Description: Manual override to use theming specified by qt6ct This is a temporary patch to make Featherpad look (at least somewhat) presentable until the Qt 6 theming story in LXQt improves. Author: Simon Quigley Origin: vendor Forwarded: not-needed Last-Update: 2023-01-24 --- This patch header follows DEP-3: --- a/featherpad/data/featherpad.desktop +++ b/featherpad/data/featherpad.desktop @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Name[it]=Nuova finestra Name[hu]=Új ablak Name[pt]=Nova Janela Name[sv]=Nytt Fönster -Exec=featherpad --win +Exec=env QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt6ct featherpad --win [Desktop Action standalone-window] Name=Standalone Window