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2017-12-03 21:14:14 +01:00
liblxqt-0.12.0 / 2017-10-21
2017-12-03 21:14:14 +01:00
* Bump minimum qtxdg version to 3.1.0
* Don't export github templates
* Bump version and needed versions to the final values
* lxqtpower: Allow disabling of lxqt-session provider
* HtmlDelegate: Fix sizeHint() computation
* Add some comments about the meaning of versions
* Move LXQt version back to liblxqt
* Fixes (#118)
* lxqtapplication: Avoid wrong signal handling
* Removes unneeded semicolon in namespace definition
* Fix format conversions [-Wformat-pedantic] warnings
* Suppress compiler warnings about unused function parameters
* Removes extra semicolons in Qt's Q macros
* Translator: Prefer XDG_DATA_DIRS over compiled in path
* Help the compiler optimizing loops
* Use const variables where possible
* Update AUTHORS
0.11.1 / 2017-01-01
* Release 0.11.1: Update changelog
* Bump needed build tools version (#113)
* build: Enable/disable WITH_XDG_DIRS_FALLBACK based on Qt version (#111)
* Updates lxqt-build-tools required version
* Adds a CMake minimum version requirement to the -config.cmake
* Refactors superbuild support
* Adds PROJECT_NAME to the build with Qt version message
* Pack target_compile_definitions() and target_include_directories()
* Adds PROJECT_NAME to the build with Qt version message
* Pack target_compile_definitions() and target_include_directories()
* Use the LXQtConfigVars module
* Make liblxqt depend on lxqt-build-tools
* Use the lxqt-build-tools LXQtCreatePortableHeaders
* Use the new LXQt Build Tools package
* Sets a minimum Qt5Xdg required version
* Adds minimum Qt version requirement (5.4.2)
* Remove cpack (#107)
0.11.0 / 2016-09-24
* Release 0.11.0: Add changelog
* Bump version ot 0.11.0 (#105)
* Settings: Make use of reverse_iterator conditional
* Application: Add <cerrno> include
* Settings: Add "homemade" XDG_CONFIG_DIRS support
* Settings: unify duplicated code
* Add
* translations: Change default translations repository
* Update DBus Notify method annotation name
* Fix lupdate warning missing Q_OBJECT macro
* Replaces deprecated QStyleOptionViewItemV4
* Don't lock the screen when it's already locked.
* lxqtscreensaver: Makes it a opaque pointer class
* GridLayout: Store current animation flag
* lxqtgridlayout: Move private class definition
* HtmlDelegate: Take layoutDirection into account
* GridLayout: Take layoutDirection into account
* application: Correct signal handling & clean-up (#72)
* lxqtpower: Removes unused stuff
* SingleApplication: Only create an DBus adaptor when needed
* NotificationPrivate: Fixes programming typo
* Don't set icon theme name
* configdialog: Update icons in ThemeChanged event
* lxqtpower: Add suspend and hibernate to ConsoleKit2 provider
* LXQtTranslateTs.cmake: Enable PULL_TRANSLATIONS by default
* LXQtTranslateTs.cmake: Use/update template in remote repo
* .gitignore: Cleanup
* build: Use external translations
* ts-files removal (#90)
* GridLayout: Fix memory leak
* translations: Fix external translations logic
* translations: Add external translations support
* configdialog: Fix icon bar sizing
* configdialog: fix size of PageSelectWidget (#83)
* Use const references with the foreach iterator
* SettingsCache: Improve performance
* Print warning messages when using the fallback Icon Theme
* Use LXQT_DATA_DIR for fallback icon theme search path
* Sets Oxygen as the only fallback icon theme
* Adds CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to the LXQt Theme search paths
* LXQtCompilerSettings: Add QT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER to the compile definitions
* SingleApplication: Use QCoreApplication::exit() instead of ::exit()
* bump year
* TranslateDesktopTs: Adds UPDATE_OPTIONS options
* TranslateDesktop: Remove lupdate absolute option
* TranslateDesktop: Use -a switch in grep commands
* LXQtTheme: Remove (outdated) "singleclick" qss assembly
* settings: Upgrade emitting of "changed" signals
* SingleApplication: Call also QWidget::show on activate
* Updated Russian translation Removed ru_RU file
* Use QString() instead of ""
* Add LXQT_GRAPHICS_DIR directory definition
* lxqt-config: Correct escaping while setting variables
* CMake: Removes artifact
* Adds FindXdgUserDirs CMake find_package module
* Italian translation update
0.10.0 / 2015-11-02
* Release 0.10.0
* Update translations
* Fix mixed indents
* Fix license file
* Revert "Lock screen on suspend and hibernate"
* gridlayout: Use linear animation
* gridlayout: Add occupied geometry info
* gridlayout: Fix setting geometry info
* gridlayout: Add animated move support
* license fix for AUTHORS
* config dialog: Protect against null pages add.
