2020-02-01 23:06:01 +01:00

460 lines
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String operations.
.. parsed-literal::
`Search and Replace`_
string(`FIND`_ <string> <substring> <out-var> [...])
string(`REPLACE`_ <match-string> <replace-string> <out-var> <input>...)
`Regular Expressions`_
string(`REGEX MATCH`_ <match-regex> <out-var> <input>...)
string(`REGEX MATCHALL`_ <match-regex> <out-var> <input>...)
string(`REGEX REPLACE`_ <match-regex> <replace-expr> <out-var> <input>...)
string(`APPEND`_ <string-var> [<input>...])
string(`PREPEND`_ <string-var> [<input>...])
string(`CONCAT`_ <out-var> [<input>...])
string(`JOIN`_ <glue> <out-var> [<input>...])
string(`TOLOWER`_ <string> <out-var>)
string(`TOUPPER`_ <string> <out-var>)
string(`LENGTH`_ <string> <out-var>)
string(`SUBSTRING`_ <string> <begin> <length> <out-var>)
string(`STRIP`_ <string> <out-var>)
string(`GENEX_STRIP`_ <string> <out-var>)
string(`REPEAT`_ <string> <count> <out-var>)
string(`COMPARE`_ <op> <string1> <string2> <out-var>)
string(`\<HASH\> <HASH_>`_ <out-var> <input>)
string(`ASCII`_ <number>... <out-var>)
string(`CONFIGURE`_ <string> <out-var> [...])
string(`MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER`_ <string> <out-var>)
string(`RANDOM`_ [<option>...] <out-var>)
string(`TIMESTAMP`_ <out-var> [<format string>] [UTC])
string(`UUID`_ <out-var> ...)
Search and Replace
.. _FIND:
.. code-block:: cmake
string(FIND <string> <substring> <output_variable> [REVERSE])
Return the position where the given ``<substring>`` was found in
the supplied ``<string>``. If the ``REVERSE`` flag was used, the command will
search for the position of the last occurrence of the specified
``<substring>``. If the ``<substring>`` is not found, a position of -1 is
The ``string(FIND)`` subcommand treats all strings as ASCII-only characters.
The index stored in ``<output_variable>`` will also be counted in bytes,
so strings containing multi-byte characters may lead to unexpected results.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(REPLACE <match_string>
<replace_string> <output_variable>
<input> [<input>...])
Replace all occurrences of ``<match_string>`` in the ``<input>``
with ``<replace_string>`` and store the result in the ``<output_variable>``.
Regular Expressions
.. code-block:: cmake
string(REGEX MATCH <regular_expression>
<output_variable> <input> [<input>...])
Match the ``<regular_expression>`` once and store the match in the
All ``<input>`` arguments are concatenated before matching.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(REGEX MATCHALL <regular_expression>
<output_variable> <input> [<input>...])
Match the ``<regular_expression>`` as many times as possible and store the
matches in the ``<output_variable>`` as a list.
All ``<input>`` arguments are concatenated before matching.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(REGEX REPLACE <regular_expression>
<replacement_expression> <output_variable>
<input> [<input>...])
Match the ``<regular_expression>`` as many times as possible and substitute
the ``<replacement_expression>`` for the match in the output.
All ``<input>`` arguments are concatenated before matching.
The ``<replacement_expression>`` may refer to parenthesis-delimited
subexpressions of the match using ``\1``, ``\2``, ..., ``\9``. Note that
two backslashes (``\\1``) are required in CMake code to get a backslash
through argument parsing.
.. _`Regex Specification`:
Regex Specification
The following characters have special meaning in regular expressions:
Matches at beginning of input
Matches at end of input
Matches any single character
Matches the single character specified by ``<char>``. Use this to
match special regex characters, e.g. ``\.`` for a literal ``.``
or ``\\`` for a literal backslash ``\``. Escaping a non-special
character is unnecessary but allowed, e.g. ``\a`` matches ``a``.
