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267 lines
10 KiB

#include "thumbnailjob.h"
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <libexif/exif-loader.h>
#include <QImageReader>
#include <QDir>
#include "thumbnailer.h"
namespace Fm {
QThreadPool* ThumbnailJob::threadPool_ = nullptr;
bool ThumbnailJob::localFilesOnly_ = true;
int ThumbnailJob::maxThumbnailFileSize_ = 0;
ThumbnailJob::ThumbnailJob(FileInfoList files, int size):
md5Calc_{g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_MD5)} {
ThumbnailJob::~ThumbnailJob() {
// qDebug("delete ThumbnailJob");
void ThumbnailJob::exec() {
for(auto& file: files_) {
if(isCancelled()) {
auto image = loadForFile(file);
Q_EMIT thumbnailLoaded(file, size_, image);
QImage ThumbnailJob::readImageFromStream(GInputStream* stream, size_t len) {
// FIXME: should we set a limit here? Otherwise if len is too large, we can run out of memory.
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> buffer{new unsigned char[len]}; // allocate enough buffer
unsigned char* pbuffer = buffer.get();
size_t totalReadSize = 0;
while(!isCancelled() && totalReadSize < len) {
size_t bytesToRead = totalReadSize + 4096 > len ? len - totalReadSize : 4096;
gssize readSize = g_input_stream_read(stream, pbuffer, bytesToRead, cancellable_.get(), nullptr);
if(readSize == 0) { // end of file
else if(readSize == -1) { // error
return QImage();
totalReadSize += readSize;
pbuffer += readSize;
QImage image;
image.loadFromData(buffer.get(), totalReadSize);
return image;
QImage ThumbnailJob::loadForFile(const std::shared_ptr<const FileInfo> &file) {
if(!file->canThumbnail()) {
return QImage();
// thumbnails are stored in $XDG_CACHE_HOME/thumbnails/large|normal|failed
QString thumbnailDir{g_get_user_cache_dir()};
thumbnailDir += "/thumbnails/";
// don't make thumbnails for files inside the thumbnail directory
if(FilePath::fromLocalPath(thumbnailDir.toLocal8Bit().constData()).isParentOf(file->dirPath())) {
return QImage();
const char* subdir = size_ > 128 ? "large" : "normal";
thumbnailDir += subdir;
// generate base name of the thumbnail => {md5 of uri}.png
auto origPath = file->path();
auto uri = origPath.uri();
char thumbnailName[32 + 5];
// calculate md5 hash for the uri of the original file
g_checksum_update(md5Calc_, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(uri.get()), -1);
memcpy(thumbnailName, g_checksum_get_string(md5Calc_), 32);
mempcpy(thumbnailName + 32, ".png", 5);
g_checksum_reset(md5Calc_); // reset the checksum calculator for next use
QString thumbnailFilename = thumbnailDir;
thumbnailFilename += '/';
thumbnailFilename += thumbnailName;
// qDebug() << "thumbnail:" << file->getName().c_str() << thumbnailFilename;
// try to load the thumbnail file if it exists
QImage thumbnail{thumbnailFilename};
if(thumbnail.isNull() || isThumbnailOutdated(file, thumbnail)) {
// the existing thumbnail cannot be loaded, generate a new one
// create the thumbnail dir as needd (FIXME: Qt file I/O is slow)
thumbnail = generateThumbnail(file, origPath, uri.get(), thumbnailFilename);
// resize to the size we need
if(thumbnail.width() > size_ || thumbnail.height() > size_) {
thumbnail = thumbnail.scaled(size_, size_, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
return thumbnail;
bool ThumbnailJob::isSupportedImageType(const std::shared_ptr<const MimeType>& mimeType) const {
if(mimeType->isImage()) {
auto supportedTypes = QImageReader::supportedMimeTypes();
auto found = std::find(supportedTypes.cbegin(), supportedTypes.cend(), mimeType->name());
if(found != supportedTypes.cend())
return true;
return false;
bool ThumbnailJob::isThumbnailOutdated(const std::shared_ptr<const FileInfo>& file, const QImage &thumbnail) const {
QString thumb_mtime = thumbnail.text("Thumb::MTime");
return (thumb_mtime.isEmpty() || thumb_mtime.toInt() != file->mtime());
bool ThumbnailJob::readJpegExif(GInputStream *stream, QImage& thumbnail, int& rotate_degrees) {
/* try to extract thumbnails embedded in jpeg files */
ExifLoader* exif_loader = exif_loader_new();
while(!isCancelled()) {
unsigned char buf[4096];
gssize read_size = g_input_stream_read(stream, buf, 4096, cancellable_.get(), nullptr);
if(read_size <= 0) { // EOF or error
if(exif_loader_write(exif_loader, buf, read_size) == 0) {