* pluginTranslation: removed using QStringLiteral as it was causing SEGFAULT in static finalization time
* pluginTranslation: add some symbol for referencing (for file to be not stripped out in static linking time)
* Adds "automatic" plugin translations loader support
* Warn missing xscreensaver in a non-blocking way
* Fix typos in translations/liblxqt_fr_FR.ts
* Removed country variant, improved and corrected italian translation
* Update lxqtpower.h
* Lock screen on suspend and hibernate
* licensefix for lxqttranslator.cpp
* Fix typos in comments in lxqtsingleapplicatoin.h
* Rename LxQt to LXQt everywhere
* Update Greek (el) translation Remove country variant in language code
* Handles CMake policy CMP0063
* Adds an lxqt_enable_target_exceptions() CMake function
* Adds LXQtCompilerSettings CMake module
* Removes Cannot open qss file
* LXQtCreatePkgConfigFile.cmake: Makes install COMPONENT configurable
* LXQtTranslateTs.cmake Adds install COMPONENT option
* Adds Runtime install COMPONENT
* fix build with qt 5.5
* Fixes an SuperBuild/NormalBuild FTBFS
* CMake: Use CMAKE_AUTOUIC, drop qt5_wrap()
* CMake: Quote variables
* CMake: Removes unused variables
* configdialog: Sets the page layout margin to 0
* LxQt::Application: unix signal handling support & (optional) quit handling
* Removes deprecated documentation
* Use relative paths in install DESTINATION
* Marks link libraries as PUBLIC
* Use target_compile_definitions() instead of add_definitions()
* Make Release the default build type
* Simplifies build type matching
* Use find_dependency()
* Updates the build system to the Targets infrastructure
* Removes .tx transaction dir artifact
* Sort .desktop translations. Fix typos in the comments. Remove local dir artifact.
* Updated template and german translation after moving about dialog.
* pkg-config: Adds Qt5Xdg to the required dependencies
* Updates lxqt_create_pkgconfig_file()
* Remove trailing whitespaces
* Stops using Qt5Xdg dropped stuff
* Adds LXQT_DATA_DIR configuration variable
* Sort screen saver error messages
* Updates translations
* Moves the about dialog to lxqt-about
* debug: showing qDebug()/qWarning() only in "debug" build
* LxQtTheme: removed superfluous warning (can't occure)
* debug: strip debug messages in "release" build
* Remove AddPluginDialog as it is no longer used
* Hungarian translation update
* Method to change buttons in the buttonbar of ConfigDialog has been added.
* gridlayout: avoid array out of bounds for misused sizes configuration
* gridlayout: correctly recover from wrong minSize setting
* gridlayout: avoid empty margins when stretching is active
* lxqtpower: prefer systemd as a power provider
* ConfigDialog: allow changing page by QWidget*
* Add KDevelop4 project type to .gitignore
* addplugindialog: added managing button
* require c++11 support
* addplugindialog: support for managing plugins
* Updated german translation.
