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2016-09-24 12:14:45 +02:00
libfm-qt-0.11.1 / 2016-09-24
* Bump version to 0.11.1 (#39)
* Fix Custom Actions Submenu (#38)
* Extend
* Add C++ wrappers for libfm C APIs.
* Correct positioning of small icons in icon/thumbnail mode (#32)
* Silence new compiler warnings (#36)
* Fixes xcb linking error
* Use LXQtCompilerSettings cmake module
* Replaces deprecated QStyleOptionViewItemV4
* Fix item text direction with RTL layout (#33)
* Set tabstops for mount operation password dialog (#31)
* Fix memory leak in file open menu (#29)
* Fixes (#27)
* build: Use external translations
* ts-file removal (#26)
* Fix memory leaks in file menu (#25)
* Merge pull request #24 from philippwiesemann/fix-folder-menu-leak
* translations: fix four typos in messages (#23)
* Fix memory leak if restoring files from trash
* Fix rename dialog displaying source info twice
* Enable renaming in Properties dialog Fixes
* Cancel indexing job when closing filepropsdialog
* Bump year
0.11.0 / 2016-02-27
* Bump version number and ABI version and preparing for the initial release.
* Redirect focus operation on the folderview to the actual widget
* Use grid layout to have proper properties alignment
* Focus automatically on the first field of the filesearch dialog
* Add (folder) custom actions to foldermenu.
* Update czech translation (by Petr Balíček <>)
* Fix compiling with Qt < 5.4
* Add supports for freedesktop Xdnd direct save (XDS) protocol (closes #pcmanfm-qt/298). * Move Xdnd workarounds from pcmanfm-qt to libfm-qt.
* Protected FolderView methods for getting and setting item delegate margins
* Perform auto-completion for the path bar when the user press Tab key. This closes pcmanfm-qt/#201.
* Disable unused options in file search dialog
* Let the style engine draw the text selection rectangle.
* Fix file search with smaller than option
* Fix target language in Lithuanian translation file
* Fix memory leak if reading stream for image failed
* Update German translation
* Polish translation updated
* Polish translation updated
* Add a missing type casting to fix a compiler warning.
* Relicense libfm-qt to LGPL v.2.1.
* Avoid using blocking calls when initializing the trash can to speed up startup.
* Updated Russian translation Removed ru_RU file
* Create DnD menu with supported actions only
* make createAction public so can be hidden from view
* Adds Runtime and Devel install COMPONENT
* Quote everything that could break due to whitespaces
* Use CMake GenerateExportHeader to generate ABI header file
* Use no exceptions also with Clang
* Use QString() instead of ""
* Fix duplicated mtp mounts in the side pane by adding workarounds for potential bugs of gvfs.
* Replace g_io_scheduler which is deprecated with QThread in Fm::PathEdit. * Fix compiler warnings.
* Adds .gitignore
* Makes Release the default BUILD_TYPE
* Adds INSTALL package configuration file
* Removes XCB from the dependencies
* Adds target_include_directories() for the INSTALL_INTERFACE.
* Removes Qt Creator .user file
* Updates libraries dependencies
* Adds generation of TARGETS CMake file
* Creates and installs an package version file
* Renames and moves LIBRARY_NAME variable to the top CMakeLists
* Removes sub-project
* Rename the library to libfm-qt and fix installed header files.
* Split pcmanfm-qt into two parts and move libfm-qt to its own repository.
* Update French translation
* Italian translation updates
* Fix a crash triggered when unmounting a volume from the side pane.
* Avoid duplicated volumes and mounts in the side panel. (This fixes the mtp:// problem.)
* Fix missing null pointer check in Fm::Path::parent() and use nullptr instead of NULL in path.h.
* Code cleanup, «using» directive only if necessary
* Upgrade of pcmanfm-qt to C++11
* hu translations updated
* Fixed several problems with item selection and alignment
* Remove unnecessary qDebug traces
* Update translations.
* The signal QAbstractItemView::iconSizeChanged is only available after Qt 5.5. Add workarounds for older Qt versions.
* Add more null pointer checks in the thumbnail loader to avoid crashes caused by older versions of libfm.
* Update translations
* Avoid the column resizing tricks for the detailed list view when the view contains no columns.
