AddPluginDialog Add plugins 新增小工具 Search: 搜尋: Add plugin 新增小工具 Close 關閉 ConfigDialog Dialog 對話框 LxQt::AboutDialogPrivate Version: %1 版本: %1 Advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on Qt technologies. About dialog, 'About' tab text 基於Qt技術打造出來使用容易、進階、快速的桌面環境 Copyright: %1-%2 %3 About dialog, 'About' tab text 版權所有: %1.%2 %3 Homepage: %1 About dialog, 'About' tab text 首頁: %1 License: %1 About dialog, 'About' tab text 憑證 :%1 LXQt is translated into many languages thanks to the work of the translation teams all over the world. About dialog, 'Translations' tab text LXQt已經有由世界各地的翻譯團隊所提供多種語言的翻譯。 Yes No <b>LxQt Desktop Toolbox - Technical Info</b> <b>LxQt桌面工具箱-技術資訊</b> Version 版本 Qt Qt Debug Build 開發除錯 System Configuration 系統設定 Share Directory 分享目錄 Translations About dialog, Tab title 翻譯 <b>User Directories</b> <b>使用者目錄</b> Xdg Data Home Xdg資料首頁 Xdg Config Home Xdg設定首頁 Xdg Data Dirs Xdg資料目錄 Xdg Cache Home Xdg快取首頁 Xdg Runtime Home Xdg 運行環境首頁 Xdg Autostart Dirs Xdg自動啟動目錄 Xdg Autostart Home Xdg自動啟動首頁 LxQt::MessageBox LxQt Power Manager Error LxQt電源管理員錯誤 Hibernate failed. 休眠失敗。 LxQt::NotificationPrivate Notifications Fallback 後備通知 LxQt::PowerManager Hibernate 休眠 Suspend 暫停 Reboot 重新啟動 Shutdown 關機 Logout 登出 LxQt Session Suspend 暫停LxQt會話 Do you want to really suspend your computer?<p>Suspends the computer into a low power state. System state is not preserved if the power is lost. 你確定要讓您的電腦進入暫停模式嗎?<p>暫停主機可以節省耗能。切斷電源後系統狀況也將遺失。 LxQt Session Hibernate 休眠LxQt會話 Do you want to really hibernate your computer?<p>Hibernates the computer into a low power state. System state is preserved if the power is lost. 您確定要讓電腦進入休眠模式嗎?<p>休眠主機可以節省耗能。切斷電源後系統狀況也將遺失。 LxQt Session Reboot 重新啟動LxQt會話 Do you want to really restart your computer? All unsaved work will be lost... 您確定要重新啟動您的電腦嗎?所有未儲存工作將會遺失…… LxQt Session Shutdown 關閉電源 Do you want to really switch off your computer? All unsaved work will be lost... 您確定要關閉您的電腦嗎?所有未儲存工作將會遺失…… LxQt Session Logout 登出LxQt會話 Do you want to really logout? All unsaved work will be lost... 您確定要登出嗎?所有未儲存工作將會遺失…… LxQt Power Manager Error LxQt電源管理員錯誤 Hibernate failed. 休眠失敗。 Suspend failed. 暫停失敗。 LxQt::ScreenSaver Lock Screen 螢幕上鎖 Screen Saver Activation Error 啟動螢幕保護程序錯誤 An error occurred starting screensaver. xdg-screensaver cannot be started due its crash. 啟動螢幕保護時發生錯誤:因為xdg-screensaver崩潰而無法啟動 An error occurred starting screensaver. xdg-screensaver is not installed correctly. 啟動螢幕保護時發生錯誤:xdg-screensaver並沒有正確安裝。 An error occurred starting screensaver. xdg-screensaver cannot be started. 啟動螢幕保護時發生錯誤:xdg-screensaver無法啟動。 An error occurred starting screensaver. Syntax error in xdg-screensaver arguments. 啟動螢幕保護時發生錯誤:xdg-screensaver參數語法錯誤。 An error occurred starting screensaver. Ensure you have xscreensaver installed and running. 啟動螢幕保護時發生錯誤:請確定您安裝並運行了xscreensaver。 An error occurred starting screensaver. Action 'activate' failed. Ensure you have xscreensaver installed and running. 啟動螢幕保護時發生錯誤:啟動失敗。請確定您安裝並運行了xscreensaver。 An error occurred starting screensaver. Unknown error - undocumented return value from xdg-screensaver=%1. 啟動螢幕保護程式時發生錯誤。未知錯誤 - 從xdg-screensaver=%1的無證回傳值 LxQt::ShortcutButton Clear 清除 None QObject Power Manager Error 電源管理錯誤 QDBusInterface is invalid QDBus介面無效 Power Manager Error (D-BUS call) 電源管理錯誤(DBus通知) about About LXQt 關於LxQt About About dialog, Tab title 關於 Authors About dialog, Tab title 作者 Thanks About dialog, Tab title 感謝 Translations About dialog, Tab title 翻譯 Technical Info About dialog, Tab title 技術資訊