CMake Release Utilities *********************** This directory contains scripts used to package CMake itself for distribution on ````. See also the `CMake Source Code Guide`_. .. _`CMake Source Code Guide`: ../../Help/dev/source.rst Docker ------ The ``linux/<arch>/`` directories contain Docker specifications that anyone may use to produce Linux binaries for CMake: * ``linux/<arch>/base/Dockerfile``: Produces a base image with a build environment for portable CMake binaries. This image is published in the `kitware/cmake Docker Hub Repository`_ with tag ``build-linux-<arch>-base-<date>``. * ``linux/<arch>/deps/Dockerfile``: Produces an image with custom-built dependencies for portable CMake binaries. This image is published in the `kitware/cmake Docker Hub Repository`_ with tag ``build-linux-<arch>-deps-<date>``. * ``linux/<arch>/Dockerfile``: Produce an image containing a portable CMake binary package for Linux. Build this image using the CMake source directory as the build context. The resulting image will have an ``/out`` directory containing the package. For example: .. code-block:: console $ docker build --tag=cmake:build --network none \ -f cmake-src/Utilities/Release/linux/$arch/Dockerfile cmake-src $ docker container create --name cmake-build cmake:build $ docker cp cmake-build:/out . $ ls out/cmake-*-Linux-$arch.* * ``linux/<arch>/test/Dockerfile``: Produces a base image with a test environment for packaged CMake binaries. For example, build the test base image: .. code-block:: console $ docker build --tag=cmake:test-base \ cmake-src/Utilities/Release/linux/$arch/test Then create a local ``test/Dockerfile`` to prepare an image with both the CMake source tree and the above-built package:: FROM cmake:test-base COPY cmake-src /opt/cmake/src/cmake ADD out/cmake-<ver>-Linux-<arch>.tar.gz /opt/ ENV PATH=/opt/cmake-<ver>-Linux-<arch>/bin:$PATH Build the test image and run it to drive testing: .. code-block:: console $ docker build --tag cmake:test --network none -f test/Dockerfile . $ docker run --network none cmake:test bash test-make.bash $ docker run --network none cmake:test bash test-ninja.bash .. _`kitware/cmake Docker Hub Repository`: Scripts for Kitware ------------------- Kitware uses the following scripts to produce binaries for ````. They work only on specific machines Kitware uses for such builds. * ``create-cmake-release.cmake``: Run ``cmake -DCMAKE_CREATE_VERSION=$ver -P ../create-cmake-release.cmake`` to generate ``create-$ver-*.sh`` release scripts. It also displays instructions to run them. * ``*_release.cmake``: Platform-specific settings used in corresponding scripts generated above. * ``release_cmake.cmake``: Code shared by all ``*_release.cmake`` scripts. * ````: Template for script that runs on the actual build machines.