* addplugindialog: corrected <> -> "" in include
* addplugindialog: remember list position
* Removes misleading "Qt translations not found!" warning
0.9.0 / 2015-02-07
* Release 0.9.0
* - Remove KF5 from prefix. This will fix compilation when KDE framework headers are not in standard paths.
* Enhance the panel Add Plugin Dialog
* Portuguese update
* Workaround Qt 5.4 issue: Re-add a config file to the file watcher if it's already deleted to get proper change notifications.
* Update Japanese translation.
* i18n/i10n: Updates documentation and behavior
* remove lxqtleave from liblxqt
* lxqt_translate_desktop: pass -h instead of --no-filename to grep which is compatible with Busybox
* Add Portuguese for actions .desktop files
* add executable to handle leave actions
* Revert 34232018eb. Fixes #430.
* Update Japanese translation.
* lxqt_translate_desktop: Updates code to cope with the cmake-policy CMP0054
* german translation
* Fix ConsoleKit powerprovicer to handle everything but logout
* - Use simple approach to data dir. Current setup of code not allows both qt4 and qt5 cohexists, and data files are same for both libraries. If a different data dir is required for specifics reason, is possible to set in cmake run -DLXQT_LIBRARY_NAME:STRING="string"
* remove not needed whitespaces
* Adds StartOptions to the SingleApplication class
* Adds the LxQt::SingleApplication class.
* CMakeLists.txt maintenaince
* Fixes yet another translations install dir mistake
* Get rid of USE_QT5 in lxqt-config.cmake
* Fixes translations install dir
* Use the new LXQtTranslate modules.
* Fixes Qt5LinguistToolsMacros file extension bug
* Copied Qt5LinguistToolsMacros.cmake
* Removes cmake commented code
* Removes duplicates add_definitions()
* Removes lxqt_translate_desktop() from the _use.cnake
* Adds Qt5TranslationLoader cmake module
* Fix HtmlDelegate and move it to its own file. Also get rid of X11 on CMakeLists.txt.
* Delete XfitMan class. Fixes lxde/lxde-qt#226
* Don't update (extract) translations by default.
* Includes all LXQt translation modules
* Adds automatic translations loaders for LXQt libs and apps
* Adds LXQtTranslateDesktop module
* Adds the LXQtranslateTs cmake module
* Update Russian translation
* Drop support for Qt4 in code
* Clean up CMakeLists.txt and drop Qt 4 support
* Add myself to the authors list
* Use QString default constructor instead of ""
0.8.0 / 2014-10-13
* Release v0.8.0
* Adds a translation loader for plugins
* Adds Qt5 automatic load of self translations
* Updates translations installation and search paths
* Mark translations as loaded for the English locale
* Updates translations
* Generate source.ts when updating translations
* Don't translate uic generated files
* Fixes another QTranslator related memory leak
* Simplify translate() code
* Fixes an memory leak that occurs when no translation is found
* Fixes lxde/lxde-qt#140 and lxde/lxqt-panel#54
* Stop creating unused QTranslator instances.
* Fix top-to-bottom layout x-coord calculation
* Fix broken *.ts files and update to the latest strings.
* Replace LXDE-Qt with LXQt.
* Add -locations absolute option to lupdate so our *.ts files can contain informations about the source lines.
* Fix incorrect namespace in the *.ts files.
* Add code to update the *.ts files when the UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS option is turned on.
* Fix context names which uses C++ namespaces in all of the *.ts files.
* Add support for getting the hints' flags of a window
* Skip leave confirmation dialogs depending on session settings
* remove magic from cmake. USE_QT5 should be the only trigger
* Use the "new" CMake FIND_PACKAGE case policy
* Add include(${QTXDG_USE_FILE}) to Qt5 also.
