Import patches-unapplied version 2.291 to ubuntu/vivid-proposed

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

Changelog parent: d43f1aeb9c

New changelog entries:
  [ Michael Vogt ]
  * do not leave some packages in ^rc state on snappy/ubuntu-core
    (LP: #1428115). Thanks to Daniel Holbach
  [ Oliver Grawert ]
  * put FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=true into /etc/environment on phones, this will
    prevent the systems from trying to flash an updated initrd automatically
    in case you call update-initramfs or install your own kernel package on a
    nexus device where this is supported, please call flash-kernel manually
    after unsetting the variable in your work environment.
Oliver Grawert 10 years ago committed by usd-importer
parent d43f1aeb9c
commit 04b6ca0a8a

debian/changelog vendored

@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
livecd-rootfs (2.291) vivid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* do not leave some packages in ^rc state on snappy/ubuntu-core
(LP: #1428115). Thanks to Daniel Holbach
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* put FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=true into /etc/environment on phones, this will
prevent the systems from trying to flash an updated initrd automatically
in case you call update-initramfs or install your own kernel package on a
nexus device where this is supported, please call flash-kernel manually
after unsetting the variable in your work environment.
-- Oliver Grawert <> Fri, 06 Mar 2015 21:14:11 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.290) vivid; urgency=medium
* touch: Explicitly uninstall systemd-sysv, to help apt to install upstart

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
set -e
# we want a really minimal image
apt-get remove -y locales
apt-get purge -y locales
# this will also get rid of libqt5 - this can be removed once
# system-image-cli in vivid does no longer depend on
# ubuntu-download-manager
apt-get remove -y libicu52
apt-get purge -y libicu52

@ -21,4 +21,5 @@ ANDROID_ROOT=/system
QT_IM_MODULE=maliitphablet" > /etc/environment
