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#!/bin/bash -eux
9 years ago
# vi: ts=4 expandtab
# Generate OVA images
# OVA images are, by defintiion a tarball consisting of a disk image, OVF file
# and checksums. This step produces an OVA that is suitable for use with
# Cloud's that support the OVF specification.
# For this step, we re-use the VMDK's made in 040-vmdk-image.binary
case ${SUBPROJECT:-} in
echo "Skipping minimized $0 build as images won't boot with linux-kvm"
exit 0
# Switch on $ARCH to determine which ID and description to use in the produced
# OVF. We have fancy Ubuntu-specific IDs in the OVF specification, we might as
# well use them.
case $ARCH in
ovf_desc_bits=64 ;;
ovf_desc_bits=32 ;;
echo "OVA images are not supported for $ARCH yet.";
exit 0;;
my_d=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${0}))
if [ "$ARCH" = "amd64" ]; then
if [ ! -e ${base_vmdk} ]; then
find . | grep vmdk
ubuntu-cpc: parallel builds * Replace "snap download" with tool that uses snap store's coherence feature This is important for parallel image builds to ensure all pre-seeded snaps have the same versions across image variants. * Inject a proxy into the build providing a snapshot view of the package repo. When the REPO_SNAPSHOT_STAMP variable is set, the auto/build script will attempt to launch a transparent HTTP proxy on port 8080, and insert an iptables rule to redirect all outgoing HTTP requests to this proxy. The proxy, contained in the `magic-proxy` Python script, examines each request and silently overrides those pointing to InRelease files or files that are listed in InRelease files. It will instead provide the contents of the requested file as it was at REPO_SNAPSHOT_STAMP, by downloading the corresponding asset "by hash". * Use series files with dependency handling to generate hook symlinks dynamically This patch currently only applies to the "ubuntu-cpc" project. More and more logic has been going into the hook scripts to decide under which conditions they should run or not. As we are moving to parallelized builds of image sets, this will get even more complicated. Base hooks will have to know which image sets they belong to and modification of the dependency chain between scripts will become more complicated and prone to errors, as the number of image sets grows. This patch introduces explicit ordering and dependency handling for scripts through the use of `series` files and an explicit syntax for dependency specification.
6 years ago
exit 1
# Lets be safe about this
scratch_d=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf ${scratch_d}" EXIT
# Used to identify bits
suite=$(chroot chroot lsb_release -c -s)
version=$(chroot chroot lsb_release --release --short)
distro=$(chroot chroot lsb_release --id --short | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
# Put our vmdk in place for OVA conversion
cp ${base_vmdk} ${vmdk_f}
# Get information about the VMDK
vmdk_size=$(du -b "${vmdk_f}" | cut -f1)
vmdk_capacity=$(qemu-img info "${vmdk_f}" | awk '-F[\( ]' '$1 ~ /virtual/ && $NF ~ /bytes.*/ {print$(NF-1)}')
# Populate the OVF template
cp ${my_d}/ovf/ubuntu-ova-v1-vmdk.tmpl ${ovf}
serial_stamp=$(date +%Y%m%d)
sed -i "${ovf}" \
-e "s/@@NAME@@/${prefix}-${serial_stamp}/g" \
-e "s/@@FILENAME@@/${vmdk_f##*/}/g" \
-e "s/@@VMDK_FILE_SIZE@@/${vmdk_size}/g" \
-e "s/@@VMDK_CAPACITY@@/${vmdk_capacity}/g" \
-e "s/@@NUM_CPUS@@/2/g" \
-e "s/@@VERSION@@/${version}/g" \
-e "s/@@DATE@@/${serial_stamp}/g" \
-e "s/@@MEM_SIZE@@/1024/g" \
-e "s/@@OVF_ID@@/${ovf_id}/g" \
-e "s/@@OVF_OS_TYPE@@/${ovf_os_type}/g" \
-e "s/@@OVF_DESC_BITS@@/${ovf_desc_bits}/g"
# Get the checksums
vmdk_sha256=$(sha256sum ${vmdk_f} | cut -d' ' -f1)
ovf_sha256=$(sha256sum ${ovf} | cut -d' ' -f1)
# Generate the manifest
cat > "${manifest}" <<EOF
SHA256(${vmdk_f##*/})= ${vmdk_sha256}
SHA256(${ovf##*/})= ${ovf_sha256}
# Now create the OVA
echo "Creating OVA with the following attributes:"
cat <<EOM
OVA information:
Name: ${prefix}
Size: ${vmdk_size}
Capacity: ${vmdk_capacity}
VMDK Name: ${vmdk_f##*/}
VMDK SHA256: ${vmdk_sha256}
OVF SHA256: ${ovf_sha256}
tar -C ${scratch_d} \
-cf ${cur_d}/livecd.ubuntu-cpc.ova \
${prefix}.ovf \
${prefix}.mf \