* Use the "new" CMake FIND_PACKAGE case policy
* Adds missing libqtxdg dependency
* Don't allow #include <lxqt-qt5/lxqtxxxxx.h>
* Updates the Qt4 and Qt5 library names and related stuff
* Use the same header namespace everywhere
* Don't use undefined variables
* Find liblxqt dependencies automatically
* Removes another duplicated installation of a file
* Removes duplicate installation of a file
* Fixes extra misleading slashes in path names
* Cleans commented unneeded stuff
* Fix a typo in variable name
* Update liblxqt_pl_PL.ts
* Fix broken build of qt4 version
* Use more portable Qt and qtxdg header names
* Use newer version of cmake 2.8.9
* Detect the path of qmake correctly for Qt5.
* Fix internal include
* Fix after merging from master, by removing dupplicated items
* Merge branch 'master' of into qt5
* Update qt5 porting
* Update Turkish tranlations
* Set include dirs properly.
* Install pkgconfig file to /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig when FreeBSD is detected.
* Set link directories properly
* Use cmake export functionality.
* Qt5 support (step 1)
* Intree build
0.7.0 / 2014-05-07
* Release 0.7.0
0.6.99 / 2014-05-01
* Release 0.6.99 (0.7.0pre alpha)
* Update the About dialog information
* Add CPack rules for creating tarball
* Fix incorrect arguments passing to logind
* Don't append library suffix to library path and use it by default
* CMakeLists.txt: Adds quotes to the lib string
* Respect standard LIB_INSTALL_DIR
* Reformats CMakeLists.txt to fit in an 80x24 terminal
* Removes blank lines
* Properly format about author dialog links
* Removed CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR and CMAKE_BINARY_DIR usages from translatorsinfo/CMakeLists.txt
* Retain old CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS while adding visibility stuff. Add -Wl,-no-undefined -Wall flags to ensure correctness.
* Add missing file.
* Use gcc visibility feature to decrease number of exported symbols to half.
* Use the correct updated org.freedesktop.Notifications.xml file from razor-resources.
* Restore previous XfitMan::moveWindowToDesktop() due to regression bugs.
* Add setIconGeometry(), getShowingDesktop(), setShowingDesktop(), and getWMState() to Xfitman.
* Fix renaming bugs, replacing lxqt-qt with lxde-qt
* Finish the crazy razor=>lxqt renaming tasks.
* Add logout support for lxsession.
* Rename razor to lxqt in settings
* find themes when they are located in /usr/local/...
* Revert "header fix"
* header fix
* Add proper namespace to signal parameters due to the limitation of Qt moc system.
* Rename razor to lxqt and fix XdgDir header inclusion.
* Add missing namespace for LxQt::PowerManager.
* Fix namespace for LxQt::xFitMan() to avoid undefined reference when linking with liblxqt.
* The Translatator class added, all translations moved to /usr/<local>/share/lxde/transalations
* Descriptions for translators
* Razor-qt => LXDE-Qt on about dialog
* Simplify translations script
* Simplify translations script
* All public files has lxqt prefix
* XfitMan => LxQt::XfitMan
* ScreenSaver => LxQt::ScreenSaver
* RotatedWidget => LxQt::RotatedWidget
* Razorsettings => LxQt::Settings
* RazorPluginInfo => LxQt::PluginInfo
* RazorNotification => LxQt::Notification
* RazorGridLayout => LxQt::GridLayout
* RazorAutostartEntry => LxQt::AutostartEntry
* RazorApplication => LxQt::Application
* ProgramFinder=>LxQt::ProgramFinder
* RazorConfigDialog=>LxQt::ConfigDialog
* Libtranslate => LxQt::LibTranslate
* TranslatorsInfo => LxQt::TranslatorsInfo
* Small code refactoring in the LxQt::Power
* AddPluginDialog => LxQt::AddPluginDialog
* RazorAboutDlg => LxQt::AboutDialog
* RazorPower => LxQt::Power
* Build errors, wrong include paths.