break; // no more EXIF data
ExifData* exif_data = exif_loader_get_data(exif_loader);
if(exif_data) {
/* reference for EXIF orientation tag:
* */
ExifEntry* orient_ent = exif_data_get_entry(exif_data, EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION);
if(orient_ent) { /* orientation flag found in EXIF */
gushort orient;
ExifByteOrder bo = exif_data_get_byte_order(exif_data);
orient = exif_get_short(orient_ent->data, bo);
switch(orient) {
case 1: /* no rotation */
rotate_degrees = 0;
case 8:
rotate_degrees = 90;
case 3:
rotate_degrees = 180;
case 6:
rotate_degrees = 270;
if(exif_data->data) { // if an embedded thumbnail is available, load it
thumbnail.loadFromData(exif_data->data, exif_data->size);
return !thumbnail.isNull();
QImage ThumbnailJob::generateThumbnail(const std::shared_ptr<const FileInfo>& file, const FilePath& origPath, const char* uri, const QString& thumbnailFilename) {
QImage result;
auto mime_type = file->mimeType();
if(isSupportedImageType(mime_type)) {
GFileInputStreamPtr ins{g_file_read(origPath.gfile().get(), cancellable_.get(), nullptr), false};
return QImage();
bool fromExif = false;
int rotate_degrees = 0;
if(strcmp(mime_type->name(), "image/jpeg") == 0) { // if this is a jpeg file
// try to get the thumbnail embedded in EXIF data
if(readJpegExif(G_INPUT_STREAM(ins.get()), result, rotate_degrees)) {
fromExif = true;
if(!fromExif) { // not able to generate a thumbnail from the EXIF data
// load the original file and do the scaling ourselves
g_seekable_seek(G_SEEKABLE(ins.get()), 0, G_SEEK_SET, cancellable_.get(), nullptr);
result = readImageFromStream(G_INPUT_STREAM(ins.get()), file->size());
g_input_stream_close(G_INPUT_STREAM(ins.get()), nullptr, nullptr);
if(!result.isNull()) { // the image is successfully loaded
// scale the image as needed
int target_size = size_ > 128 ? 256 : 128;
// only scale the original image if it's too large
if(result.width() > target_size || result.height() > target_size) {
result = result.scaled(target_size, target_size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
if(rotate_degrees != 0) {
// degree values are 0, 90, 180, and 270 counterclockwise.
// In Qt, QMatrix does rotation counterclockwise as well.
// However, because the y axis of widget coordinate system is downward,
// the real effect of the coordinate transformation becomes clockwise rotation.
// So we need to use (360 - degree) here.
// Quote from QMatrix API doc:
// Note that if you apply a QMatrix to a point defined in widget
// coordinates, the direction of the rotation will be clockwise because
// the y-axis points downwards.
result = result.transformed(QMatrix().rotate(360 - rotate_degrees));
// save the generated thumbnail to disk (don't save png thumbnails for JPEG EXIF thumbnails since loading them is cheap)
if(!fromExif) {
result.setText("Thumb::MTime", QString::number(file->mtime()));
result.setText("Thumb::URI", uri);, "PNG");
// qDebug() << "save thumbnail:" << thumbnailFilename;
else { // the image format is not supported, try to find an external thumbnailer
// try all available external thumbnailers for it until sucess
int target_size = size_ > 128 ? 256 : 128;
file->mimeType()->forEachThumbnailer([&](const std::shared_ptr<const Thumbnailer>& thumbnailer) {
if(thumbnailer->run(uri, thumbnailFilename.toLocal8Bit().constData(), target_size)) {
result = QImage(thumbnailFilename);
return !result.isNull(); // return true on success, and forEachThumbnailer() will stop.
if(!result.isNull()) {
// Some thumbnailers did not write the proper metadata required by the xdg spec to the output (such as evince-thumbnailer)
// Here we waste some time to fix them so next time we don't need to re-generate these thumbnails. :-(
bool changed = false;
if(Q_UNLIKELY(result.text("Thumb::MTime").isEmpty())) {
result.setText("Thumb::MTime", QString::number(file->mtime()));
changed = true;
if(Q_UNLIKELY(result.text("Thumb::URI").isEmpty())) {
result.setText("Thumb::URI", uri);
changed = true;
if(Q_UNLIKELY(changed)) {
// save the modified PNG file containing metadata to a file., "PNG");
return result;
QThreadPool* ThumbnailJob::threadPool() {
if(Q_UNLIKELY(threadPool_ == nullptr)) {
threadPool_ = new QThreadPool();
return threadPool_;
} // namespace Fm