``[ ]``
Matches any character(s) inside the brackets
``[^ ]``
Matches any character(s) not inside the brackets
Inside brackets, specifies an inclusive range between
characters on either side e.g. ``[a-f]`` is ``[abcdef]``
To match a literal ``-`` using brackets, make it the first
or the last character e.g. ``[+*/-]`` matches basic
mathematical operators.
Matches preceding pattern zero or more times
Matches preceding pattern one or more times
Matches preceding pattern zero or once only
Matches a pattern on either side of the ``|``
Saves a matched subexpression, which can be referenced
in the ``REGEX REPLACE`` operation. Additionally it is saved
by all regular expression-related commands, including
e.g. :command:`if(MATCHES)`, in the variables
:variable:`CMAKE_MATCH_<n>` for ``<n>`` 0..9.
``*``, ``+`` and ``?`` have higher precedence than concatenation. ``|``
has lower precedence than concatenation. This means that the regular
expression ``^ab+d$`` matches ``abbd`` but not ``ababd``, and the regular
expression ``^(ab|cd)$`` matches ``ab`` but not ``abd``.
CMake language :ref:`Escape Sequences` such as ``\t``, ``\r``, ``\n``,
and ``\\`` may be used to construct literal tabs, carriage returns,
newlines, and backslashes (respectively) to pass in a regex. For example:
* The quoted argument ``"[ \t\r\n]"`` specifies a regex that matches
any single whitespace character.
* The quoted argument ``"[/\\]"`` specifies a regex that matches
a single forward slash ``/`` or backslash ``\``.
* The quoted argument ``"[A-Za-z0-9_]"`` specifies a regex that matches
any single "word" character in the C locale.
* The quoted argument ``"\\(\\a\\+b\\)"`` specifies a regex that matches
the exact string ``(a+b)``. Each ``\\`` is parsed in a quoted argument
as just ``\``, so the regex itself is actually ``\(\a\+\b\)``. This
can alternatively be specified in a :ref:`bracket argument` without
having to escape the backslashes, e.g. ``[[\(\a\+\b\)]]``.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(APPEND <string_variable> [<input>...])
Append all the ``<input>`` arguments to the string.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(PREPEND <string_variable> [<input>...])
Prepend all the ``<input>`` arguments to the string.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(CONCAT <output_variable> [<input>...])
Concatenate all the ``<input>`` arguments together and store
the result in the named ``<output_variable>``.
.. _JOIN:
.. code-block:: cmake
string(JOIN <glue> <output_variable> [<input>...])
Join all the ``<input>`` arguments together using the ``<glue>``
string and store the result in the named ``<output_variable>``.
To join a list's elements, prefer to use the ``JOIN`` operator
from the :command:`list` command. This allows for the elements to have
special characters like ``;`` in them.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(TOLOWER <string> <output_variable>)
Convert ``<string>`` to lower characters.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(TOUPPER <string> <output_variable>)
Convert ``<string>`` to upper characters.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(LENGTH <string> <output_variable>)
Store in an ``<output_variable>`` a given string's length in bytes.
Note that this means if ``<string>`` contains multi-byte characters, the
result stored in ``<output_variable>`` will *not* be the number of characters.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(SUBSTRING <string> <begin> <length> <output_variable>)
Store in an ``<output_variable>`` a substring of a given ``<string>``. If
``<length>`` is ``-1`` the remainder of the string starting at ``<begin>``
will be returned. If ``<string>`` is shorter than ``<length>`` then the
end of the string is used instead.
Both ``<begin>`` and ``<length>`` are counted in bytes, so care must
be exercised if ``<string>`` could contain multi-byte characters.
.. note::
CMake 3.1 and below reported an error if ``<length>`` pointed past
the end of ``<string>``.