* Improve the column width computation for the detailed view
* PlacesView: activate on click on the second column
* SidePane: reduce size of button's column width
* Added a filterbar + Handle virtually hidden files
* Russian translation update
* Update cs_CZ translation with the strings provided by petrbal in pull request #218.
* Allow adding or removing paths in the file search dialog. Fix bugs in searching for documents.
* Try to implement file searching by using the new Fm::FileSearchDialog class.
* Fix a incorrecy free() in fm_search_free() API.
* Add Fm::Path::take() API to take the ownership of a raw FmPath pointer.
* Add class Fm::FileSearchDialog used to show a dialog for searching files.
* Add FmSearch API which is used to build a search:// URI. (implemented in C and might become part of libfm later).
* Fix #195 - Crash when rightclick on item in trash.
* Add a null check for FmFileInfo in Fm::ProxyFolderModel::lessThan(). This closes #205.
* Fix (workaround) for right-click crash in placesview.
* Russian translation: update
* Italian translation: add desktop entry files, adjust TS files
* placesview: middle-click correct item to activate (fix of segfault)
* Check for null pointers.
* Select the folder from where we have gone up.
* Paste into folder from its context menu.
* libfm-qt: updated german translation
* libfm-qt: lupdated translation files
* Add Greek (el) translation
* added support for mouse back/forward buttons
* Update German translation
* Add new signal prepareFileMenu() to Fm::SidePane and Fm::DirTree so there's a chance to customize the file menu before its shown.
* Port some missing config options from the gtk+ version of pcmanfm.
* Also show hidden dirs in the directory tree when the "Show Hidden" option in the menu is turned on.
* Fix #190 - Column layout is not always updated.
* Create New menu actions, context menu in tree side pane, #163.
* Store side pane mode setting, #157.
* Fixes an translation regression
* Updates translations
* Uses LXQt lxqt_translate_ts() to handle translations
* Fix lxde/lxqt#447 - missing actions in Places' context menus
* Remove trailing whitespaces
* polishing German translation
* Add menu items and shortcuts for new folder and blank file, fixes #163.
* Display folders first when active and sort order descending, fixes #179.
* Avoid space wasted by incorrect decoration in detailed view columns, fixes #177.
* Avoid flickering column header while resizing manually, fixes #176.
* Hungarian translation
* Fix #627 - long startup time. (This blocking is caused by checking the availability of "network:///".)
* Enable text selection in file properties dialog
* Fix some memory leaks reported by valgrind.
* Fix warnings reported by cppcheck.
* Fix warnings reported by scan-build.
* Sort indicators in detailed view, store column and order in settings, fixes #109.
* Fix lxde/lxqt#512 - pcmanfm-qt: cannot delete to trash.
* Polish translations added
* Use 'user-trash' icon for 'Move to Trash'
* The "Custom" option in the application chooser combo box inside file properties dialog is broken. Fix by preventing recursive signal handler invocation.
* The file property dialog does not show correct default applications. Fix a bug in AppChooserComboBox::setMimeType() that does incorrect app comparison.
* When converting an UID or GID to its name, show the number as string when the user or group does not exists.
* Add more null checks.
* Portuguese update
* Add very basic "remaining time" display to the progress dialog. Fix lxde/lxqt#463 - Progress dialog of pcmanfm-qt does not show remaining time.
* Fix lxde/pcmanfm-qt#120 - Foucs "Rename" button when file name changed.
* Remove unnecessary '\n' charactor from the translated strings.
* Fix translations (the newly added string comes from the translation of libfm).
* Improve trash can handling: provide an option to delete the files if moving to trashcan fails.
* Fix broken filenames of translation files.
* More migration to Qt5 new signal/slot syntax for better type safety & speed.
* Migrade to new Qt5 signal/slot syntax for better type safety and speed.
* Fix the broken sorting option.
* Fix lxde/lxqt#448 - PCmanFM-QT renaming place bookmarks does nothing.
* Support linguistic sorting of file names. This fixes #105.
* Update the folder model & view after files are changed.
* Open folders in new tabs by middle clicking on items in the side pane.
* Portuguese update
* Fix a crash of the context menu of places view caused by change of items.