* Cmake find_package files
* Fix broken CMakeLists.txt and make the lib compile again.
* Make liblxqt (original librazorqt) compiles independently.
* Add COPYING and AUTHORS files
* Fix for Issue #571 [quicklaunch plugin]
* Renames the "Add plugin" button to "Add Widget"
* Removes hardcoded "Add plugin" window title
* razorqt-desktop: Unify plugins and widgets names. Closes #447
* More verbose constants
* Type sign fixed
* No dependencies on STL
* Typo fixed
* Issue #605 fixed. Double rendering removed
* Theme change autodetection
* Mouse event transparency is controllable in rotated widget
* Old files removed
* Rotated widget transits some mouse events
* Helper functions added to Rotated widget
* Rotated widget requires content
* Rotated widget added
* libraries: Removes unneeded include(RazorLibSuffix)
* Initial version of Razor Screenlocker
* ProgramFinder: a set of functions to check if programs are installed
* issue #473: move count/active text into item header
* initial implementation for #473 Highlight installed plugins. Now it needs to be "designed"
* Change "leave"-button in razor-lightdm-greeter to a menu button. Fix #323
* Fix typos
* Add RazorGridLayout::setCellXXXWidth, RazorGridLayout::setCellXXXHeight and RazorGridLayout::setCellFixedXXX, functions
* Fix for Issues #564 "new panel: cfg "Line size" can be set to 10px but the value is not accepted" #563 "new panel: vertical mode makes panel too lerge (width)"
* Add moveItem method to RazorGridLayout
* Close Issue #541
* Close Issue #541
* RazorGridLayout handle new item incorrectlly
* Fix translators' webpage links
* Update layout when plugin shows.
* Improved razorpanellayout and new razorgridlayout.
* Add autostart entry API into the library
* xfitman: try to get window title even harder
* New panel layout and many changes
* Improve icons handling.
* Added missing license header in the technicalinfo
* Make it possible to load translations for multiple libraries
* About dialog: Reword authors tab
* Added "Copy to clipboard" button to razor-about->technical information.
* Don't "fail" when a dbus call returns no value
* Trtanslations
* Razor-panel: New plugin API
* Simplify code in the PowerManager
* Do not display non-urgent notifications in fallback mode
* razor-power: add systemd support
* Change license for xfitman
* BSD does not handle the way with two consecutive slashes.
* Translations updated
* Translations updated
* first part of fixes based on Coverity Scan (code static analysis)
* Fix components missing translations
* razor-about: Authors text changed
* Translations
* Delete bad en_GB translations
* Update translations
* Minor fixes
* Translations updated
* Removed line num from TS files.
* Translators info & refactoring of the About dialog
* Replace <p> tag with newlines since it's not valid notification markup
* Add a fallback provider for those without UPower/CK
* Don't write on every RazorSettings initialization
* Translations
* Fixed librazorqt.qm directory
* Translations for librazorqt
* fixed #412 Panel plugin configuration is broken
* optional debugging when there is RAZOR_DEBUG env.var. set
* fix for infinite event loop on panel start in power manager when there is no DBUS/notificationd running. The QMessageBox should not be displayed on init.
* fixed #349 RazorSettings settingsChanged signal is not emitted
* razor-desktop reworked to enable future features and fix RTTI related crashes.
* Update libraries/razorqt/screensaver.cpp
* Sort plugins in the "Add plugin dialog"
* Updated ts.src files
* part of #329: on-click on notification launces default action or it tries to find appropariate window to raise; xfitman method renamed + one new
* extended "razor-about" implementation. Resolves #253
* Add capabilities and server information functions
* Improve RazorNotification docs
* Add Hints support
* notifications: vrious fixes; more options (hardcoded values removed); layouting
* notifications: razorapplication used (theming); qtxdg used; spec icon loading implemented
* Implement Actions and add some more functions
* Implement new RazorNotification class
* Remove RazorNotification classes (no license/copyright)
* Ts.src files updated.
