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2015-11-13 08:09:26 -07:00
# vi: ts=4 expandtab syntax=sh
#imagesize=${IMAGE_SIZE:-$((2252*1024**2))} # 2.2G (the current size we ship)
imagesize=${IMAGE_SIZE:-2361393152} # 2.2G (the current size we ship)
clean_loops() {
local kpartx_ret
local kpartx_stdout
if [ -n "${backing_img}" ]; then
# sync before removing loop to avoid "Device or resource busy" errors
kpartx_stdout=$(kpartx -v -d "${backing_img}") || kpartx_ret=$?
echo "$kpartx_stdout"
if [ -n "$kpartx_ret" ]; then
if echo "$kpartx_stdout" | grep -q "loop deleted"; then
echo "Suppressing kpartx returning error (#860894)"
exit $kpartx_ret
unset backing_img
if [ -z "${rootfs_dev_mapper}" ]; then
return 0
unset loop_device
unset loop_raw
unset rootfs_dev_mapper
create_empty_disk_image() {
# Prepare an empty disk image
dd if=/dev/zero of="$1" bs=1 count=0 seek="${imagesize}"
create_manifest() {
local chroot_root=${1}
local target_file=${2}
echo "create_manifest chroot_root: ${chroot_root}"
dpkg-query --show --admindir="${chroot_root}/var/lib/dpkg" > ${target_file}
echo "create_manifest call to dpkg-query finished."
./config/snap-seed-parse "${chroot_root}" "${target_file}"
echo "create_manifest call to snap_seed_parse finished."
echo "create_manifest finished"
make_ext4_partition() {
label=${fs_label:+-L "${fs_label}"}
mkfs.ext4 -F -b 4096 -i 8192 -m 0 ${label} -E resize=536870912 "$device"
mount_image() {
trap clean_loops EXIT
local rootpart="$2"
kpartx_mapping="$(kpartx -s -v -a ${backing_img})"
# Find the loop device
loop_p1="$(echo -e ${kpartx_mapping} | head -n1 | awk '{print$3}')"
if [ ! -b ${loop_device} ]; then
echo "unable to find loop device for ${backing_img}"
exit 1
# Find the rootfs location
if [ ! -b "${rootfs_dev_mapper}" ]; then
echo "${rootfs_dev_mapper} is not a block device";
exit 1
# Add some information to the debug logs
echo "Mounted disk image ${backing_img} to ${rootfs_dev_mapper}"
blkid ${rootfs_dev_mapper}
return 0
setup_resolvconf() {
local mountpoint=${1}
mv "${mountpoint}/etc/resolv.conf" resolv.conf.tmp
cp /etc/resolv.conf "${mountpoint}/etc/resolv.conf"
recover_resolvconf() {
2018-10-31 13:37:44 -07:00
local mountpoint=${1}
mv resolv.conf.tmp "${mountpoint}/etc/resolv.conf"
setup_mountpoint() {
local mountpoint="$1"
mount --rbind --make-rslave /dev "$mountpoint/dev"
mount proc-live -t proc "$mountpoint/proc"
mount sysfs-live -t sysfs "$mountpoint/sys"
mount -t tmpfs none "$mountpoint/tmp"
mount -t tmpfs none "$mountpoint/var/lib/apt"
mount -t tmpfs none "$mountpoint/var/cache/apt"
setup_resolvconf "${mountpoint}"
chroot "$mountpoint" apt-get update
teardown_mountpoint() {
# Reverse the operations from setup_mountpoint
local mountpoint="$1"
# ensure we have exactly one trailing slash, and escape all slashes for awk
mountpoint_match=$(echo "$mountpoint" | sed -e's,/$,,; s,/,\\/,g;')'\/'
# sort -r ensures that deeper mountpoints are unmounted first
for submount in $(awk </proc/self/mounts "\$2 ~ /$mountpoint_match/ \
{ print \$2 }" | LC_ALL=C sort -r); do
umount $submount
recover_resolvconf "${mountpoint}"
mount_partition() {
mount "$partition" "$mountpoint"
setup_mountpoint "$mountpoint"
mount_disk_image() {
local disk_image=${1}
local mountpoint=${2}
mount_image ${disk_image} 1
mount_partition "${rootfs_dev_mapper}" $mountpoint
local uefi_dev="/dev/mapper${loop_device///dev/}p15"
if [ -b ${uefi_dev} -a -e $mountpoint/boot/efi ]; then
mount "${uefi_dev}" $mountpoint/boot/efi
# This is needed to allow for certain operations
# such as updating grub and installing software
cat > $mountpoint/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d << EOF
echo "All runlevel operations denied by policy" >&2
exit 101
chmod 0755 $mountpoint/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
umount_partition() {
local mountpoint=${1}
teardown_mountpoint $mountpoint
