AddPluginDialog Add plugins 添加插件 Search: 搜索: Add Widget Add plugin 添加插件 Close 关闭 ConfigDialog Dialog 对话框 LxQt::AboutDialogPrivate Version: %1 版本:%1 Advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on Qt technologies. About dialog, 'About' tab text 基于 Qt 技术的高级、易用、快速的桌面环境 LXQt would not have been possible without the <a %1>Razor-qt</a> project and its many contributors. About dialog, 'About' tab text Copyright: %1-%2 %3 About dialog, 'About' tab text 版权所有:%1-%2 %3 Homepage: %1 About dialog, 'About' tab text 主页:%1 License: %1 About dialog, 'About' tab text 协议:%1 LXQt is developed by the <a %1>LXQt Team and contributors</a>. About dialog, 'Authors' tab text If you are interested in working with our development team, <a %1>join us</a>. About dialog, 'Authors' tab text Special thanks to: About dialog, 'Thanks' tab text LXQt is translated into many languages thanks to the work of the translation teams all over the world. About dialog, 'Translations' tab text LXQt 已被翻译成多种语言,特别感谢来自世界各地的翻译团队的努力。 Yes No <b>LxQt Desktop Toolbox - Technical Info</b> <b>LxQt 桌面工具箱 - 技术信息</b> Version 版本 Qt Qt Debug Build 调试版本 System Configuration 系统配置 Share Directory 共享目录 Translations About dialog, Tab title 翻译 <b>User Directories</b> <b>用户目录</b> Xdg Data Home Xdg 数据位置 Xdg Config Home Xdg 配置文件 Xdg Data Dirs Xdg 数据目录 Xdg Cache Home Xdg 缓存目录 Xdg Runtime Home Xdg 运行时目录 Xdg Autostart Dirs Xdg 开机启动目录 Xdg Autostart Home Xdg 开机启动文件 LxQt::AddPluginDialog (%1 active) LxQt::MessageBox LxQt Power Manager Error LxQt电源管理器错误 Hibernate failed. 休眠失败。 LxQt::NotificationPrivate Notifications Fallback 后备消息通知 LxQt::PowerManager Hibernate 休眠 Suspend 挂起 Reboot 重启 Shutdown 关机 Logout 注销 LxQt Session Suspend 挂起LxQt会话 Do you want to really suspend your computer?<p>Suspends the computer into a low power state. System state is not preserved if the power is lost. 你真的要挂起你的计算机吗?<p>挂起的计算机将进入低功耗状态。 电源丢失后系统状态不会被保存。 LxQt Session Hibernate 休眠LxQt会话 Do you want to really hibernate your computer?<p>Hibernates the computer into a low power state. System state is preserved if the power is lost. 你真的要将你的计算机休眠吗?<p>休眠的计算机将进入低功耗状态。 电源丢失后系统状态不会被保存。 LxQt Session Reboot 重启LxQt会话 Do you want to really restart your computer? All unsaved work will be lost... 你真的想要重启你的计算机吗? 所有未保存的任务都将丢失…… LxQt Session Shutdown 关闭电源 Do you want to really switch off your computer? All unsaved work will be lost... 你真的想要关闭你的计算机吗? 所有未保存的任务都将丢失…… LxQt Session Logout 注销LxQt会话 Do you want to really logout? All unsaved work will be lost... 你真的想要注销你的计算机吗? 所有未保存的任务都将丢失…… LxQt Power Manager Error LxQt电源管理器错误 Hibernate failed. 休眠失败。 Suspend failed. 挂起失败。 LxQt::ScreenSaver Lock Screen 锁屏 Screen Saver Activation Error 屏幕保护程序激活出错 An error occurred starting screensaver. xdg-screensaver cannot be started due its crash. 启动屏幕保护时一个错误发生:xdg-screensaver由于崩溃而不能启动。 An error occurred starting screensaver. xdg-screensaver is not installed correctly. 启动屏幕保护时一个错误发生:xdg-screensaver没有正确地安装。 An error occurred starting screensaver. xdg-screensaver cannot be started. 启动屏幕保护时一个错误发生:xdg-screensaver不能启动。 An error occurred starting screensaver. Syntax error in xdg-screensaver arguments. 启动屏幕保护时一个错误发生:xdg-screensaver参数有语法错误。 An error occurred starting screensaver. Ensure you have xscreensaver installed and running. 启动屏幕保护时一个错误发生:请确保你安装并运行了xscreensaver。 An error occurred starting screensaver. Action 'activate' failed. Ensure you have xscreensaver installed and running. 启动屏幕保护时一个错误发生:“激活”失败。请确保你安装并运行了xscreensaver。 An error occurred starting screensaver. Unknown error - undocumented return value from xdg-screensaver=%1. 启动屏幕保护时出错。未知错误 - xdg-screensaver=%1 返回非正式返回值。 LxQt::ShortcutButton Clear 清除 None QObject Power Manager Error 电源管理错误 QDBusInterface is invalid QDBusInterface 不正确 Power Manager Error (D-BUS call) 电源管理错误 (D-BUS 调用) about About LXQt 关于LxQt About About dialog, Tab title 关于 Authors About dialog, Tab title 作者 Thanks About dialog, Tab title 致谢 Translations About dialog, Tab title 翻译 Technical Info About dialog, Tab title 技术信息 Copy to clipboard