/* BEGIN_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER * (c)LGPL2+ * * Razor - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset * http://razor-qt.org * * Copyright: 2010-2011 Razor team * Authors: * Alexander Sokoloff * * This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * END_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER */ #include "xdgmenulayoutprocessor.h" #include "xmlhelper.h" #include #include // Helper functions prototypes QDomElement findLastElementByTag(const QDomElement element, const QString tagName); int childsCount(const QDomElement& element); /************************************************ ************************************************/ QDomElement findLastElementByTag(const QDomElement element, const QString tagName) { QDomNodeList l = element.elementsByTagName(tagName); if (l.isEmpty()) return QDomElement(); return l.at(l.length()-1).toElement(); } /************************************************ If no default-layout has been specified then the layout as specified by the following elements should be assumed: ************************************************/ XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::XdgMenuLayoutProcessor(QDomElement& element): mElement(element) { mDefaultParams.mShowEmpty = false; mDefaultParams.mInline = false; mDefaultParams.mInlineLimit = 4; mDefaultParams.mInlineHeader = true; mDefaultParams.mInlineAlias = false; mDefaultLayout = findLastElementByTag(element, "DefaultLayout"); if (mDefaultLayout.isNull()) { // Create DefaultLayout node QDomDocument doc = element.ownerDocument(); mDefaultLayout = doc.createElement("DefaultLayout"); QDomElement menus = doc.createElement("Merge"); menus.setAttribute("type", "menus"); mDefaultLayout.appendChild(menus); QDomElement files = doc.createElement("Merge"); files.setAttribute("type", "files"); mDefaultLayout.appendChild(files); mElement.appendChild(mDefaultLayout); } setParams(mDefaultLayout, &mDefaultParams); // If a menu does not contain a element or if it contains an empty element // then the default layout should be used. mLayout = findLastElementByTag(element, "Layout"); if (mLayout.isNull() || !mLayout.hasChildNodes()) mLayout = mDefaultLayout; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::XdgMenuLayoutProcessor(QDomElement& element, XdgMenuLayoutProcessor *parent): mElement(element) { mDefaultParams = parent->mDefaultParams; // DefaultLayout ............................ QDomElement defaultLayout = findLastElementByTag(element, "DefaultLayout"); if (defaultLayout.isNull()) mDefaultLayout = parent->mDefaultLayout; else mDefaultLayout = defaultLayout; setParams(mDefaultLayout, &mDefaultParams); // If a menu does not contain a element or if it contains an empty element // then the default layout should be used. mLayout = findLastElementByTag(element, "Layout"); if (mLayout.isNull() || !mLayout.hasChildNodes()) mLayout = mDefaultLayout; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::setParams(QDomElement defaultLayout, LayoutParams *result) { if (defaultLayout.hasAttribute("show_empty")) result->mShowEmpty = defaultLayout.attribute("show_empty") == "true"; if (defaultLayout.hasAttribute("inline")) result->mInline = defaultLayout.attribute("inline") == "true"; if (defaultLayout.hasAttribute("inline_limit")) result->mInlineLimit = defaultLayout.attribute("inline_limit").toInt(); if (defaultLayout.hasAttribute("inline_header")) result->mInlineHeader = defaultLayout.attribute("inline_header") == "true"; if (defaultLayout.hasAttribute("inline_alias")) result->mInlineAlias = defaultLayout.attribute("inline_alias") == "true"; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ QDomElement XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::searchElement(const QString &tagName, const QString &attributeName, const QString &attributeValue) const { DomElementIterator it(mElement, tagName); while (it.hasNext()) { QDomElement e = it.next(); if (e.attribute(attributeName) == attributeValue) { return e; } } return QDomElement(); } /************************************************ ************************************************/ int childsCount(const QDomElement& element) { int count = 0; DomElementIterator it(element); while (it.hasNext()) { QString tag = it.next().tagName(); if (tag == "AppLink" || tag == "Menu" || tag == "Separator") count ++; } return count; } /************************************************ ************************************************/ void XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::run() { QDomDocument doc = mLayout.ownerDocument(); mResult = doc.createElement("Result"); mElement.appendChild(mResult); // Process childs menus ............................... { DomElementIterator it(mElement, "Menu"); while (it.hasNext()) { QDomElement e = it.next(); XdgMenuLayoutProcessor p(e, this); p.run(); } } // Step 1 ................................... DomElementIterator it(mLayout); it.toFront(); while (it.hasNext()) { QDomElement e = it.next(); if (e.tagName() == "Filename") processFilenameTag(e); else if (e.tagName() == "Menuname") processMenunameTag(e); else if (e.tagName() == "Separator") processSeparatorTag(e); else if (e.tagName() == "Merge") { QDomElement merge = mResult.ownerDocument().createElement("Merge"); merge.setAttribute("type", e.attribute("type")); mResult.appendChild(merge); } } // Step 2 ................................... { MutableDomElementIterator ri(mResult, "Merge"); while (ri.hasNext()) { processMergeTag(ri.next()); } } // Move result cilds to