umount -R $mountpoint
udevadm settle
if [ -n "${rootfs_dev_mapper}" -a -b "${rootfs_dev_mapper}" ]; then
# buildd's don't have /etc/mtab symlinked
# /etc/mtab is needed in order zerofree space for ext4 filesystems
[ -e /etc/mtab ] || ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab
# both of these are likely overkill, but it does result in slightly
# smaller ext4 filesystem
e2fsck -y -E discard ${rootfs_dev_mapper}
zerofree ${rootfs_dev_mapper}
umount_disk_image() {
local uefi_dev="/dev/mapper${loop_device///dev/}p15"
if [ -e "$mountpoint/boot/efi" -a -b "$uefi_dev" ]; then
# zero fill free space in UEFI partition
cat < /dev/zero > "$mountpoint/boot/efi/bloat_file" 2> /dev/null || true
rm "$mountpoint/boot/efi/bloat_file"
umount --detach-loop "$mountpoint/boot/efi"
if [ -e $mountpoint/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d ]; then
rm $mountpoint/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
umount_partition $mountpoint
modify_vmdk_header() {
# Modify the VMDK headers so that both VirtualBox _and_ VMware can
# read the vmdk and import them. The vodoo here is _not_ documented
2015-11-12 17:33:47 -07:00
# anywhere....so this will have to do. This is undocumented vodoo
# that has been learned by the Cloud Image team.
# Extract the vmdk header for manipulation
dd if="${vmdk_name}" of="${descriptor}" bs=1 skip=512 count=1024
# The sed lines below is where the magic is. Specifically:
# ddb.toolsVersion: sets the open-vm-tools so that VMware shows
# the tooling as current
# ddb.virtualHWVersion: set the version to 7, which covers most
# current versions of VMware
# createType: make sure its set to stream Optimized
# remove the vmdk-stream-converter comment and replace with
# # Disk DescriptorFile. This is needed for Virtualbox
# remove the comments from vmdk-stream-converter which causes
# VirtualBox and others to fail VMDK validation
2015-11-13 08:09:26 -07:00
sed -e 's|# Description file.*|# Disk DescriptorFile|' \
-e '/# Believe this is random*/d' \
-e '/# Indicates no parent/d' \
2015-11-13 08:09:26 -07:00
-e '/# The Disk Data Base/d' \
-e 's|ddb.comment.*|ddb.toolsVersion = "2147483647"|' \
2015-11-12 18:52:33 -07:00
"${descriptor}" > "${newdescriptor}"
# The header is cannot be bigger than 1024
2015-11-13 08:09:26 -07:00
expr $(stat --format=%s ${newdescriptor}) \< 1024 > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
echo "descriptor is too large, VMDK will be invalid!"; exit 1; }
# Overwrite the vmdk header with our new, modified one
dd conv=notrunc,nocreat \
2015-11-12 18:52:33 -07:00
if="${newdescriptor}" of="${vmdk_name}" \
bs=1 seek=512 count=1024
2015-11-12 18:52:33 -07:00
rm ${descriptor} ${newdescriptor}
create_vmdk() {
2015-11-12 17:33:47 -07:00
# There is no real good way to create a _compressed_ VMDK using open source
2015-11-13 08:09:26 -07:00
# tooling that works across multiple VMDK-capable platforms. This functions
# uses vmdk-stream-converter and then calls modify_vmdk_header to produce a
# compatible VMDK.
2015-11-12 17:33:47 -07:00
2015-11-12 17:52:05 -07:00
scratch_d=$(mktemp -d)
cp ${src} ${scratch_d}/resize.img
2015-11-12 17:52:05 -07:00
truncate --size=${size}M ${scratch_d}/resize.img
2015-11-13 08:09:26 -07:00
python ${streamconverter} ${scratch_d}/resize.img ${destination}
modify_vmdk_header ${destination}
2015-11-13 08:09:26 -07:00
qemu-img info ${destination}
rm -rf ${scratch_d}
create_derivative() {
# arg1 is the disk type
# arg2 is the new name
unset derivative_img
case ${1} in
uefi) disk_image="binary/boot/disk-uefi.ext4";
*) disk_image="binary/boot/disk.ext4";
if [ ! -e ${disk_image} ]; then
echo "Did not find ${disk_image}!"; exit 1;
cp ${disk_image} ${dname}
export derivative_img=${dname}
convert_to_qcow2() {
qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2 -o compat=0.10 "$src" "$destination"
qemu-img info "$destination"
