which the user can run
when the installer finishes.
They're internally added to the ``[Run]`` section.
:Mandatory: No
Components Specific Variables
The generator supports components and also downloaded components. However,
there are some features of components that aren't supported yet (especially
component dependencies). These variables are ignored for now.
CPack will change a component's name in Inno Setup if it has a parent group
for technical reasons. Consider using ``group\component`` as component name in
Inno Setup scripts if you have the component ``component`` and its parent
group ``group``.
Here are some additional variables for components:
If you don't want the component ``compName`` to be installed under ``{app}``,
you've to specify its installation directory here.
:Mandatory: No
This option only affects downloaded components.
If this option is turned on, the hashes of the downloaded archives are
calculated during compile and
download time. The installer will only proceed if they match.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``ON``
Compilation and Scripting Specific Variables
The filename of the Inno Setup Script Compiler command.
:Mandatory: Yes
:Default: ``ISCC``
A :ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of extra
command-line options for the Inno Setup Script Compiler command.
For example: ``/Qp;/Smysigntool=$p``
Take care of the `escaping problem <https://cmake.org/cmake/help/book/mastering-cmake/chapter/Packaging%20With%20CPack.html#adding-custom-cpack-options>`_.
:Mandatory: No
.. variable:: CPACK_INNOSETUP_DEFINE_<macro>
This group allows to add custom define directives as command-line options to
the Inno Setup Preprocessor command. Each entry emulates a
``#define public <macro>`` directive. Its macro is accessible from anywhere
(``public``), so it can also be used in extra script files.
Macro names must not contain any special characters. Refer to the Inno Setup
Preprocessor documentation for the detailed rules.
Consider the following example:
.. code-block:: cmake
# The following line emulates: #define public MyMacro "Hello, World!"
set(CPACK_INNOSETUP_DEFINE_MyMacro "Hello, World!")
At this point, you can use ``MyMacro`` anywhere. For example in the following
extra script:
.. code-block::
AppComments={#emit "'My Macro' has the value: " + MyMacro}
Take care of the `escaping problem <https://cmake.org/cmake/help/book/mastering-cmake/chapter/Packaging%20With%20CPack.html#adding-custom-cpack-options>`_.
:Mandatory: No
A :ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of paths to
additional ``.iss`` script files to be processed.
They're internally included at the top of the output script file using a
``#include`` directive.
You can add any section in your file to extend the installer (e.g. adding
additional tasks or registry keys). Prefer using
:variable:`CPACK_INNOSETUP_SETUP_<directive>` when extending the
``[Setup]`` section.
:Mandatory: No
A :ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of paths to
additional Pascal files to be processed.
This variable is actually the same as
:variable:`CPACK_INNOSETUP_EXTRA_SCRIPTS`, except you don't have to
add ``[Code]`` at the top of your file. Never change the current section in
a code file. This will result in undefined behavior! Treat them as normal
Pascal scripts instead.
Code files are included at the very bottom of the output script.
:Mandatory: No