* Save the result of "Edit bookmarks" to gtk+3 bookmarks file instead of the deprecated ~/.gtkbookmarks file. This fixes bug #112 partially.
* Add spanish translations
* Update Japanese translation
* Add German translation
* add Japanese translation
* Implement "UnTrash" for files in trash:/// and close lxde/lxqt#136.
* Add Russian translation
* Drop Qt4 support in code
* Clean up CMakeLists.txt and drop Qt4 support
* New files added from LXDE Pootle server based on templates
* Commit from LXDE Pootle server by user Julius22.: 1007 of 1008 strings translated (2 need review).
* Commit from LXDE Pootle server by user Julius22.: 709 of 1008 strings translated (2 need review).
* Commit from LXDE Pootle server by user mbouzada.: 364 of 364 strings translated (0 need review).
* New files added from LXDE Pootle server based on templates
* Add cs_CZ translation for libfm-qt.
* Commit from LXDE Pootle server by user dforsi.: 364 of 364 strings translated (0 need review).
* Commit from LXDE Pootle server by user dforsi.: 358 of 364 strings translated (0 need review).
* Bump package version number and library soversion to prepare for 0.2 release.
* Fix #85 - Scrolling doesn't work in compact view.
* Hide UI elements that are not usable and disable trash can when gvfs is not available. * Add new API Fm::isUriSchemeSupported().
* Avoid showing the popup menu when moving desktop items.
* Improve handling of file selection and fixing FolderView::selectAll(), which is reported in #45. Delay the handling of selectionChanged() signal to avoid too frequent UI updates.
* Little adjustment for the grid of the folder view to decrease unnecessary margins.
* Use a new way to optimize the size of filename display based on current view mode and font size. This also fixes lxde/lxde-qt #198 - PCmanFM-qt incorrectly displays 256x256 Thumbnails.
* Fully support single click activation and auto-selection with associated options added to the preference dialog.
* Add single click and auto-selection on hover support to Fm::FolderView.
* New files added from LXDE Pootle server based on templates
* New files added from LXDE Pootle server based on templates
* Improve update of translations to avoid unnecessary regeneration of ts files.
* Improve handling of fallback icons. This closes bug #57.
* Translations are lost accidentally in a previous commit. Restore them all.
* Fix a crash in Fm::PlacesModel when gvfs is not available. This closes bug #35 - Ctrl+W closes all windows.
* Do not detect filename extension and select the whole filename by default while renaming directories. This closes bug #71 - Don't try to detect extensions on directories. * API changed: Fm::renameFile() now accepect FmFileInfo as its first parameter.
* Fix bug #80 - make execute in context menu doesn't do change permissions.
* Revert "fixed selection issue #45" This patch breaks copying files by DND in icon view mode and moving desktop icons.
* Use qss instead of QPalette to set the background color of ColorButton. This fixed bug #192 of lxde-qt.
* Rename the library from libfm-qt to libfm-qt5 when built with Qt5.
* fixed selection issue #45
* Fix middle click position calculation in detailed view mode
* Fix crash when context menu is requested but selection is empty
* Activate view items only if clicked with left mouse button
* Do not emit activated signal when keyboard modifiers are on.
* Splits the checks for needed libraries
* Removes duplicated include_directories() entry
* Make sure clang compiler does not complain
* Install pkgconfig file of libfm-qt to correct location in FreeBSD
* Fix missing return values in several methods.
* Avoid endless popups of error dialogs when there are errors launching files.
* Save thumbnails as png files correctly.
* Remember custom positions for desktop icons and fix #29.
* Add template support to the folder context menus and fix #39.
* Show "owner" in the detailed list view mode. * Fix a crash when switching to detailed list mode in qt5.
* Use xcb to set EWMH window type hint to the desktop window in Qt5. * Some more cleanup for the CMakeList.txt files
* Add initial support for Qt5.
* Try to fix #36 again.
* Fix a seg fault caused by the widget being deleted during glib signal handling.
* Code cleanup, removing unnecessary header inclusion to speed up compilation.
* Avoid further handling of MountOperation in the gio finished callback if the object is deleted.
* Use modeless dialogs for app chooser and error reporting in Fm::FileLauncher and Fm::FileMenu.
* Add an small emblem for symlinks (using icon name "emblem-symbolic-link"). Fix bug #27.