replace_grub_root_with_label() {
# When update-grub is run, it will detect the disks in the build system.
# Instead, we want grub to use the right labelled disk
# If boot by partuuid has been requested, don't override.
if [ -f $CHROOT_ROOT/etc/default/grub.d/40-force-partuuid.cfg ] && \
grep -q ^GRUB_FORCE_PARTUUID= $CHROOT_ROOT/etc/default/grub.d/40-force-partuuid.cfg
return 0
sed -i -e "s,root=[^ ]*,root=LABEL=${fs_label}," \
# When running update-grub in a chroot on a build host, we don't want it to
# probe for disks or probe for other installed OSes. Extract common
# diversion wrappers, so this isn't reinvented differently for each image.
divert_grub() {
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" dpkg-divert --local \
--rename /usr/sbin/grub-probe
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" touch /usr/sbin/grub-probe
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" chmod +x /usr/sbin/grub-probe
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" dpkg-divert --local \
--divert /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober.dpkg-divert \
--rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober
# Divert systemd-detect-virt; /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub
# no-ops if we are in a container, and the launchpad farm runs builds
# in lxd. We therefore pretend that we're never in a container (by
# exiting 1).
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" dpkg-divert --local \
--rename /usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt
echo "exit 1" > "$CHROOT_ROOT"/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt
chmod +x "$CHROOT_ROOT"/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt
undivert_grub() {
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" rm /usr/sbin/grub-probe
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" dpkg-divert --remove --local \
--rename /usr/sbin/grub-probe
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" dpkg-divert --remove --local \
--divert /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober.dpkg-divert \
--rename /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober
rm "$CHROOT_ROOT"/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt
chroot "$CHROOT_ROOT" dpkg-divert --remove --local \
--rename /usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt
release_ver() {
# Return the release version number
distro-info --series="$LB_DISTRIBUTION" -r | awk '{ print $1 }'
_snap_preseed() {
# Download the snap/assertion and add to the preseed
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
local SNAP=$2
local SNAP_NAME=${SNAP%/*}
local CHANNEL=${3:?Snap channel must be specified}
local seed_dir="$CHROOT_ROOT/var/lib/snapd/seed"
local snaps_dir="$seed_dir/snaps"
local seed_yaml="$seed_dir/seed.yaml"
local assertions_dir="$seed_dir/assertions"
# Download the snap & assertion
local snap_download_failed=0
ubuntu-cpc: parallel builds * Replace "snap download" with tool that uses snap store's coherence feature This is important for parallel image builds to ensure all pre-seeded snaps have the same versions across image variants. * Inject a proxy into the build providing a snapshot view of the package repo. When the REPO_SNAPSHOT_STAMP variable is set, the auto/build script will attempt to launch a transparent HTTP proxy on port 8080, and insert an iptables rule to redirect all outgoing HTTP requests to this proxy. The proxy, contained in the `magic-proxy` Python script, examines each request and silently overrides those pointing to InRelease files or files that are listed in InRelease files. It will instead provide the contents of the requested file as it was at REPO_SNAPSHOT_STAMP, by downloading the corresponding asset "by hash". * Use series files with dependency handling to generate hook symlinks dynamically This patch currently only applies to the "ubuntu-cpc" project. More and more logic has been going into the hook scripts to decide under which conditions they should run or not. As we are moving to parallelized builds of image sets, this will get even more complicated. Base hooks will have to know which image sets they belong to and modification of the dependency chain between scripts will become more complicated and prone to errors, as the number of image sets grows. This patch introduces explicit ordering and dependency handling for scripts through the use of `series` files and an explicit syntax for dependency specification.
