# - Find the QtXdg include and library dirs and define a some macros # # The module defines the following variables # QTXDG_FOUND - Set to TRUE if all of the above has been found # # QTXDG_INCLUDE_DIR - The QtXdg include directory # # QTXDG_INCLUDE_DIRS - The QtXdg lib and it's dependencies include directories # # QTXDG_LIBRARY_DIRS - The QtXdg lib and it's dependencies linker search paths # # QTXDG_LIBRARY - The QtXdg library itself # QTXDG_LIBRARIES - The QtXdg library and all it's dependencies # # QTXDG_USE_FILE - The variable QTXDG_USE_FILE is set which is the path # to a CMake file that can be included to compile qtxdg # applications and libraries. It sets up the compilation # environment for include directories and populates a # QTXDG_LIBRARIES variable. # # QTXDG_QT_LIBRARIES - The QtXdg Qt dependencies libraries # # Typical usage: # option(USE_QT5 "Build using Qt5. Default off" OFF) # if (USE_QT5) # find_package(QT5XDG) # else() # find_package(QTXDG) # endif() # # include(${QTXDG_USE_FILE}) # add_executable(use-qtxdg main.cpp) # target_link_libraries(use-qtxdg ${QTXDG_LIBRARIES}) set(QTXDG_INCLUDE_DIR "@QTXDG_INCLUDE_DIR@") set(QTXDG_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIR "@QTXDG_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIR@") set(QTXDG_LIBRARY @QTXDGX_LIBRARY_NAME@) set(QTXDG_LIBRARIES ${QTXDG_LIBRARY}) set(QTXDG_INCLUDE_DIRS "${QTXDG_INCLUDE_DIR}") set(QTXDG_LIBRARY_DIRS "@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@") set(QTXDG_USE_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/@QTXDGX_FILE_NAME@_use.cmake") set(QTXDG_FOUND 1) set(QTXDG_QTMIMETYPES @USE_QTMIMETYPES@) set(QTXDG_MAJOR_VERSION @QTXDG_MAJOR_VERSION@) set(QTXDG_MINOR_VERSION @QTXDG_MINOR_VERSION@) set(QTXDG_PATCH_VERSION @QTXDG_PATCH_VERSION@) set(QTXDG_VERSION @QTXDG_MAJOR_VERSION@.@QTXDG_MINOR_VERSION@.@QTXDG_PATCH_VERSION@) mark_as_advanced(QTXDG_LIBRARY QTXDG_INCLUDE_DIR)