* Language name zh_CN.GB2312 braked cmake process.
* Translations updated
* Split sessionconfigwindow and remove old module config
* fixed #284 qmmp its not registered in window list panel and properly fixed #81 Qlipper should not appear in Task Manager
* fixed #277 cmake installs private class
* Small improvement to dialog icon sizing
* Don't reset when pressing Enter
* reduce error messages when there is no session running in razor-power
* QDbusError canot be print out on Ubuntu version of qt
* notification client library uses a QMessageBox failback message when it's not able to send a dbus message
* fixed #147 razorpower: things to implement - notifications
* default arguments for notification client lib
* Fix default wallpaper loading
* GUI for change razor theme.
* Moving qtservice to libraries
* Stylesheets are not always applied.
* Typos in code. Thanks Aaron Lewis. * In razor-runner , providers item: title() was typed as tile() * For RazorSettings class , settingsChanged() was typed as settigsChanged()
* RazorSettings not read global settings.
* Changing notification ui. Adding default notitifaction icon. Embedding icons in notification
* Proper default values
* Proper id number assigned to notifications Properly remove notification by quint32 id
* Remove custom settings, use razor ones
* Adding razor-config-notificationd
* Moving notification client library to razorqt
* Don't try to print in color if it's not a terminal
* Use QSS for setting single-click mode
* Refactor desktop config to use RazorConfigDialog
* Revert "Global shortcuts now based on PSI code."
* Global shortcuts now based on PSI code
* better path for logging in DEBUG mode
* fix for theme loading when there is no theme specified in config
* Added localizedValue() in RazorSettings
* Fix: wrong path for debug log
* Config coresponds XDG directory specification
* Transifex desktop: sr_BA.ts should be a local
* strongly enhances debugging
* Transifex desktop: local translations
* Transifex desktop: Translations pulled
* fixed #218 Use <razor-dir>/session.log instead of ~/.razor-session.log
* Icons for the desktop menu
* Add Traditional Chinese Translations
* Translations update
* Added support for the online translation service.
* RazorApplication class implemented; all modules ported to this class
* Serbian translation files
* Greek translation by iosifidis
* Added danish translations
* Russian translation
* Fix for issue #100
* Fix for issue #100
* fix #169: italian translation
* Lock the screen when "Lock Screen" is selected
* Update icons change when theme changes
* Add function to use alternative icons
* Create a "standardized" configuration dialog
* Relicense razorqtlib
* XdgAutoStart rewriten (lgpl2+)
* Fix ->
* Issue#147 add return value to provide a valuable feedback to user
* menus are adopted to the new backends; old code removed; check for running razor-session to allow/disallow "logout" item
* Czech translations (cs_CZ)
* New power engine & razor-power program
* Make XDG autostart fully editable
* unneeded code removed
* Update german [de] translation
* Let XdgAutoStart return Hidden files, and save modified files
* Correct the XdgAutoStart behavior
* SVK translation finalized
* Replaces return"" by return QString()
* Initial german [de] translation
* Fix issue #116
* License audit
* implemented #70: pkg-config for libs
* Add Chinese(simplified) translation files.
* License audit
* razorqt: add find_package(X11) as ${X11_X11_LIB} is used
* Add Slovak (sk) translation
* Typo in russian translation
* Czech translations (cs_CZ)
* A-MeGo Theme
* fix for crashes when there is no upower
* fix for powermanager. These dbus calls are pain...
* New doxygen ifrastructure
* power manager: list actions only if is user allowed to call it
* fixed warning: The Free Software Foundation address in this file seems to be outdated
* devel-docs generated in CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/docs includig dummy index.html
* missing translations in CMakeLists
* XdgDesktopFile is implicitly shared
* huge refactoring of the libraries build organization