2019-04-24 19:58:52 -05:00
sh -c "
set -x;
ubuntu-cpc: parallel builds * Replace "snap download" with tool that uses snap store's coherence feature This is important for parallel image builds to ensure all pre-seeded snaps have the same versions across image variants. * Inject a proxy into the build providing a snapshot view of the package repo. When the REPO_SNAPSHOT_STAMP variable is set, the auto/build script will attempt to launch a transparent HTTP proxy on port 8080, and insert an iptables rule to redirect all outgoing HTTP requests to this proxy. The proxy, contained in the `magic-proxy` Python script, examines each request and silently overrides those pointing to InRelease files or files that are listed in InRelease files. It will instead provide the contents of the requested file as it was at REPO_SNAPSHOT_STAMP, by downloading the corresponding asset "by hash". * Use series files with dependency handling to generate hook symlinks dynamically This patch currently only applies to the "ubuntu-cpc" project. More and more logic has been going into the hook scripts to decide under which conditions they should run or not. As we are moving to parallelized builds of image sets, this will get even more complicated. Base hooks will have to know which image sets they belong to and modification of the dependency chain between scripts will become more complicated and prone to errors, as the number of image sets grows. This patch introduces explicit ordering and dependency handling for scripts through the use of `series` files and an explicit syntax for dependency specification.
2019-04-24 19:58:52 -05:00
cd \"$CHROOT_ROOT/var/lib/snapd/seed\";
SNAPPY_STORE_NO_CDN=1 /usr/share/livecd-rootfs/snap-tool download \
--cohort-key=\"${COHORT_KEY:-}\" \
--channel=\"$CHANNEL\" \"$SNAP_NAME\"" || snap_download_failed=1
if [ $snap_download_failed = 1 ] ; then
echo "If the channel ($CHANNEL) includes '*/ubuntu-##.##' track per "
echo "Ubuntu policy (ex. stable/ubuntu-18.04) the publisher will need "
echo "to temporarily create the channel/track to allow fallback during"
echo "download (ex. stable/ubuntu-18.04 falls back to stable if the"
echo "prior had been created in the past)."
exit 1
mv -v $seed_dir/*.assert $assertions_dir
mv -v $seed_dir/*.snap $snaps_dir
# Add the snap to the seed.yaml
! [ -e $seed_yaml ] && echo "snaps:" > $seed_yaml
cat <<EOF >> $seed_yaml
name: ${SNAP_NAME}
channel: ${CHANNEL}
case ${SNAP} in */classic) echo " classic: true" >> $seed_yaml;; esac
echo -n " file: " >> $seed_yaml
(cd $snaps_dir; ls -1 ${SNAP_NAME}_*.snap) >> $seed_yaml
snap_prepare_assertions() {
# Configure basic snapd assertions
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
# A colon-separated string of brand:model to be used for the image's model
# assertion
local seed_dir="$CHROOT_ROOT/var/lib/snapd/seed"
local snaps_dir="$seed_dir/snaps"
local assertions_dir="$seed_dir/assertions"
local model_assertion="$assertions_dir/model"
local account_key_assertion="$assertions_dir/account-key"
local account_assertion="$assertions_dir/account"
mkdir -p "$assertions_dir"
mkdir -p "$snaps_dir"
local brand="$(echo $CUSTOM_BRAND_MODEL | cut -d: -f 1)"
local model="$(echo $CUSTOM_BRAND_MODEL | cut -d: -f 2)"
if ! [ -e "$model_assertion" ] ; then
snap known --remote model series=16 \
model=$model brand-id=$brand \
> "$model_assertion"
if ! [ -e "$account_key_assertion" ] ; then
local account_key=$(sed -n -e's/sign-key-sha3-384: //p' \
< "$model_assertion")
snap known --remote account-key \
public-key-sha3-384="$account_key" \
> "$account_key_assertion"
if ! [ -e "$account_assertion" ] ; then
local account=$(sed -n -e's/account-id: //p' < "$account_key_assertion")
snap known --remote account account-id=$account \
> "$account_assertion"
snap_prepare() {
# Configure basic snapd assertions and pre-seeds the 'core' snap
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
# Optional. If set, should be a colon-separated string of brand:model to be
# used for the image's model assertion
local CUSTOM_BRAND_MODEL=${2:-generic:generic-classic}
local seed_dir="$CHROOT_ROOT/var/lib/snapd/seed"
local snaps_dir="$seed_dir/snaps"
snap_prepare_assertions "$CHROOT_ROOT" "$CUSTOM_BRAND_MODEL"
# Download the core snap
if ! [ -f $snaps_dir/core_[0-9]*.snap ] ; then
_snap_preseed $CHROOT_ROOT core stable
snap_preseed() {
# Preseed a snap in the image
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
local SNAP=$2
# Per Ubuntu policy, all seeded snaps (with the exception of the core
# snap) must pull from stable/ubuntu-$(release_ver) as their channel.
local CHANNEL=${3:-"stable/ubuntu-$(release_ver)"}
snap_prepare $CHROOT_ROOT