/* BEGIN_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER * (c)LGPL2+ * * LXQt - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset * http://razor-qt.org * * Copyright: 2010-2011 Razor team * Authors: * Alexander Sokoloff * Petr Vanek * * This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * END_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER */ #include "lxqtsettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace LXQt; class LXQt::SettingsPrivate { public: SettingsPrivate(Settings* parent): mFileChangeTimer(0), mAppChangeTimer(0), mAddWatchTimer(0), mParent(parent) { } QString localizedKey(const QString& key) const; QFileSystemWatcher mWatcher; int mFileChangeTimer; int mAppChangeTimer; int mAddWatchTimer; private: Settings* mParent; }; LXQtTheme* LXQtTheme::mInstance = 0; class LXQt::LXQtThemeData: public QSharedData { public: LXQtThemeData(): mValid(false) {} QString loadQss(const QString& qssFile) const; QString findTheme(const QString &themeName); QString mName; QString mPath; QString mPreviewImg; bool mValid; }; class LXQt::GlobalSettingsPrivate { public: GlobalSettingsPrivate(GlobalSettings *parent): mParent(parent), mThemeUpdated(0ull) { } GlobalSettings *mParent; QString mIconTheme; QString mLXQtTheme; qlonglong mThemeUpdated; }; /************************************************ ************************************************/ Settings::Settings(const QString& module, QObject* parent) : QSettings("lxqt", module, parent), d_ptr(new SettingsPrivate(this)) { // HACK: we need to ensure that the user (~/.config/lxqt/.conf) // exists to have functional mWatcher if (!contains("__userfile__")) { setValue("__userfile__", true); sync(); } d_ptr->mWatcher.addPath(this->fileName()); connect(&(d_ptr->mWatcher), &QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &Settings::_fileChanged); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ Settings::Settings(const QString &fileName, QSettings::Format format, QObject *parent): QSettings(fileName, format, parent), d_ptr(new SettingsPrivate(this)) { // HACK: we need to ensure that the user (~/.config/lxqt/.conf) // exists to have functional mWatcher if (!contains("__userfile__")) { setValue("__userfile__", true); sync(); } d_ptr->mWatcher.addPath(this->fileName()); connect(&(d_ptr->mWatcher), &QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &Settings::_fileChanged); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ Settings::Settings(const QSettings* parentSettings, const QString& subGroup, QObject* parent): QSettings(parentSettings->organizationName(), parentSettings->applicationName(), parent), d_ptr(new SettingsPrivate(this)) { beginGroup(subGroup); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ Settings::Settings(const QSettings& parentSettings, const QString& subGroup, QObject* parent): QSettings(parentSettings.organizationName(), parentSettings.applicationName(), parent), d_ptr(new SettingsPrivate(this)) { beginGroup(subGroup); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ Settings::~Settings() { // because in the Settings::Settings(const QString& module, QObject* parent) // constructor there is no beginGroup() called... if (!group().isEmpty()) endGroup(); delete d_ptr; } bool Settings::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::UpdateRequest) { // delay the settingsChanged* signal emitting for: // - checking in _fileChanged // - merging emitting the signals if(d_ptr->mAppChangeTimer) killTimer(d_ptr->mAppChangeTimer); d_ptr->mAppChangeTimer = startTimer(100); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Timer) { const int timer = static_cast(event)->timerId(); killTimer(timer); if (timer == d_ptr->mFileChangeTimer) { d_ptr->mFileChangeTimer = 0; fileChanged(); // invoke the real fileChanged() handler. } else if (timer == d_ptr->mAppChangeTimer) { d_ptr->mAppChangeTimer = 0; // do emit the signals emit settingsChangedByApp(); emit settingsChanged(); } else if (timer == d_ptr->mAddWatchTimer) { d_ptr->mAddWatchTimer = 0; //try to re-add filename for watching addWatchedFile(fileName()); } } return QSettings::event(event); } void Settings::fileChanged() { sync(); emit settingsChangedFromExternal(); emit settingsChanged(); } void Settings::_fileChanged(QString path) { // check if the file isn't changed by our logic // FIXME: this is poor implementation; should we rather compute some hash of values if changed by external? if (0 == d_ptr->mAppChangeTimer) { // delay the change notification for 100 ms to avoid // unnecessary repeated loading of the same config file if // the file is changed for several times rapidly. if(d_ptr->mFileChangeTimer) killTimer(d_ptr->mFileChangeTimer); d_ptr->mFileChangeTimer = startTimer(1000); } addWatchedFile(path); } void Settings::addWatchedFile(QString const & path) { // D*mn! yet another Qt 5.4 regression!!! // See the