* Add missing file to git.
* Move internal implementation details to private headers which are not installed to the system.
* Implement Fm::AppChooserDialog and Fm::AppMenuView classes. * Add <Open with...>/<Other Applications> menu item to Fm::FileMenu. * Add custom app to Fm::AppChooserComboBox.
* Add Fm::AppChooserComboBox and use it in Fm::FilePropsDialog.
* Redesign Fm::FileLauncher APIs to make it more usable. * Add Fm::FileMenu::setFileLauncher() and Fm::FolderView::setFileLauncher() APIs. * Move PCManFM::View::onFileClick() and other popup menu handling to Fm::FolderView.
* Improve Fm::FileLaucher to make it easy to derive subclasses. * Implement a special dialog for opening executable files (Fix bug #13 - it does not launch executables)
* Fix bug #28 - Tash can icon does not refresh when the trash can changes its empty/full status
* Load autocompletion list for Fm::PathEdit only when the widget has the keyboard focus to avoid unnecessary I/O.
* Add proper popup menu items for selected folders and fix #20 and #19. * Some code refactors, adding openFolders() and openFolderInTerminal() to Application class.
* Fix #25 - Amount of items in the folder is not refreshed when the folder content changes. * Update status bar text properly on switching tab pages, selection changes, and folder content changes.
* Fix the broken compiler definitions caused by previous commit.
* Fix bug #22 - Do not select file extension by default on file rename. * Avoid installing private headers (*_p.h files)
* Setup pcmanfm-qt to support optional Custom Actions Menubar detects if libfm was built with vala or not if so a fm-actions.h will exist and support will be compiled in if not, will still compile with no actions menu
* Allow installation path configuration with standard CMake X_INSTALL_DIR
* Support reordering bookmark items in the places view with DND.
* Support adding bookmarks to the places view using drag and drop
* Preparing for implementing dnd for places view.
* Improve the usability of icon view mode, fixing github bug #24.
* Fix crashes caused by invalid pointer access.
* Switch current dir of the folder view correctly with dir tree view in the side pane.
* Finish chdir operation for Fm::DirTreeView.
* Support hiding hidden folders from DirTreeModel.
* Move some methods from DirTreeModel to DirTreeModelItem and fix some row updating problems.
* Implement dynamic folder loading/unloading when expanding or collapsing dir tree nodes. * Enable horizontal scrollbar of dir tree view.
* Move some code from Fm::DirTreeModel to Fm::DirTreeModelItem.
* Partially implement Fm::DirTreeView and Fm::DirTreeModel. (not finished yet)
* Fix an invalid pointer
* Implment different modes for Fm::SidePane, matching libfm-qtk design. * Add basic skeleton for dir tree view/model.
* Fix the cosmetic defect introduced by the eject buttons in the places view.
* Add eject buttons to mounted volumes in the places side pane.
* Add a wrapper class Fm::Path for FmPath C struct.
* Initialize icon_ member of PlacesModelItem correctly.
* Fix fallback icon when a platform plugin is abscent. * Make Fm::IconTheme::checkUpdate() a static function.
* Remove xsettings support. Use a cleaner way to detect config changes by monitor StyleChange events. * Add Fm::IconTheme::changed() signal which is emitted when the icon theme name is changed. * Replace nested Fm::PlacesModel::Item and related classes with their own separate toplevel classes.
* Fix the icon for files of unknown mime types, again.
* Fix the icon for files of unknown mime types.
* Add DES-EMA custom actions to the popup menus.
* Make it safe to create multiple Fm::LibFmQt objects and only initialize libfm once.
* Fix incorrect export symbols and use GNUInstallDirs for installation destination
* Use the latest libfm thumbnailer APIs.
* Fix #3614873 - Thumbnails in icon view shown upside down for some jpegs.
* Adopt recent changes of libfm. FmIcon is essentially identical to GIcon now.
* Add a UI file for application chooser dialog.
* Correctly handle display names of folders in path entry auto-completion.
* Add a global header and add proper definition for LIBFM_QT_API macro.
* Add "Empty trash" and fix a memory leak.
* Fix memory leaks for bookmarks. Fix the broken "Network" item in places.