element ............. MutableDomElementIterator ri(mResult); while (ri.hasNext()) { mElement.appendChild(ri.next()); } // Final .................................... mElement.removeChild(mResult); if (mLayout.parentNode() == mElement) mElement.removeChild(mLayout); if (mDefaultLayout.parentNode() == mElement) mElement.removeChild(mDefaultLayout); } /************************************************ The element is the most basic matching rule. It matches a desktop entry if the desktop entry has the given desktop-file id ************************************************/ void XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::processFilenameTag(const QDomElement &element) { QString id = element.text(); QDomElement appLink = searchElement("AppLink", "id", id); if (!appLink.isNull()) mResult.appendChild(appLink); } /************************************************ Its contents references an immediate sub-menu of the current menu, as such it should never contain a slash. If no such sub-menu exists the element should be ignored. This element may have various attributes, the default values are taken from the DefaultLayout key. show_empty [ bool ] defines whether a menu that contains no desktop entries and no sub-menus should be shown at all. inline [ bool ] If the inline attribute is "true" the menu that is referenced may be copied into the current menu at the current point instead of being inserted as sub-menu of the current menu. inline_limit [ int ] defines the maximum number of entries that can be inlined. If the sub-menu has more entries than inline_limit, the sub-menu will not be inlined. If the inline_limit is 0 (zero) there is no limit. inline_header [ bool ] defines whether an inlined menu should be preceded with a header entry listing the caption of the sub-menu. inline_alias [ bool ] defines whether a single inlined entry should adopt the caption of the inlined menu. In such case no additional header entry will be added regardless of the value of the inline_header attribute. Example: if a menu has a sub-menu titled "WordProcessor" with a single entry "OpenOffice 4.2", and both inline="true" and inline_alias="true" are specified then this would result in the "OpenOffice 4.2" entry being inlined in the current menu but the "OpenOffice 4.2" caption of the entry would be replaced with "WordProcessor". ************************************************/ void XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::processMenunameTag(const QDomElement &element) { QString id = element.text(); QDomElement menu = searchElement("Menu", "name", id); if (menu.isNull()) return; LayoutParams params = mDefaultParams; setParams(element, ¶ms); int count = childsCount(menu); if (count == 0) { if (params.mShowEmpty) { menu.setAttribute("keep", "true"); mResult.appendChild(menu); } return; } bool doInline = params.mInline && (!params.mInlineLimit || params.mInlineLimit > count); bool doAlias = params.mInlineAlias && doInline && (count == 1); bool doHeader = params.mInlineHeader && doInline && !doAlias; if (!doInline) { mResult.appendChild(menu); return; } // Header .................................... if (doHeader) { QDomElement header = mLayout.ownerDocument().createElement("Header"); QDomNamedNodeMap attrs = menu.attributes(); for (int i=0; i < attrs.count(); ++i) { header.setAttributeNode(attrs.item(i).toAttr()); } mResult.appendChild(header); } // Alias ..................................... if (doAlias) { menu.firstChild().toElement().setAttribute("title", menu.attribute("title")); } // Inline .................................... MutableDomElementIterator it(menu); while (it.hasNext()) { mResult.appendChild(it.next()); } } /************************************************ It indicates a suggestion to draw a visual separator at this point in the menu. elements at the start of a menu, at the end of a menu or that directly follow other elements may be ignored. ************************************************/ void XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::processSeparatorTag(const QDomElement &element) { QDomElement separator = element.ownerDocument().createElement("Separator"); mResult.appendChild(separator); } /************************************************ It indicates the point where desktop entries and sub-menus that are not explicitly mentioned within the or element are to be inserted. It has a type attribute that indicates which elements should be inserted: type="menus" means that all sub-menus that are not explicitly mentioned should be inserted in alphabetical order of their visual caption at this point. type="files" means that all desktop entries contained in this menu that are not explicitly mentioned should be inserted in alphabetical order of their visual caption at this point. type="all" means that a mix of all sub-menus and all desktop entries that are not explicitly mentioned should be inserted in alphabetical order of their visual caption at this point. ************************************************/ void XdgMenuLayoutProcessor::processMergeTag(const QDomElement &element) { QString type = element.attribute("type"); QMap map; MutableDomElementIterator it(mElement); while (it.hasNext()) { QDomElement e = it.next(); if ( ((type == "menus" || type == "all") && e.tagName() == "Menu" ) || ((type == "files" || type == "all") && e.tagName() == "AppLink") ) map.insert(e.attribute("title"), e); } QMapIterator mi(map); while (mi.hasNext()) { mi.next(); mResult.insertBefore(mi.value(), element); } mResult.removeChild(element); }