InstallerPrompt Try or Install Lubuntu Select Your Language: ✅ Confirm You entered an incorrect password. Please try again. Select a Wi-Fi Network: (For advanced network configuration, select "Try Lubuntu") ✅ Connect Changing language... <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:12pt;">Try Lubuntu without installing it on your system. Allows you to use programs, browse the Web, and even temporarily install apps without modifying your system. Changes made within the live environment will be lost when the computer shuts down.</span></p></body></html> Try Lubuntu <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:12pt;">Install Lubuntu onto your system. You can install Lubuntu by itself, or alongside an existing operating system.</span></p></body></html> Install Lubuntu Connected Error Background image cannot be loaded. Not Connected Connecting... Disconnecting... Unknown Status Wi-Fi Password Required Enter password for "%1": Connect Failed to create Wi-Fi settings. Failed to add Wi-Fi connection. WiFi Not Available No WiFi devices were found on this system. Unable to download full language support, changing anyway...