@ -132,6 +132,23 @@ create_partitions() {
--change-name=3:uEnv \
--new=1:: \
elif [ "${SUBARCH:-}" = "visionfive2" ]; then
# VisionFive 2
sgdisk "${disk_image}" \
--set-alignment=4096 \
--new=13:4096:8191 \
--typecode=13:2E54B353-1271-4842-806F-E436D6AF6985 \
--change-name=13:loader1 \
--new=2:8192:16383 \
--typecode=2:7a097280-70d2-44bc-886c-ff5ffbb7b098 \
--change-name=2:loader2 \
--new=12:16384:24575 \
--change-name=12:CIDATA \
--new=15:24576:229375 \
--typecode=15:ef00 \
--change-name=15:ESP \
--new=1:229376: \
# preinstalled server, currently FU540
# FU740 too in the future
@ -377,8 +394,32 @@ EOF
# without a cloud datasource.
setup_cinocloud mountpoint
echo "Installing GRUB for ${SUBARCH} board"
cp ${my_d}/riscv64/grub/90_watchdog-thresh.cfg mountpoint/etc/default/grub.d/
# flash-kernel is needed to install the dtb for update-grub: it uses the
# /proc/device-tree/model value to pick the correct dtb and as we are in a chroot,
# the model value is wrong and we need to use /etc/flash-kernel/machine instead.
# This explains why we install flash-kernel here.
chroot mountpoint mkdir -p /etc/flash-kernel/
chroot mountpoint bash -c "echo 'StarFive VisionFive 2 v1.3B' > /etc/flash-kernel/machine"
chroot mountpoint bash -c 'FK_FORCE=yes apt-get install -qqy grub-efi-riscv64 flash-kernel'
# Provide end-user modifyable CIDATA
setup_cidata "${cidata_dev}"
# Provide stock nocloud datasource
# Allow interactive login on baremetal board,
# without a cloud datasource.
setup_cinocloud mountpoint
# Flash-kernel creates boot.scr if it believes we did
# not boot in UEFi mode. Remove it so that we can boot
# via GRUB.
chroot mountpoint rm -f /boot/boot.scr
cp ${my_d}/riscv64/grub/90_watchdog-thresh.cfg mountpoint/etc/default/grub.d/
echo "Installing u-boot-menu for ${SUBARCH} board"
chroot mountpoint apt-get install -qqy u-boot-menu #grub-efi-riscv64
mkdir -p mountpoint/etc/u-boot-menu/conf.d/
cp ${my_d}/riscv64/u-boot-menu/*.conf mountpoint/etc/u-boot-menu/conf.d/
@ -412,7 +453,11 @@ EOF
chroot mountpoint u-boot-update
if [ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "visionfive" ] && [ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "nezha" ] && [ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "licheerv" ] && [ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "icicle" ]; then
if [ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "nezha" ] && \
[ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "licheerv" ] && \
[ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "icicle" ] \
[ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "visionfive" ] && \
[ "${SUBARCH:-}" != "visionfive2" ]; then
## TODO remove below once we have grub-efi-riscv64 for the platforms
rm mountpoint/tmp/device.map
umount mountpoint/boot/efi