bug report: https://github.com/lxde/lxqt/issues/441 // Since Qt 5.4, QSettings uses QSaveFile to save the config files. // https://github.com/qtproject/qtbase/commit/8d15068911d7c0ba05732e2796aaa7a90e34a6a1#diff-e691c0405f02f3478f4f50a27bdaecde // QSaveFile will save the content to a new temp file, and replace the old file later. // Hence the existing config file is not changed. Instead, it's deleted and then replaced. // This new behaviour unfortunately breaks QFileSystemWatcher. // After file deletion, we can no longer receive any new change notifications. // The most ridiculous thing is, QFileSystemWatcher does not provide a // way for us to know if a file is deleted. WT*? // Luckily, I found a workaround: If the file path no longer exists // in the watcher's files(), this file is deleted. if(!d_ptr->mWatcher.files().contains(path)) // in some situations adding fails because of non-existing file (e.g. editting file in external program) if (!d_ptr->mWatcher.addPath(path) && 0 == d_ptr->mAddWatchTimer) d_ptr->mAddWatchTimer = startTimer(100); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ const GlobalSettings *Settings::globalSettings() { static QMutex mutex; static GlobalSettings *instance = 0; if (!instance) { mutex.lock(); if (!instance) instance = new GlobalSettings(); mutex.unlock(); } return instance; } /************************************************ LC_MESSAGES value Possible keys in order of matching lang_COUNTRY@MODIFIER lang_COUNTRY@MODIFIER, lang_COUNTRY, lang@MODIFIER, lang, default value lang_COUNTRY lang_COUNTRY, lang, default value lang@MODIFIER lang@MODIFIER, lang, default value lang lang, default value ************************************************/ QString SettingsPrivate::localizedKey(const QString& key) const { QString lang = getenv("LC_MESSAGES"); if (lang.isEmpty()) lang = getenv("LC_ALL"); if (lang.isEmpty()) lang = getenv("LANG"); QString modifier = lang.section('@', 1); if (!modifier.isEmpty()) lang.truncate(lang.length() - modifier.length() - 1); QString encoding = lang.section('.', 1); if (!encoding.isEmpty()) lang.truncate(lang.length() - encoding.length() - 1); QString country = lang.section('_', 1); if (!country.isEmpty()) lang.truncate(lang.length() - country.length() - 1); //qDebug() << "LC_MESSAGES: " << getenv("LC_MESSAGES"); //qDebug() << "Lang:" << lang; //qDebug() << "Country:" << country; //qDebug() << "Encoding:" << encoding; //qDebug() << "Modifier:" << modifier; if (!modifier.isEmpty() && !country.isEmpty()) { QString k = QString("%1[%2_%3@%4]").arg(key, lang, country, modifier); //qDebug() << "\t try " << k << mParent->contains(k); if (mParent->contains(k)) return k; } if (!country.isEmpty()) { QString k = QString("%1[%2_%3]").arg(key, lang, country); //qDebug() << "\t try " << k << mParent->contains(k); if (mParent->contains(k)) return k; } if (!modifier.isEmpty()) { QString k = QString("%1[%2@%3]").arg(key, lang, modifier); //qDebug() << "\t try " << k << mParent->contains(k); if (mParent->contains(k)) return k; } QString k = QString("%1[%2]").arg(key, lang); //qDebug() << "\t try " << k << mParent->contains(k); if (mParent->contains(k)) return k; //qDebug() << "\t try " << key << mParent->contains(key); return key; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QVariant Settings::localizedValue(const QString& key, const QVariant& defaultValue) const { Q_D(const Settings); return value(d->localizedKey(key), defaultValue); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void Settings::setLocalizedValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { Q_D(const Settings); setValue(d->localizedKey(key), value); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ LXQtTheme::LXQtTheme(): d(new LXQtThemeData) { } /************************************************ ************************************************/ LXQtTheme::LXQtTheme(const QString &path): d(new LXQtThemeData) { if (path.isEmpty()) return; QFileInfo fi(path); if (fi.isAbsolute()) { d->mPath = path; d->mName = fi.fileName(); d->mValid = fi.isDir(); } else { d->mName = path; d->mPath = d->findTheme(path); d->mValid = !(d->mPath.isEmpty()); } if (QDir(path).exists("preview.png")) d->mPreviewImg = path + "/preview.png"; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LXQtThemeData::findTheme(const QString &themeName) { if (themeName.isEmpty()) return QString(); QStringList paths; QLatin1String fallback(LXQT_INSTALL_PREFIX); paths << XdgDirs::dataHome(false); paths << XdgDirs::dataDirs(); if (!paths.contains(fallback)) paths << fallback; foreach(const QString &path, paths) { QDir dir(QString("%1/lxqt/themes/%2").arg(path, themeName)); if (dir.isReadable()) return dir.absolutePath(); } return QString(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ LXQtTheme::LXQtTheme(const LXQtTheme &other): d(other.d) { } /************************************************ ************************************************/ LXQtTheme::~LXQtTheme() { } /************************************************ ************************************************/ LXQtTheme& LXQtTheme::operator=(const LXQtTheme &other) { d = other.d; return *this; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ bool LXQtTheme::isValid() const { return d->mValid; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LXQtTheme::name() const { return d->mName; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LXQtTheme::path() const { return d->mPath; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LXQtTheme::previewImage() const { return d->mPreviewImg; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LXQtTheme::qss(const QString& module) const { return d->loadQss(QStringLiteral("%1/%2.qss").arg(d->mPath, module)); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LXQtThemeData::loadQss(const QString& qssFile) const { QFile f(qssFile); if (! f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { return QString(); } QString qss = f.readAll(); f.close(); if (qss.isEmpty()) return QString(); // handle relative paths QString qssDir = QFileInfo(qssFile).canonicalPath(); qss.replace(QRegExp("url.[ \\t\\s]*", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2), "url(" + qssDir + "/"); return qss; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QString LXQtTheme::desktopBackground(int screen) const { QString wallpaperCfgFileName = QString("%1/wallpaper.cfg").arg(d->mPath); if (wallpaperCfgFileName.isEmpty()) return QString(); QSettings s(wallpaperCfgFileName, QSettings::IniFormat); QString themeDir = QFileInfo(wallpaperCfgFileName).absolutePath(); // There is something strange... If I remove next line the wallpapers array is not found... s.childKeys(); s.beginReadArray("wallpapers"); s.setArrayIndex(screen - 1); if (s.contains("file")) return QString("%1/%2").arg(themeDir, s.value("file").toString()); s.setArrayIndex(0); if (s.contains("file")) return QString("%1/%2").arg(themeDir, s.value("file").toString()); return QString(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ const LXQtTheme &LXQtTheme::currentTheme() { static LXQtTheme theme; QString name = Settings::globalSettings()->value("theme").toString(); if (theme.name() != name) { theme = LXQtTheme(name); } return theme; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QList LXQtTheme::allThemes() { QList ret; QSet processed; QStringList paths; paths << XdgDirs::dataHome(false); paths << XdgDirs::dataDirs(); foreach(const QString &path, paths) { QDir dir(QString("%1/lxqt/themes").arg(path)); QFileInfoList dirs = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); foreach(const QFileInfo &dir, dirs) { if (!processed.contains(dir.fileName()) && QDir(dir.absoluteFilePath()).exists("lxqt-panel.qss")) { processed << dir.fileName(); ret << LXQtTheme(dir.absoluteFilePath()); } } } return ret; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ SettingsCache::SettingsCache(QSettings &settings) : mSettings(settings) { loadFromSettings(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ SettingsCache::SettingsCache(QSettings *settings) : mSettings(*settings) { loadFromSettings(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void SettingsCache::loadFromSettings() { const QStringList keys = mSettings.allKeys(); const int N = keys.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { mCache.insert(keys.at(i), mSettings.value(keys.at(i))); } } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void SettingsCache::loadToSettings() { QHash::const_iterator i = mCache.constBegin(); while(i != mCache.constEnd()) { mSettings.setValue(i.key(), i.value()); ++i; } mSettings.sync(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ GlobalSettings::GlobalSettings(): Settings("lxqt"), d_ptr(new GlobalSettingsPrivate(this)) { if (value("icon_theme").toString().isEmpty()) { qWarning() << QString::fromLatin1("Icon Theme not set. Fallbacking to Oxygen, if installed"); const QString fallback(QLatin1String("oxygen")); const QDir dir(QLatin1String(LXQT_DATA_DIR) + QLatin1String("/icons")); if (dir.exists(fallback)) { setValue("icon_theme", fallback); sync(); } else { qWarning() << QString::fromLatin1("Fallback Icon Theme (Oxygen) not found"); } } fileChanged(); } GlobalSettings::~GlobalSettings() { delete d_ptr; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void GlobalSettings::fileChanged() { Q_D(GlobalSettings); sync(); QString it = value("icon_theme").toString(); if (d->mIconTheme != it) { emit iconThemeChanged(); } QString rt = value("theme").toString(); qlonglong themeUpdated = value("__theme_updated__").toLongLong(); if ((d->mLXQtTheme != rt) || (d->mThemeUpdated != themeUpdated)) { d->mLXQtTheme = rt; emit lxqtThemeChanged(); } emit settingsChangedFromExternal(); emit settingsChanged(); }