.. _STRIP:
.. code-block:: cmake
string(STRIP <string> <output_variable>)
Store in an ``<output_variable>`` a substring of a given ``<string>`` with
leading and trailing spaces removed.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(GENEX_STRIP <string> <output_variable>)
Strip any :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`
from the input ``<string>`` and store the result in the ``<output_variable>``.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(REPEAT <string> <count> <output_variable>)
Produce the output string as the input ``<string>`` repeated ``<count>`` times.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(COMPARE LESS <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
string(COMPARE GREATER <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
string(COMPARE EQUAL <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
string(COMPARE LESS_EQUAL <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
string(COMPARE GREATER_EQUAL <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
Compare the strings and store true or false in the ``<output_variable>``.
.. _`Supported Hash Algorithms`:
.. _`HASH`:
.. code-block:: cmake
string(<HASH> <output_variable> <input>)
Compute a cryptographic hash of the ``<input>`` string.
The supported ``<HASH>`` algorithm names are:
Message-Digest Algorithm 5, RFC 1321.
US Secure Hash Algorithm 1, RFC 3174.
US Secure Hash Algorithms, RFC 4634.
US Secure Hash Algorithms, RFC 4634.
US Secure Hash Algorithms, RFC 4634.
US Secure Hash Algorithms, RFC 4634.
Keccak SHA-3.
Keccak SHA-3.
Keccak SHA-3.
Keccak SHA-3.
.. _ASCII:
.. code-block:: cmake
string(ASCII <number> [<number> ...] <output_variable>)
Convert all numbers into corresponding ASCII characters.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(CONFIGURE <string> <output_variable>
Transform a ``<string>`` like :command:`configure_file` transforms a file.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER <string> <output_variable>)
Convert each non-alphanumeric character in the input ``<string>`` to an
underscore and store the result in the ``<output_variable>``. If the first
character of the ``<string>`` is a digit, an underscore will also be prepended
to the result.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(RANDOM [LENGTH <length>] [ALPHABET <alphabet>]
[RANDOM_SEED <seed>] <output_variable>)
Return a random string of given ``<length>`` consisting of
characters from the given ``<alphabet>``. Default length is 5 characters
and default alphabet is all numbers and upper and lower case letters.
If an integer ``RANDOM_SEED`` is given, its value will be used to seed the
random number generator.
.. code-block:: cmake
string(TIMESTAMP <output_variable> [<format_string>] [UTC])
Write a string representation of the current date
and/or time to the ``<output_variable>``.
If the command is unable to obtain a timestamp, the ``<output_variable>``
will be set to the empty string ``""``.
The optional ``UTC`` flag requests the current date/time representation to
be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) rather than local time.
The optional ``<format_string>`` may contain the following format
%% A literal percent sign (%).
%d The day of the current month (01-31).
%H The hour on a 24-hour clock (00-23).
%I The hour on a 12-hour clock (01-12).
%j The day of the current year (001-366).
%m The month of the current year (01-12).
%b Abbreviated month name (e.g. Oct).
%B Full month name (e.g. October).
%M The minute of the current hour (00-59).
%s Seconds since midnight (UTC) 1-Jan-1970 (UNIX time).
%S The second of the current minute.
60 represents a leap second. (00-60)
%U The week number of the current year (00-53).
%w The day of the current week. 0 is Sunday. (0-6)
%a Abbreviated weekday name (e.g. Fri).
%A Full weekday name (e.g. Friday).
%y The last two digits of the current year (00-99)
%Y The current year.
Unknown format specifiers will be ignored and copied to the output
If no explicit ``<format_string>`` is given, it will default to:
%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S for local time.
%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ for UTC.
.. note::
If the ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` environment variable is set,
its value will be used instead of the current time.
See for details.
.. _UUID:
.. code-block:: cmake
string(UUID <output_variable> NAMESPACE <namespace> NAME <name>
Create a universally unique identifier (aka GUID) as per RFC4122
based on the hash of the combined values of ``<namespace>``
(which itself has to be a valid UUID) and ``<name>``.
The hash algorithm can be either ``MD5`` (Version 3 UUID) or
``SHA1`` (Version 5 UUID).
A UUID has the format ``xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx``
where each ``x`` represents a lower case hexadecimal character.
Where required, an uppercase representation can be requested
with the optional ``UPPER`` flag.