libsysstat-0.4.0 / 2017-09-23

  * correct spelling mistake
  * bump version and needed version of lxqt-build-tools
  * liblxqt make no sense here
  * Copied issue template
  * Drops Qt5Core_VERSION_STRING
  * Fixes (#17)
  * Bump years

0.3.3 / 2016-12-11

  * Release 0.3.3: Update changelog
  * Bump patch version to 3
  * Simplify include_directories and compile definitions
  * Adds Building project name and Qt version message
  * Adds a minimum Qt minimum version requirement
  * Add build dependency lxqt-build-tools
  * Use the lxqt-build-tools LXQtCreatePkgConfigFile
  * Use the lxqt-build-tools LXQtCreatePortableHeaders module
  * Use the new lxqt-build-tools package
  * Remove cpack (#14)

0.3.2 / 2016-09-17

  * Release 0.3.2: Add changelog
  * Bump version to 0.3.2
  * Add
  * fixes lxde/libsysstat/issues/11
  * Bump year and change listed licenses
  * Fix rare file descriptor leak in readAllFile()

0.3.1 / 2015-10-31

  * Release 0.3.1
  * Remove duplicate LICENSE file
  * Remove leftover translation comments
  * Fix license file
  * Add release script
  * Handles CMake policy CMP0063
  * Uses a local copy of LXQCompilerSettings
  * CMake: Adds Runtime and Devel install COMPONENTs
  * Use target_compile_definitions()
  * Use GNUInstallDirs
  * Coding style cleanups
  * Disables translations support
  * Use CMAKE_AUTOMOC, drops qt5_wrap_cpp()
  * Adapts the buildsystem to use CMake Targets
  * Fix warnings about using uninitialized variables
  * - Bump missing versioning

0.3.0 / 2014-10-21

  * Adds the Requires field to the .pc confile file
  * Generate .pc file with the proper version value
  * Clean up CMakeLists.txt, drop Qt4 support

0.2.0 / 2014-10-19

  * Release 0.2.0
  * simplify QT switching, use ENV
  * Use QString::fromLatin1() instead of QString::fromAscii()
  * Adapt the build system to handle Qt4 and Qt5
  * Improve FreeBSD support

0.1.0 / 2014-04-29

  * Update AUTHORS and COPYING
  * Add CPack rules for creating tarball
  * Don't append library suffix to library install path, but use it by default
  * Allow installation path configuration with standard CMake X_INSTALL_DIR
  * Retain old CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS while setting visibility.
  * Install cmake files.
  * Use gcc visibility to avoid unecessary symbol exports.
  * Make the lib buildable independently. Fix AUTHORS file.
  * Add COPYING and AUTHORS files
  * libraries: Removes unneeded include(RazorLibSuffix)
  * libraries: Removes unneeded cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
  * libraries: Removes unneeded find_package(Qt4)
  * Style follows the Coding Standard
  * Sysstat lib: version number functions renamed to avoid conflicts
  * SysStat: license updated & unused files removed
  * Time zone list built from ICU
  * SysStat lib: Better CPU stat handling (possible fix for issue #480)
  * Revert "Sysstat lib: default c-tors fixed (issue #480)"
  * Sysstat lib: default c-tors fixed (issue #480)
  * Relicensing again
  * Parent folder added for inclusion
  * Relicensing
  * code style is up to Coding Standards
  * SysStat library and plugin