* Reduce memory usage: Paint the folder items with our own code instead of using a dirty hacks duplicating pixmaps.
* Reduce of size of QPixmapCache in the hope of decreasing memory usage.
* Add fallback icons for places item "applications" and "network".
* Add class Fm::CachedFolderModel, a convinient way to share Fm::FolderModel objects and reduce memory usage.
* Resize the columns of detailed list view when items are inserted or removed.
* Optimize column widths in detailed list mode when the view is resized.
* Only show thumbnails for the first column in detailed list mode.
* Use new "automoc" feature of cmake 2.8.6 and remove cumbersome #include "*.moc" code.
* Trivial fix.
* Add additional custom filter support to ProxyFolderModel.
* Fix some memory leaks.
* Fix some compiler errors and update translations.
* Support the latest libfm trunk. Remove -fpermissive compiler flag and fix compiler errors/warnings.
* Adopt new libfm thumbnail APIs.
* Add soname 0.0.0 for libfm-qt, preparing for 0.1 release.
* Fix crashes caused by incorrect deletion of dialog objects.
* Enable thumbnail related settings.
* Update zh_TW translations and translation templates.
* Add Portuguese translation (pt).
* Add Lithuanian translation (lt_LT).
* Adopt the latest thumbnail API in libfm (thumbnail branch) to speed up loading.
* Workardound incorrect thumbnail painting caused by bug of QStyledItemDelegate. :-(
* Fix a crash caused by accessing data for invalid model index.
* Fix a crash caused by accessing data for invalid model index.
* Add basic thumbnail support (need the latest thumbnail branch of libfm).
* Add archiver integration for file context menus.
* Add archiver integration to file context menus.
* Add mnemonics for menu items. Make confirm dialog before delete and trash can optional.
* Update side pane according to current dir. Little fix.
* Implement "Open in Terminal" and "Open as Root".
* Implement "Auto Run" for newly inserted removable devices.
* Add "Edit Bookmarks" dialog.
* Implement "Invert Selection". Little fix of UI, add a Tool menu to main window.
* Implement "Create New" menu in the folder popup menu.
* Modify make rules for translations. Avoid deleting generated ts files when "make clean". Fix a small error in zh_TW translation.
* Add auto-completion to path entry bar.
* Rename Fm::Application to Fm::LibFmQt to decrease confusion. Set required Qt version to 4.6.
* Load translation files correctly for pcmanfm-qt and libfm-qt.
* Add basic skeleton for i18n (using Qt QTranslator & Qt Linguist).
* Add separate CMakeLists.txt files for pcmanfm and libfm-qt. Hide more implementation details from libfm-qt headers.
* Fix copyright notice in all source files.
* Install a pkgconfig file for libfm-qt for use in other projects.
* Fix a memory error caused by incorrect array size. Fix incorrect spacing of icons.
* Finish chown and chmod supports.
* Try to add file opermission settings UI.
* Implement very basic drag and drop support.
* Supress the incorrect default dnd handling of QListView.
* Try to implement Dnd.
* Finish desktop preferences.
* Improve desktop preferences and apply settings (partially done).
* Add desktop preferences dialog.
* Apply side pane icon size correctly. Add basic skeleton for archiver integration.
* Set shortcuts for frequently used menu options. Implement "rename file" support. Hide tabs when there is only one tab left (optional).
* Delete windows properly when they're closed with setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); Apply settings to windows after clicking OK in the preference dialog.
* Improve preferences dialog. Change base class of SidePane to QWidget.
* Sync the state of folder popup menu and main menu bar.
* Implement sort options for main window.
* Fix file sorting options for Fm::FolderMenu.
* Correctly implement browse history and fix crashes.
* Add very simple browse history (back/forward) handling.
* Apply gcc visiblility attributes to export less symbols.
* Correctly handle file rename/overwrite during file operations.
* Exclude unnecessary files from CPack.
* Improve folder popup menu.
* Add folder popup menu. Some UI polishing.
* Fix a little crash.
* Fix crashes when turning off desktop manager.
* Show popup menu for blank area of folders.
* Do some refactor to make Fm::FolderView cleaner. Add PCManFM::View to do file manager-specific operations.
* Move files for libfm-qt and pcmanfm-qt to separate subdirs.