# _help = Don't translate this text, it is only help. I want to thank you in the "About" dialog. So, please fill the following information about yourself. The number does not matter, all the names will be displayed in alphabetical order.

translator_1_nameEnglish = Alexander Sokolov
translator_1_nameNative  = Александр Соколов
translator_1_contact     = sokoloff.a@gmail.com

translator_2_nameEnglish = Translator 2. Oleg Maximov
translator_2_nameNative  = Translator 2. Олег Максимов
translator_2_contact     = Translator 2. gruz103@gmail.com

translator_3_nameEnglish = Translator 3. Ilya Shestopalov 
translator_3_nameNative  = Translator 3. Илья Шестопалов
translator_3_contact     = Translator 3. yast4ik@yahoo.com

# translator_4_nameEnglish = Translator 4. Your name in English. 
# translator_4_nameNative  = Translator 4. Your name in the native language.
# translator_4_contact     = Translator 4. Contact information, email or web site address.

# translator_5_nameEnglish = Translator 5. Your name in English. 
# translator_5_nameNative  = Translator 5. Your name in the native language.
# translator_5_contact     = Translator 5. Contact information, email or web site address.

# translator_6_nameEnglish = Translator 6. Your name in English. 
# translator_6_nameNative  = Translator 6. Your name in the native language.
# translator_6_contact     = Translator 6. Contact information, email or web site address.

# translator_7_nameEnglish = Translator 7. Your name in English. 
# translator_7_nameNative  = Translator 7. Your name in the native language.
# translator_7_contact     = Translator 7. Contact information, email or web site address.

# translator_8_nameEnglish = Translator 8. Your name in English. 
# translator_8_nameNative  = Translator 8. Your name in the native language.
# translator_8_contact     = Translator 8. Contact information, email or web site address.

# translator_9_nameEnglish = Translator 9. Your name in English. 
# translator_9_nameNative  = Translator 9. Your name in the native language.
# translator_9_contact     = Translator 9. Contact information, email or web site address.

# translator_10_nameEnglish = Translator 10. Your name in English. 
# translator_10_nameNative  = Translator 10. Your name in the native language.
# translator_10_contact     = Translator 10. Contact information, email or web site address.